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Does democracy always mean a 51% majority?

Just Jesse

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That said, there's no such thing as a majority that isn't simply more than 50%. There are 2/3 requirements and plurality votes (most votes). For that, I'd recommend you read the Constitution.

Edited by TakeMyCoffeeBlack
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There's no way this is what you're asking about, but what the hell.  You might also consider quota rules (an option wins if it gets to a certain number, 50% or otherwise) a bit more generally.  There are some good notes on the subject (in the context of social choice theory much more generally) here.

Edited by currentpsstudent
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Technically, as noted above, majority is 50% + 1. Writing in a paper that democracy is about "51%" is gonna get you dinged since there is often a large gap between 50% + 1 vote (i.e., 50.00000001%) and 51.00[...]%. 

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