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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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For those here for Marquette, anyone know how we find out if we got any funding? It's my second choice (I'm waitlisted at my first), but would need funding to go, but I'm super excited for an acceptance!


Congrats!  Yay for acceptances :)

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For those here for Marquette, anyone know how we find out if we got any funding? It's my second choice (I'm waitlisted at my first), but would need funding to go, but I'm super excited for an acceptance!


I just heard from Marquette too!  I emailed back about funding and was told we would be emailed within the next few days if we have gotten anything!

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Congrats! Yay for acceptances :)

Thanks! I just have no idea where to find out if I got money...do universities usually send extra letters? Emails? Do they send them with the formal letter of admission? I have no idea where to begin!

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I just heard from Marquette too! I emailed back about funding and was told we would be emailed within the next few days if we have gotten anything!

You just made my day, whew!

I just treated myself to a latte and will cross everything for good funding, that would be a dream come true!

Now just 6 more to hear from! And congrats to all!

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Anyone hearing from Columbia, UVM or MGH? Hoping we don't have to wait for mid-late March!!

I also applied to MGH, I think we may start hearing back around 3/1, that's when results were posted last year. But who knows lol, guess we will find out!

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I received an email at 3pm with an unofficial acceptance to UVA! I think official notice will come in the mail. It is my first acceptance and today is my birthday so I'm super excited / relieved. UVA is in-state for me and I submitted my app on January 5th. Crossing my fingers for good news for the rest of you lovely people!

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I received an email at 3pm with an unofficial acceptance to UVA! I think official notice will come in the mail. It is my first acceptance and today is my birthday so I'm super excited / relieved. UVA is in-state for me and I submitted my app on January 5th. Crossing my fingers for good news for the rest of you lovely people!



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Having a down-kind of day.  It's raining, my students couldn't get recess so I let the K-1's have "inside recess" during music class (structured music movement games/songs to sing and dance, etc.).   I keep telling myself that everywhere I applied didn't start notifying until Feb 28th last year, but then UNC has already started calling people ... but it could also be a combination of "no news" plus my audiology quiz I have to take tonight (online).  Chilling out on the grad cafe / constantly refreshing email for a little while to de-stress.  Had to miss a fun field trip this afternoon because of my audiology class having everything due on Tuesdays.  In positive news, my cat was overjoyed to see me walk in the door! 

Edited by kcald716
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There is nothing to worry about, and neither of you are lost causes.  There are a ton of ways to interpret the lack of results as something besides, "I'm a failure and I won't get into grad school."  Such thinking will serve no purpose other than stressing you out and ruining your day, so why do it?  

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Keep your head up, guys!  I sent in my app to UT Dallas really early and didn't hear until after several other people (for no apparent reason that I can see), and then I got in AND got a scholarship.  So, don't give up hope!!!!

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There is nothing to worry about, and neither of you are lost causes.  There are a ton of ways to interpret the lack of results as something besides, "I'm a failure and I won't get into grad school."  Such thinking will serve no purpose other than stressing you out and ruining your day, so why do it?  



You're right, of course we know you're right ... it's just easier to sympathize on here than on facebook.  :-)  


I was thinking just earlier today how in about 2-3 weeks, I will start to have some answers and have a more clear idea of what lies ahead.  Not a guarantee, or even a final decision, but at least the twilight zone will be a thing of the past.  Plus my work is totally stressing me out (but try not to put much about that online for my own sanity and so that I can leave work at work / not think about it at home).  :-) 


Thanks for the kick in the tail, I needed it. 

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You're right, of course we know you're right ... it's just easier to sympathize on here than on facebook. :-)

I was thinking just earlier today how in about 2-3 weeks, I will start to have some answers and have a more clear idea of what lies ahead. Not a guarantee, or even a final decision, but at least the twilight zone will be a thing of the past. Plus my work is totally stressing me out (but try not to put much about that online for my own sanity and so that I can leave work at work / not think about it at home). :-)

Thanks for the kick in the tail, I needed it.

It's also impossible to see the bright side of things when all we are presented with is uncertainty and doubt. But, of course I know you are all right.

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I'm kind of feeling like a lost cause atm.

jmarti, I see you've applied to FSU. Not sure if you saw the email yet, but we are supposed to hear decisions on March 10 at 5 pm! What a potentially good/terrible thing to receive during my spring break...

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jmarti, I see you've applied to FSU. Not sure if you saw the email yet, but we are supposed to hear decisions on March 10 at 5 pm! What a potentially good/terrible thing to receive during my spring break...

I saw that email, but March 10 is a Sunday. Does that sound right? I also have absolutely no idea how competitive FSU is.

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C'mon guys let's try to think positive! I know it's hard when people are posting acceptances and you have either heard nothing or have been flat out rejected by some schools, but negative thoughts have never helped anyone. Looking back at last year's results it seemed like most schools gave out notifications in March, and after that many were reported to be taken off wait lists and accepted. So let's all try to stay positive for the weeks ahead!

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It's also impossible to see the bright side of things when all we are presented with is uncertainty and doubt. But, of course I know you are all right.


I'm sorry, I'm really not trying to seem like I'm busting out the guitar and strumming the opening chords to Kumbaya, but it isn't impossible at all.  And I know you know this is true.  It's these automatic negative thoughts that are absolute ruin.  By simply recognizing and being cool with the fact that those thoughts do fire off automatically in response to a potentially negative event is in and of itself a step in the right direction.  Recognize them and challenge with an equally likely, positive thought.  Give it a shot at least -- it can't hurt!

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I'm currently a ball of stress. I have my Skype interview with BU tomorrow afternoon, every time I see that I have a new email my heart starts racing, and I nearly died walking to get my mail thinking "what if there's actually something there?!" I sincerely can't wait to be done with this... just a few more weeks, right?

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