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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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The depression part is the worst. I get on such a positive thinking streak, and then it's ruined three hours later. I'm hoping that we all hear something good over the next week. 


I feel doomed for an hour, I talk myself out of it, and then it repeats! My only hope today is postal mail,but I doubt I'll get anything- guess it's back to wanting Mondays to come...

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I'm so annoyed with myself! I feel like my emotions are a repeating cycle of "I'm never going to get in anywhere!" to "Oh please, I'm so wonderful, I have to be accepted somewhere!".


This up and down situation needs to end soon. 

jmarti, trust me, once you get your first acceptance, everything will change! I've been sick with anxiety and have been aggravating my friends, my family, my boyfriend... strangers too with my constant complaints. But after getting accepted yesterday (just when I had given up on checking my email every 5 minutes) the notice came and I literally feel 50 pounds lighter! You WILL get accepted but it will be when you are completing disconnected from the situation and it'll be an amazing surprise! 

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Any University of Alabama applicants? I got an email yesterday asking if I'd be available to Skype with someone from the department. They said it was "just a 10 minute chat" to get to know me a little better. They never used the word "interview" in the email so I'm a bit confused as far as the formality and how to prepare.

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Got a waitlist letter from UGA today :-/

I think the prospect of waiting until April 19th for a definitive answer is the worst part!


UGA waitlist here too! :/

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For those who were accepted/heard from Emerson, do you all mind sharing when your applications were processed (according to the admissions portal)? I haven't heard anything yet and according to the results search someone's decision was posted on the portal today, but the portal says an admissions decision isn't available...mine wasn't processed until January 28th so I wasn't sure if I should be hearing back soon.


Thanks in advance!  And congrats to everyone who has been accepted!

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just got a call from emerson! :)


JackiefromNU, my application was processed around january 10th. but when i just spoke to the graduate admissions director, he told me that they're still making a lot of decisions and haven't finished going through all the applications, so don't worry! he also was chatting for almost 10 minutes, so i'm sure it's taking him quite a while to get through all the phone calls!

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Someone posted on the results page that they called the University of Illinois and all acceptances are available on ApplyYourself...and if it's not there maybe we didn't get in. That seems weird to me since a week or so ago only a few people got letters in the mail. Trying to stay positive about that but wish they'd just let us know either way, haha.


Also, dying to hear from MGH. They called people around this time last year and I wonder if they'll be doing the same. Anyone talked to admissions there?


And I'm sure we've got another two weeks for Northwestern...

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Any University of Alabama applicants? I got an email yesterday asking if I'd be available to Skype with someone from the department. They said it was "just a 10 minute chat" to get to know me a little better. They never used the word "interview" in the email so I'm a bit confused as far as the formality and how to prepare.

I go to Alabama for undergrad. They've never done interviews before, so I'm not sure what to tell you. The department is pretty laid back though, and all the teachers are REALLY nice and helpful. I would just prepare for basic questions about your SLP interests and dress business casual. Do you mind if I ask you if you are a post-bach or not? 

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Hey everyone! Another anxious body checking in this weekend  :wacko:


Is there anyone that has applied to The University of Texas at Austin (UT - Austin) that has heard any news, good or bad? I'm thinking we should be hearing something back this coming week which makes me so excited yet so nervous! 


It's so funny reading everyone's posts because I thought I was the only one going through this cyclical depression thing! I can't wait for this whole ordeal to be over with (preferably ended with an acceptance!) Sigh, we're almost there!

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I hear ya!  I'm experiencing something similar.  I go through a short mild cycle of depression, then I put myself back together, and it repeats every couple of hours.  It's hard to see other people getting acceptances from schools that apparently notify a lot sooner than where I've applied.  It makes me think I should have applied more places, including places that historically notify a lot sooner, just so I would know that I at least have one option for grad school.  Ah well, it will happen soon enough... hopefully sooner than 13 days from now! 



I feel you guys, I am going through the same things too. I might hear from Radford next week because looking back at last year's results I think they will send out their results around Monday. But it is my last choice school so, while I want to get accepted to every school, if I get rejected I won't be too upset. March 15th is the date that I am looking forward to next because that is when I should really start hearing from my other schools. But it is so hard when people post their acceptances and how relieved they are and you are still in limbo. The cycling of emotions is just horrible, but I have to tell myself that it will be worth it and that I will get in eventually, if not this year. Keep your chin up everyone! (or at least try to, lol)

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For those who were accepted/heard from Emerson, do you all mind sharing when your applications were processed (according to the admissions portal)? I haven't heard anything yet and according to the results search someone's decision was posted on the portal today, but the portal says an admissions decision isn't available...mine wasn't processed until January 28th so I wasn't sure if I should be hearing back soon.


Thanks in advance!  And congrats to everyone who has been accepted!

I applied to all the same schools :) Haven't heard from any of them though...will keep you posted from my side! 

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For those who were accepted/heard from Emerson, do you all mind sharing when your applications were processed (according to the admissions portal)? I haven't heard anything yet and according to the results search someone's decision was posted on the portal today, but the portal says an admissions decision isn't available...mine wasn't processed until January 28th so I wasn't sure if I should be hearing back soon.


Thanks in advance!  And congrats to everyone who has been accepted!

I heard back this past week but my application was processed November 26. Maybe it's taking longer for you because your application wasn't processed until after the application deadline. But they're still making decisions so I wouldn't worry about it yet. 


Also, speaking of Emerson problems. My acceptance letter went up on the website today followed by a message under merit based fellowship status that said I did not receive merit based aid. I emailed my program contact person and he told me to disregard that as merit based aid letters had not gone out yet. I just don't understand why it would say I didn't receive anything if I actually did. 

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And for people worrying about the post regarding the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: I'm an undergrad in speech and hearing science at UIUC and I haven't heard anything about letters going out. I don't buy what that person posted, they're either messing around or really confused. No one here has heard anything and the open house invite sent out earlier was sent to all applicants. Why would they invite everyone and then reject people a few days later? So nobody panic. 

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And for people worrying about the post regarding the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: I'm an undergrad in speech and hearing science at UIUC and I haven't heard anything about letters going out. I don't buy what that person posted, they're either messing around or really confused. No one here has heard anything and the open house invite sent out earlier was sent to all applicants. Why would they invite everyone and then reject people a few days later? So nobody panic. 


This made me feel better.  Thanks!  There were one or two people on the results board who said they got letters (i.e. postal service letters) from UIUC last week, but from your post it sounds like there hasn't been much activity yet.  So there's still hope!  :P

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For those who were accepted/heard from Emerson, do you all mind sharing when your applications were processed (according to the admissions portal)? I haven't heard anything yet and according to the results search someone's decision was posted on the portal today, but the portal says an admissions decision isn't available...mine wasn't processed until January 28th so I wasn't sure if I should be hearing back soon.   Thanks in advance!  And congrats to everyone who has been accepted!
I was called about my acceptance but my application portal still says application decision not available so im assuming they are behind on posting those. The admissions director said ill be receiving a letter in the mail so I may even receive that before the application portal. My application was processed super early (November 5th) but I'm pretty sure I was still waiting on a letter of rec until mid December. Hope that you hear back soon!
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Hey everyone! Another anxious body checking in this weekend  :wacko:


Is there anyone that has applied to The University of Texas at Austin (UT - Austin) that has heard any news, good or bad? I'm thinking we should be hearing something back this coming week which makes me so excited yet so nervous! 


It's so funny reading everyone's posts because I thought I was the only one going through this cyclical depression thing! I can't wait for this whole ordeal to be over with (preferably ended with an acceptance!) Sigh, we're almost there!


diaz, It should be this coming week.  They will likely tell everyone at the same time.  i went to UT Austin for undergrad and would looooove to be back there!  Such an amazing school.  Good luck!!  I hope they tell us early next week but I am thinking Wednesday or Thursday probably.  

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To everyone who responded to me, thank you so much for the info, I really appreciate it :)  I keep staring at my phone waiting for it to ring haha.  I was kind of surprised that it was processed so late, honestly, since it was submitted mid-December, but got held up thanks to CSDCAS and wasn't sent to Emerson until January 14th.  Hopefully there are some open spots on the accepted list by the time my application is reviewed!  


Once again, congrats to all of you who have heard so far (from any program)!  I'm so ready for the waiting to be over one way or another, but I have a feeling I have a ways to go  :)

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I'm taking a quick break from my studies at the moment ... noticed a few more new folks posting!  Welcome!!  B)




Tried to check your signatures, etc  - is there anyone else who applied to UNC Greensboro on here?  I think I've found others who have applied everywhere else I did, but not UNCG.  Come on out and say hi!  :rolleyes:

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Ahhhh I got a phone call offering me an academic scholarship and research assistantship  :D  :D  :D. This seriously feels like a dream come true. I am sort of in shock. I was not pleased about having to take two years off before applying (I am out of field), but i guess things do work out. Turns out it gave me the time to gain indispensable research experience, bolster my resume, and concentrate on the GRE. My most important take away message through all of this is that hard work and persistence ALWAYS pays off, but not always as quickly as you would like it to. I hope everyone gets great news soon. If you don't, just imagine how much better your GRE scores, research experiences, etc. could be next fall. Another year could be the difference between your dream school vs. a school you are just sort of excited about. BEST OF LUCK!!





Accepted: UMN-TC, GWU, Rush, Emerson



Interview: BU

Hi - so I am wondering if you went ahead and got your post-bacc. in Comm. Disorders during this time? Also, are you willing to share your GPA and GRE scores? thanks - personally having a tough time getting accepted, so I am just wondering what it takes!

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I'm taking a quick break from my studies at the moment ... noticed a few more new folks posting! Welcome!! B)

Tried to check your signatures, etc - is there anyone else who applied to UNC Greensboro on here? I think I've found others who have applied everywhere else I did, but not UNCG. Come on out and say hi! :rolleyes:

I know she isn't on the forum, but one of my friends also applied to UNCG and it's her top choice :)

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I'm taking a quick break from my studies at the moment ... noticed a few more new folks posting!  Welcome!!  B)




Tried to check your signatures, etc  - is there anyone else who applied to UNC Greensboro on here?  I think I've found others who have applied everywhere else I did, but not UNCG.  Come on out and say hi!  :rolleyes:


I applied to UNCG!

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