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Who Wants To Bet On Acceptances/Rejections?

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I also gotta say that I think it's ridiculous how you guys pile onto a person you don't agree with, as if it's totally abnormal for people to disagree. Academia is all about disagreement and debate! It's better to defend your opinion, instead of attacking another person for having a different one. 


And I have to say that if one's goal is to diminish anxiety, it does seem rather bad advice to recommend a repetitive, compulsive anxious behavior. Meditation and distraction seem more productive to that end.


I'd like to add that I find it distracting (and thus relaxing) to be on gradcafe. This might partly be because my field is so different from English. Listening to you guys kvetch somehow makes me feel better. Also I rarely talk about admissions on here, it seems. Mostly about random other stuff.

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I also gotta say that I think it's ridiculous how you guys pile onto a person you don't agree with, as if it's totally abnormal for people to disagree. Academia is all about disagreement and debate! It's better to defend your opinion, instead of attacking another person for having a different one. 


Actually, I think lots of disagreement occurs here and on gradcafe at large. In fact, lots of truly cordial disagreements have occurred on the really fun, commonly-studied-thinkers-you-hate thread (that you created). 


I can only speak for myself when I say that the reason I've downvoted some of thestages's recent posts and often the only reason I downvote or object to a post is the presence of unnecessary rudeness &/ hurtfulness. 


I think there's a very big difference between academic debate and picking on someone's coping mechanism and psychological support system, a system of which I suspect many of us take advantage. We can create a thread about the virtues of paid professions or the usefulness of psychology at large if you like and debate those, downvote free. 


Put simply:: There's a reason gradcafe is the only forum I engage with: I just plain don't like it when people are mean for no good reason. There were many nicer ways thestage could have raised his/her argument. S/he chose to be insulting = Downvote. 

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Actually, I think lots of disagreement occurs here and on gradcafe at large. In fact, lots of truly cordial disagreements have occurred on the really fun, commonly-studied-thinkers-you-hate thread (that you created). 


I can only speak for myself when I say that the reason I've downvoted some of thestages's recent posts and often the only reason I downvote or object to a post is the presence of unnecessary rudeness &/ hurtfulness. 


I think there's a very big difference between academic debate and picking on someone's coping mechanism and psychological support system, a system of which I suspect many of us take advantage. We can create a thread about the virtues of paid professions or the usefulness of psychology at large if you like and debate those, downvote free. 


Put simply:: There's a reason gradcafe is the only forum I engage with: I just plain don't like it when people are mean for no good reason. There were many nicer ways thestage could have raised his/her argument. S/he chose to be insulting = Downvote. 

Everything this person said and I was too lazy to say.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wish I could unlearn about the existence of gradcafe


DontHate, I really like your posts and I do hope we get to be classmates! For the sake of a laugh, here are my stats, you know where I am applying!


GPA: (Ireland and Berlin) foreign, doesn't translate, but top five graduate of my college; 3.81 at Notre Dame

GRE: 156V/146Q/4.0AW


plenty of research experience, a dozen languages, POI talked to chair about me; met with all faculty in person


I also wish I could unlearn about the existence of gradcafe!


Happy Madness to you all out there!

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A dozen or a baker's dozen?




Not all to the same degree, though. Some I know better than other and I count my native language among them and English as well.


I have no idea what a baker's dozen is. I thought a dozen was 12. Bakers shouldn't mess with that ;)

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A baker's dozen is thirteen.  It goes back to the time when rolls and such were sold by weight, and bakers who were selling smaller rolls, which weighed less, could be penalized.  Rather than risk it, they would throw in a complimentary thirteenth roll in with the dozen ordered so the weight would be enough to avoid a fine.

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A baker's dozen is thirteen.  It goes back to the time when rolls and such were sold by weight, and bakers who were selling smaller rolls, which weighed less, could be penalized.  Rather than risk it, they would throw in a complimentary thirteenth roll in with the dozen ordered so the weight would be enough to avoid a fine.

I used to work in a bakery and I didn't know that was why. I just assumed they were being nice.

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How interesting. If I ever get asked that question in a quiz show and I'm on TV, I will have to pay you part of the prize. But I think I will stick to the original dozen, unless you want to argue that anyone who can read Latin and French, can also read Italian (with a dictionary). :P

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Vavasor, have you heard from Notre Dame? I am here at the moment and I think they are interviewing people next week. 


Which programme are you applying to?

Wow! That's convenient.


I haven't heard from them. Do you know how long ahead of time they notify the people they plan to interview?

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Oh! I think that all the people to be interviewed next week have already been notified. Sorry!

Notre Dame takes its time to notify people. Sorry!

Feel like speculating on my chances at any of the other places I applied?

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Sorry you're pissed off now. But I thought it would be shittier of me to feed false hopes, and, no, I have no idea about your other places.


I friend of mine applied to Notre Dame last year and didn't get her rejection until April. I think it's pretty shitty to string people along, that's all. 

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Sorry you're pissed off now. But I thought it would be shittier of me to feed false hopes, and, no, I have no idea about your other places.


I friend of mine applied to Notre Dame last year and didn't get her rejection until April. I think it's pretty shitty to string people along, that's all. 

I'm not pissed off. Sorry if you got that impression. I really am happy for the info (as you say, it's better to know now). I've got some exciting places that I still have to hear back from (including a few where I was wait-listed last year) and it only takes one! So I'm still in pretty high spirits.

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Since we've been betting so much here and there. Have people gotten any more acceptances or rejections? (It has become clear to me at this stage that I am living my life largely through other people's experiences; so please share your story.)

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On 2/17/2013 at 5:34 PM, Marie-Luise said:

Since we've been betting so much here and there. Have people gotten any more acceptances or rejections? (It has become clear to me at this stage that I am living my life largely through other people's experiences; so please share your story.)

Well, I'm looking at the board and several people have gotten acceptance phone calls from WUSTL. I'm afraid to step away from my phone! I'm on the west coast so naturally I'd expect to get the call later than someone a little further east. Still, with every passing minute it's seeming less and less likely.

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