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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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Do you guys know if anyone has been contacted yet off CU Boulder's wait list? I was accepted to the distance program at Laramie at the University of Wyoming, and waitlisted for CU. April 15th deadline looming so may have to commit to UW before getting final word from CU. Is anyone else doing Laramie's distance program?

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Has anyone heard anything from the University of Utah?  I have not received any notice, but they have sent out e-mails.  


Does anyone know why it takes so long to send out e-mail notifications?  Do they stagger the e-mails?

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Has anyone heard from ETSU (East Tennessee)? I saw on the board someone posted they were waitlisted today and another person asked how they found out. I was told decisions would be out this week and I know there are still two more days in the week lol. I'm just anxious is all ugh...

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I don't know if I'm happy or sad to see every time I come here that I'm not the only person still waiting for word.  At least I feel a bit less crazy.


Still waiting for Saint Cloud.  Supposedly they turned the department decisions over to the graduate school last Thursday - not sure why it would take so long after the graduate school received them (what is that process like anyways?  What does the graduate school do?).

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omg im gonna cry. im assuming fall because i think they already notified summer? 

Not to add to your anxiety, but I applied for summer and was notified in March. I randomly logged in and checked the myUCF portal and found out I was accepted, but didn't receive an email about it until a few days later. So keep checking!

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Not to add to your anxiety, but I applied for summer and was notified in March. I randomly logged in and checked the myUCF portal and found out I was accepted, but didn't receive an email about it until a few days later. So keep checking!

it makes me feel better knowing theyre notifying fall applicants and im not crazy. thanks! now im gonna check the portal every 3 seconds!

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Has anyone heard from ETSU (East Tennessee)? I saw on the board someone posted they were waitlisted today and another person asked how they found out. I was told decisions would be out this week and I know there are still two more days in the week lol. I'm just anxious is all ugh...
My status changed on the GoldLink application site. I am on the waiting list, but have NO other information that that. My husband and I are hanging in limbo with our boxes packed until we hear for sure, so if anyone is accepted and plans not to attend, please let them know!!
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Has anyone heard anything from the University of Utah?  I have not received any notice, but they have sent out e-mails.  


Does anyone know why it takes so long to send out e-mail notifications?  Do they stagger the e-mails?


I haven't heard anything from them, nor has my ApplyYourself status changed. What do you know about the emails they've sent out?

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Anyone else noticing the trend of schools leaving people in the dark by only sending out like 5 emails to people a day?  I get my hopes up, but then I get nothing this has happen 2x now. I call the office and get "they're still reviewing" when obviously they've done some decision making... Would it kill them to send statuses all at once? you know its not like my future hangs on them. This is my second time applying and haven't heard any good news yet so its very discouraging waiting and waiting being left to assume I didn't get in.


Applied: Towson, Radford, Mercy, Montclair, and New Paltz


Rejected: Towson, New Paltz

Wait listed: Radford

Accepted: NOWHERE yet! :(


Interviewed at Mercy...still waiting and waiting on Montclair.



Sorry I sound ranty...it's so emotionally draining as many of us know and for those of us who haven't gotten the golden email/phone call/letter it just makes it extra strained as we get closer to mid april.

Edited by Burns_Brightly
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Anyone else noticing the trend of schools leaving people in the dark by only sending out like 5 emails to people a day?  I get my hopes up, but then I get nothing this has happen 2x now. I call the office and get "they're still reviewing" when obviously they've done some decision making... Would it kill them to send statuses all at once? you know its not like my future hangs on them. This is my second time applying and haven't heard any good news yet so its very discouraging waiting and waiting being left to assume I didn't get in.


Applied: Towson, Radford, Mercy, Montclair, and New Paltz


Rejected: Towson, New Paltz

Wait listed: Radford

Accepted: NOWHERE yet! :(


Interviewed at Mercy...still waiting and waiting on Montclair.



Sorry I sound ranty...it's so emotionally draining as many of us know and for those of us who haven't gotten the golden email/phone call/letter it just makes it extra strained as we get closer to mid april.


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I don't know if I'm happy or sad to see every time I come here that I'm not the only person still waiting for word.  At least I feel a bit less crazy.


Still waiting for Saint Cloud.  Supposedly they turned the department decisions over to the graduate school last Thursday - not sure why it would take so long after the graduate school received them (what is that process like anyways?  What does the graduate school do?).

and jdslp, I agree its bittersweet seeing people post similar stories. on one hand you're not alone, but on the other we're all floating about getting crazy waiting to hear good news heck any news at this point lol

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and jdslp, I agree its bittersweet seeing people post similar stories. on one hand you're not alone, but on the other we're all floating about getting crazy waiting to hear good news heck any news at this point lol

Ha I seriously haven't slept well for a few weeks now. This is SERIOUS business, literally people's whole lives depend on these decisions and I'm sure everyone has a story of struggle and triumph. So I can relate when I see people getting accepted or rejected. Rejected (been there) and accepted ("patiently" awaiting that). I'm just hanging on til mid-month when I'll have a much better idea of what's going to happen. (happy thoughts, happy thoughts) :rolleyes:

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Ha I seriously haven't slept well for a few weeks now. This is SERIOUS business, literally people's whole lives depend on these decisions and I'm sure everyone has a story of struggle and triumph. So I can relate when I see people getting accepted or rejected. Rejected (been there) and accepted ("patiently" awaiting that). I'm just hanging on til mid-month when I'll have a much better idea of what's going to happen. (happy thoughts, happy thoughts) :rolleyes:

Amen to that!!

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Ha I seriously haven't slept well for a few weeks now. This is SERIOUS business, literally people's whole lives depend on these decisions and I'm sure everyone has a story of struggle and triumph. So I can relate when I see people getting accepted or rejected. Rejected (been there) and accepted ("patiently" awaiting that). I'm just hanging on til mid-month when I'll have a much better idea of what's going to happen. (happy thoughts, happy thoughts) :rolleyes:
I enjoy getting on to these boards bc everyone understands how serious these decisions are! Losing sleep is a big deal to begin with.... But my husband and I are both quitting our jobs to move in a few weeks.... And it'd be nice to know where we were moving! I respect the time it takes to makes decisions, but it just seems like mid-April is a bit late. You would think the schools would want their ducks in a row early, too!
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I think there's a lot that could be improved about the whole application/admissions process. I'm sure there is a method to the madness, but that doesn't make any of us feel better when we are going through it!!

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Has anyone heard anything from the University of Utah?  I have not received any notice, but they have sent out e-mails.  


Does anyone know why it takes so long to send out e-mail notifications?  Do they stagger the e-mails?


I haven't heard anything from them, nor has my ApplyYourself status changed. What do you know about the emails they've sent out?


In the email I received from them there was just an attached PDF saying that I had been recommended for admission by the department. Presumably it was also mailed to me, but hasn't arrived yet. My applyourself status hasn't changed, though. There was no word on funding yet, and I was told that they had a large number of applicants this year and are a bit behind (as seems to be the case for many schools this year).


I'm crossing my fingers for you guys! It doesn't seem like many people have heard from them, so maybe they're accepting in waves.


Also, for anyone else on the waitlist at the University of Arizona, I called and found out that there has been NO movement yet on the waitlist for the 3 year program (which is apparently really uncommon for this time in the year). 


Seems like many schools are really pushing the April 15th deadline this year.


I'm thinking happy thoughts for all of you that haven't heard good news yet! There's still time!

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Anyone else noticing the trend of schools leaving people in the dark by only sending out like 5 emails to people a day?  I get my hopes up, but then I get nothing this has happen 2x now. I call the office and get "they're still reviewing" when obviously they've done some decision making... Would it kill them to send statuses all at once? you know its not like my future hangs on them. This is my second time applying and haven't heard any good news yet so its very discouraging waiting and waiting being left to assume I didn't get in.


Applied: Towson, Radford, Mercy, Montclair, and New Paltz


Rejected: Towson, New Paltz

Wait listed: Radford

Accepted: NOWHERE yet! :(


Interviewed at Mercy...still waiting and waiting on Montclair.



Sorry I sound ranty...it's so emotionally draining as many of us know and for those of us who haven't gotten the golden email/phone call/letter it just makes it extra strained as we get closer to mid april.


Ok so I spoke to the admissions officer at St. Rose today and she said that decisions for a lot of schools are very late this year, she didn't seem to know why, but she did say that CUNY's would notify by 4/8. I have until 4/17 to give my decision, unless I need an extension because of the late decisions from schools. Don't take the lack of response as a bad sign, it's the trend this year and boy does it suck! Last year people were hearing back from certain schools at the end of February, those same schools have yet to send decisions this year. 


You don't sound ranty, you have every right to feel the way you do....it is a very emotional process and its just nice to know people can relate to  it here because friends and family (although they mean well) most of the time have no clue how crazy and competitive it is!

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ETSU applicants, Check your spam folder!!  My status still says "referred" on goldlink, but I received an admission offer through email yesterday.  It went to my spam folder, and I just happen to find it today!

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Rejected from UCF today, but kicked butt during my interview for San Francisco State!!! The biggest piece of advice I can give anyone at this point is to apply to as many programs as financially possible! Give yourself some options, and remember that each school has a unique admissions process, and each program is looking for different things in each applicant. I have gotten rejected from schools I thought I would get accepted to, and have gotten in to or waitlisted at schools I never dreamed I would have a chance of being accepted to. This process makes absolutely no sense so never give up!

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Rejected from UCF today, but kicked butt during my interview for San Francisco State!!! The biggest piece of advice I can give anyone at this point is to apply to as many programs as financially possible! Give yourself some options, and remember that each school has a unique admissions process, and each program is looking for different things in each applicant. I have gotten rejected from schools I thought I would get accepted to, and have gotten in to or waitlisted at schools I never dreamed I would have a chance of being accepted to. This process makes absolutely no sense so never give up!

i agree! this is 10000% true. sorry about ucf. i havent heard from them yet. WHAT?!!?

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i agree! this is 10000% true. sorry about ucf. i havent heard from them yet. WHAT?!!?


That might be a good sign that you haven't heard yet! I'm rooting for you!!!

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