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I believe fully funded but one year of TAing unless you get fellowship


Ah, okay, I could do that.  Truth be told, I know nothing about their bioengineering program, I just really fucking love the Rockies.

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Hi, everyone! As a new user on this website/forum, I attempted posting last night but apparently it didn't go through until today, after a grad cafe moderator could read it over to make sure it wasn't spam. Unfortunately, after accepted, it was posted at the original time of submission, several pages back. I was hoping to get some advice from all of you wonderful people on a predicament of mine: I was recently contacted for an interview at one of my top choice programs (yay!). In the email, they told me where I'd be staying and for how long, but then mentioned that I'd be reimbursed for mileage ($.555/mi). This school is nearly 600 miles away, so while I could theoretically drive, it will cost them around $600 rountrip and cost me quite a bit of time. Not to mention, flights there are about $250, saving them money and me time/miles on my car. I'm not sure why I wasn't offered a flight...perhaps they thought I was closer? Whatever the case, would it be appropriate to email them and make this "argument" to them? I don't want to seem difficult, though. I could just tell them the mileage and get reimbursed, but I feel like that is so wrong. I'm in the midst of finishing up my MS bench work and writing my thesis (along with teaching and taking seminars/journal clubs), so the extra two days for driving really isn't an option. Thoughts?


I'd primarily phrase it in terms of the money you'd be saving them; if anything, it will look good that you're taking their cost into consideration. Then mention the time issue. It seems like a slam dunk, honestly.

Edited by RaganSmash
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Hi, everyone! As a new user on this website/forum, I attempted posting last night but apparently it didn't go through until today, after a grad cafe moderator could read it over to make sure it wasn't spam. Unfortunately, after accepted, it was posted at the original time of submission, several pages back. I was hoping to get some advice from all of you wonderful people on a predicament of mine: I was recently contacted for an interview at one of my top choice programs (yay!). In the email, they told me where I'd be staying and for how long, but then mentioned that I'd be reimbursed for mileage ($.555/mi). This school is nearly 600 miles away, so while I could theoretically drive, it will cost them around $600 rountrip and cost me quite a bit of time. Not to mention, flights there are about $250, saving them money and me time/miles on my car. I'm not sure why I wasn't offered a flight...perhaps they thought I was closer? Whatever the case, would it be appropriate to email them and make this "argument" to them? I don't want to seem difficult, though. I could just tell them the mileage and get reimbursed, but I feel like that is so wrong. I'm in the midst of finishing up my MS bench work and writing my thesis (along with teaching and taking seminars/journal clubs), so the extra two days for driving really isn't an option. Thoughts?


Just email and ask if you can take a plan. There's no argument at all, just ask them.

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Hi, everyone! As a new user on this website/forum, I attempted posting last night but apparently it didn't go through until today, after a grad cafe moderator could read it over to make sure it wasn't spam. Unfortunately, after accepted, it was posted at the original time of submission, several pages back. I was hoping to get some advice from all of you wonderful people on a predicament of mine: I was recently contacted for an interview at one of my top choice programs (yay!). In the email, they told me where I'd be staying and for how long, but then mentioned that I'd be reimbursed for mileage ($.555/mi). This school is nearly 600 miles away, so while I could theoretically drive, it will cost them around $600 rountrip and cost me quite a bit of time. Not to mention, flights there are about $250, saving them money and me time/miles on my car. I'm not sure why I wasn't offered a flight...perhaps they thought I was closer? Whatever the case, would it be appropriate to email them and make this "argument" to them? I don't want to seem difficult, though. I could just tell them the mileage and get reimbursed, but I feel like that is so wrong. I'm in the midst of finishing up my MS bench work and writing my thesis (along with teaching and taking seminars/journal clubs), so the extra two days for driving really isn't an option. Thoughts?

Hey, welcome! 

I highly doubt that they would find it offensive if you asked for a flight, and mentioning the difference in cost might help. Definitely call the admissions office or your coordinator and ask. Couldn't hurt.

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If i was actually a top choice for recruitment to UW-madison they would have made every effort to be accommodating. When duke called to invite me to interview I was told they would bring me on any weekend that was convient for me if I could not make the scheduled weekend. Since they showed so much interest I would be foolish to ask them to reschedule after they have already booked tickets for me. I suppose Its simply part of the process but I was hoping to avoid choosing between programs before I witnessed them first hand.

How did you phrase your message about the conflict to UW-madison? What happened to you surprises me. I hope that you said something like I already scheduled another interview that weekend, and I am unable to change it. I am extremely interested in UW......(sentence or two on this). Is there a way for me to come visit another weekend?

I do like the skype interview idea, if they will let you do it. Maybe they could consider doing that and then flying you out there later, if you are still interested in the program. If you acted uninterested in their program though in initial emails, then it is likely a lost cause.

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Ah, okay, I could do that.  Truth be told, I know nothing about their bioengineering program, I just really fucking love the Rockies.



There are Rocky Mountains in Miami Fla? ;)

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For some reason the quote option isn't working. RaganSmash, I thought the same but when I mentioned that to someone in my lab they made it seem like I'd come off as difficult. Still don't think so myself, as you said, it seems like a slam dunk, just wanted to make sure others were on the same page as me! As far as mrmolecularbiology's issue with Madison, I'd say it all depends on where you stand financially. If you've never been, you're guaranteed to be impressed. UW-Madison is a great school, the town is gorgeous, and Wisconsinites are so genuine. If its a top choice and you have the funds, go for it! If they reject you afterwards, then at least you tried.

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To everyone waiting to hear from Berkeley BioE, another user posted this in 'Who all are waiting for BME decisions?':



I got a reply from Berkeley Bioengineering Program. She looks like a coordinator or something.




Good Morning,

We are in the process of sending invites this week--we are waiting on a last-minute administrative detail before we notify. 

Please do not be concerned, nothing has been sent to students since final decisions were made late last week.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions, thank you!




So I guess invitations will arrive very shortly.

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has anyone heard news about UCSD BMS yet? I saw that there were a bunch of rejections today, which would be the second wave of rejections that I've survived...so far. But are there any more invites?

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To everyone waiting to hear from Berkeley BioE, another user posted this in 'Who all are waiting for BME decisions?':



I got a reply from Berkeley Bioengineering Program. She looks like a coordinator or something.




Good Morning,

We are in the process of sending invites this week--we are waiting on a last-minute administrative detail before we notify. 

Please do not be concerned, nothing has been sent to students since final decisions were made late last week.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions, thank you!




So I guess invitations will arrive very shortly.



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has anyone heard news about UCSD BMS yet? I saw that there were a bunch of rejections today, which would be the second wave of rejections that I've survived...so far. But are there any more invites?


Agreed. I am waiting on them as well.

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...I feel like something just flew right over my head.



Oops I intertwined two convos. You meant the Colorado Rockies LOL.  I feel silly. I'm a football fan. WHO DAT! Would love to rock a saints jersey in bronco zone

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Hi, everyone! As a new user on this website/forum, I attempted posting last night but apparently it didn't go through until today, after a grad cafe moderator could read it over to make sure it wasn't spam. Unfortunately, after accepted, it was posted at the original time of submission, several pages back. I was hoping to get some advice from all of you wonderful people on a predicament of mine: I was recently contacted for an interview at one of my top choice programs (yay!). In the email, they told me where I'd be staying and for how long, but then mentioned that I'd be reimbursed for mileage ($.555/mi). This school is nearly 600 miles away, so while I could theoretically drive, it will cost them around $600 rountrip and cost me quite a bit of time. Not to mention, flights there are about $250, saving them money and me time/miles on my car. I'm not sure why I wasn't offered a flight...perhaps they thought I was closer? Whatever the case, would it be appropriate to email them and make this "argument" to them? I don't want to seem difficult, though. I could just tell them the mileage and get reimbursed, but I feel like that is so wrong. I'm in the midst of finishing up my MS bench work and writing my thesis (along with teaching and taking seminars/journal clubs), so the extra two days for driving really isn't an option. Thoughts?


No harm in calling/emailing them to ask if they would consider flying you in.  If it really is going to be cheaper like you said, I imagine they would be interested.

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just got off the phone with UCSD Biological Sciences. This is what Andy said


"Interview dates are mostly booked, there still might be some space for the second week 2/11-2/12 (i think). They sometimes send out later invitations for alternate dates. As of now you are in a waiting game, in good company (har)"


Still hope, but not much. Rejections have not been posted on results page yet. 

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So does anyone know how much Berkeley actually cares about your "story?" I know the personal statement is there for all grad applicants, but I can imagine that some science-focused departments would ignore it.  I'm one of those people that have a good story even though I'm a white male of protestant heritage.

Edited by RaganSmash
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So does anyone know how much Berkeley actually cares about your "story?" I know the personal statement is there for all grad applicants, but I can imagine that some science-focused departments would ignore it.  I'm one of those people that have a good story even though I'm a white male of protestant heritage.


I have heard that they do not care from a recent PhD graduate (MCB). Just one source though. I'm sure it also depends on committee members and what they care about

Edited by banksy
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How did you phrase your message about the conflict to UW-madison? What happened to you surprises me. I hope that you said something like I already scheduled another interview that weekend, and I am unable to change it. I am extremely interested in UW......(sentence or two on this). Is there a way for me to come visit another weekend?I do like the skype interview idea, if they will let you do it. Maybe they could consider doing that and then flying you out there later, if you are still interested in the program. If you acted uninterested in their program though in initial emails, then it is likely a lost cause.

I sent an email literally minutes after I received an invatation telling them that I had a conflict with the date and simply asked if their was a second weekend. After a reply from the graduate coordinator informing me i would have to come on an alternative weekend and she would let me know when the commitee had reached a decision I followed up with an email expressing my intrests in the program. Perhaps I should have included that in the first email

Edited by mrmolecularbiology
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Is there anyone here receiving an invitation from Albert Einstein College of Medicine?


Are you told to schedule your air and then email the flight number, time, etc to an address like this: mttzl@aol.com?

Edited by mengyan528
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Is there anyone here receiving an invitation from Albert Einstein College of Medicine?


Are you told to schedule your air and then email the flight number, time, etc to an address like this: mttzl@aol.com?

I have gotten an invite from Einstein--

I went back to look at the travel instructions but I didn't see that email address. They said to call this guy:


Mr. Stanley Paris, Morris Park Travel [Tel: (718) 792- 9850]

who is apparently Einstein's travel agent. So if you were looking for contact info for the travel arrangements, I guess that's what you need.

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Well today was not a good day. My lab just told me they had no work for me this semester till later and would help me find another lab. How the heck do I talk about that at an interview...

Say that your project recently ended in your first lab and they liked you so much that they are helping you find new opportunities on another project elsewhere?

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