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do people actually ever get a 6 on the AW section?

Guest Gnome Chomsky

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Guest Gnome Chomsky

I rarely see people on this board post anything higher than a 4.5-5, and these are people with Verbal and Math scores in the 160+ range. I was just wondering if anyone has ever gotten or knows anyone who has ever gotten a 6 on the Writing section.

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I've seen a handful of people who scored 6 here and on the Applying to Grad LJ community.

I think if you're a solid writer and quick thinker, a 6 is doable as long as you write long essays (five to seven paragraphs, though I remember someone who scored 6 whose essays were a bit shorter), use as many specific examples as possible, and make sure to add high-level GRE vocab throughout your writing.

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I got a 6, and I think it does really boil down to length, specific examples, structure/organization & recognizing the 'other side' of the argument. I pulled the old 'essay sandwich' approach with very formulaic paragraphs (Topic sentence, supporting evidence, concluding sentence). Both of my essays were 6-7 paragraphs. All of my examples were ridiculously specific scenarios that illustrated my point. I also was sure to introduce two 'On the other hand, it could be argued...' counterpoints and then refute them.

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I got a 6 and I'm in STEM fields. It wasn't very hard per se, it's just that you need to learn to write in their very specific "formula". In that sense, I personally don't think the AW section is representative of good writing. If you write a masterpiece and it doesn't fit their format, you wont get a 6 very likely. If you write a good one that does, you will.

Also, if you can fit in nice GRE words, perhaps ones the reader doesn't even know, that's huge props. Just don't be pretentious or force it just to be seem erudite. Fit one in every now and then like it's nobody's business.

Edited by chicityboy
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I got a 6, without trying to use "GRE words" or worry about structure. I don't think my essays were especially good. I usually go through many revisions of any work I do, which of course there was not time for. I took the GRE after being a writing grader/tutor for a year, so I'm sure that helped.

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Argh I just got my official scores... 5.5 AW! I can't imagine what I lost .5 on but I really feel like it's all subjective and what one grader thinks is 5.5 could very well be a 6.0.

All luck of the draw when you're 5 and above, I think.

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6; didn't really practice, just tried to answer the questions as thoroughly, rigorously, and succinctly as I could. Since the essay questions were really argument analyses, taking classes at university where you analyze arguments rigorously is helpful, I think.

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I got a 5.5 ... not entirely sure how to be honest! I barely remember what I wrote. Honestly, I think it's just practice. I have never, ever had any kind of essay-writing class; we just don't get that kind of thing in my neck of the woods. My essay-writing skills all come from from having written many, many essays over the past 10 years.


Btw: those that got a 5.5 -  I think it means you scores a 6 on one essay and a 5 on the other. At least, this is what I was told. I can certainly guess which was which on my scores.

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I got a 6 on the AW section, and I don't really know why, either. I only took the GRE once. I didn't practice -- and I actually made up data to support my argument! I think it's all a little silly. As long as you're around a 5, I don't think it matters too much, especially if your writing sample is good.

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I got a 5.5, which I hope will offset my low math scores. I don't kow how much they look at it, but I am applying to English programs, so I wanted a decent AW score. I would have been OK with a 5. Oh, and as the screen popped up to tell me time was up on one of the essays, I saw a typo.

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