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Who Wants To Bet On Acceptances/Rejections?

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You will get into Wisconsin, Brandeis and Buffalo, get waitlisted at Vanderbilt, get rejected from Harvard, Rutgers, Berkeley, Brown, and Cornell. UPenn will never get back to you.


I think she's wrong here. 


I agree with Brandeis, but my sources are saying Brown will also come through for you, Waitlist comes from Rutgers.and Wisconsin.

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All right, my turn.


GRE: 93% V/76% Q/92% A

GRE subject test: 56%

Grad GPA: 3.87 at a SLAC ranked #3 by the USN&WR for Southern Masters granting colleges


Applying: Delaware, Emory, Georgia State, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana State, Nebraska, Nevada-Reno, UNC-Chapel Hill, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee-Knoxville, WUSTL.

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Gifs are definitely one of the top 5 best things ever to happen to the internet.


I'm kinda tempted to play this game, but I'm like 99% sure that I'd be placed in the "you fail at life!" category. Plus, I'm kinda feeling superstitious. What if the prediction becomes true because it was predicted?!? :blink:


People be all


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Okay I tried to post this yesterday but GradCafe was havin' NONE A THAT. (But seriously, I still can't post using my normal browser--it thinks all my posts are empty. Help?)


Anyway, are GPAs considered absolute? As in: is a 4.00 from a poorly-ranked, little-known program better than a 3.5 at a top 10? Will it get plugged into a machine along with GRE scores to determine if you make the first cut? What about international programs?

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Hmm. This isn't going to take my stress level down at all, but I'll buy in.

GPA: 3.95

GRE: 169 V, 151 Q, 6.0 AW

Undergrad Institution: well known public university

Programs applied to: 1 Ivy, 1 elite public, my undergrad institution, Pitt, & Chicago

My bet? I get into my undergrad institution. Miiiiiight get into the elite public school, if I'm really lucky.

I bet you'll get in everywhere. Your stats are nearly perfect.

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Ok, so I officially have so much to do that I can't do any of it. Instead, I've wasted my time doing this.

At that link is a list with all/most programs and the first day they notified last year. This basic idea was stolen from something that was done for MFA programs when I applied to those a few years ago. I found it helpful and it meant I didn't have to constantly search the results board. Clearly, it's not at all done, but feel free to add to it. I'll continue to update as I get bored.


Benefit from the the fruits of my anxiety.

Edited by asleepawake
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