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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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Don't give up hope yet. It seems neither rejections nor acceptances have been sent yet (if the results board is accurate).


This is the only reason I'm somewhat calm right now.  :-)

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Unfortunately... not too many. :(  I have 3 BSs: Chemistry... 12 years ago when I was er... not as focused and much cockier, Human Dev and Family Studies, (3.93 GPA) and Comm Disorders (finishing now, but 3.87 GPA). I'm pretty much out of things I can really take. I might be able to slide in a grad course here or there (I have 15 hours of grad-level classes) but really there is not a ton to bring the overall out of the gutter. The only thing I can really do to boost my apps are re-take the GREs I really didn't study much and kinda forgot how to do math, get in more SLP-specific volunteer/work experience, and retune my SOP and CV I think.


Wow, you have a lot of varied and interesting experience under your belt. Considering your academic background, you're right that you probably don't need more classes. (Did you study Human Dev at CSU? I checked out their master's program last year and almost considered applying this year!)


When do you think you'll hear from Wyoming?

Edited by midnight streetlight
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Congrats on the wait list, and the UNC acceptation!!! I haven't got anything from CU so pretty much assuming a rejection, but was assuming that before so no change, just data to back it up. :)  I'm not sure about the in-state issue hurting chances, in fact I always assume that schools "reserve" a few slots for in-state students which helps your chances. 


 Thanks Cahurt. I haven't heard of anyone getting an acceptance to Boulder yet, so I think it's pretty safe to assume that acceptances haven't gone out. Yeah, I don't know for sure, but the impression I got from Boulder is that no preference is given to in-state applicants. The impression I've gotten from students in Colorado is that in-state students are less likely to be accepted. Based on how much they talked about valuing a diverse cohort when I visited, I don't think that's too far-fetched of an idea. Who really knows? I'm still holding out a little hope to get in off the waitlist.

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Wow, you have a lot of varied and interesting experience under your belt. Considering your academic background, you're right that you probably don't need more classes. (Did you study Human Dev at CSU? I checked out their master's program last year and almost considered applying this year!)


When do you think you'll hear from Wyoming?


I did do my HDFS work at CSU. I Loved the program and staff! I took it to get in the field and prep for a social work background however, I'm not really convinced it's phenomenally useful as a stand-alone degree. I think having as much "varied" experience may actually hurt me as it looks as though I'm flighty. I tried to explain my track and passion in the SOPs, but if I were giving my own app a quick look, I might draw the conclusion that this guy hasn't made up his mind what he want to be when he grows up. 


Wyoming sent an email saying that we should hear back by the end of next week. I'm a little hopeful there as one of my better LORs is from a faculty member. 

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 Thanks Cahurt. I haven't heard of anyone getting an acceptance to Boulder yet, so I think it's pretty safe to assume that acceptances haven't gone out. Yeah, I don't know for sure, but the impression I got from Boulder is that no preference is given to in-state applicants. The impression I've gotten from students in Colorado is that in-state students are less likely to be accepted. Based on how much they talked about valuing a diverse cohort when I visited, I don't think that's too far-fetched of an idea. Who really knows? I'm still holding out a little hope to get in off the waitlist.


Maybe, but Colorado is largely comprised of transplants to begin with :) or that's how I have seen it (and I'm one as well, so not knocking it.) One of the things that has been noted is that CU is so competitive is because it's a wonderful place to live that participates in the Western Exchange Program - a top 25 school where a large number of people can get in-state tuition is certainly going to be a draw for applicants!

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CONGRATS!! :D It looks like you still have several schools to hear from, so it seems like you have good chances for funding somewhere!


Thank you :) Although I can hope, it seems like most of the schools I applied to don't do so much with funding so I have no confidence in getting a funded offer haha. But we'll see! I'm really excited for everyone who's been getting accepted lately! Seems like starting now the decisions are going to be rolling in.

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The Mirror of Erised Gradcafe.com = "...Men have wasted away in front of it. Even gone mad"


HAHAHA SO true! NICE reference! I was just watching Harry Potter all last week to distract myself! funny coincidence.

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HAHAHA SO true! NICE reference! I was just watching Harry Potter all last week to distract myself! funny coincidence.


I have a couple of kiddos on my caseload (one living with ASD) who are obsessed with HP, so I started re-reading the books to both distract me and to have a connection. Oh the things we will do until April 15th!

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Congrats to all who received acceptances today!  I can't believe I only have two schools left to hear from...and I only started getting news last week!  Curious to see what (eventually) happens with the wait-lists, since I'm on 3 so far...

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This is totally asinine.  I have to take a few more pre-reqs this summer, and one of them (thank goodness) I will be able to take online with ECU (aural rehab) so I will have in-state rates (about $350 for the class in total, yay!) -- but to cut down on transcript fees in the future, I was hoping to find one university offering the other two classes I need.  Fortunately, I CAN find two schools that offer the classes - USU for Artic and Alaska for Neural Processes of Language... but I really wish I could take both of those classes at one place, and USU doesn't offer the right neural processes class, and Alaska doesn't offer the artic class during the summer session!! UGH!  So... in honor of the frustrations many of us have been experiencing with regards to applications, or even pre-req courses, here is a great youtube video worth a minute to help release the pressure.


My "facebook" meme says: Dealing with frustrations on taking SLP pre-req classes that can't be taken all at one place... "AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT!" 






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kcald, I would say that's a lot to juggle, but it looks like you've done it before, and I know you will ace those classes!


And wow--what an offer from Western! I know you're going to ECU, but that's something to be proud of.

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Yeah, it hurt a little bit to turn down the WCU offer... but I do like the ECU program better, and since I own the house near there (dang mortgage!)... us moving back to the house will save us about $800-$1000 a month in savings that the scholarship / GA offer just couldn't touch (~24k over two years).  I'm a numbers person, so I have spreadsheets for my logistical comparisons, and point values for the fit of the program (etc)... plus, since my hubby says he would be able to get a job in Asheville (about 1 hr from WCU) but not right there in Cullowhee, and I just do NOT want to commute an hour to campus... we knew what the choice needed to be!  Plus, I'm already thinking ahead to the thesis and who my potential advisors can be... just fell in love with the ECU program from the get-go last spring.  :-) 

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yeah, I can't wait to be done getting all the responses back and making that decision..even if it means days juggling those numbers and doing that not so fun math stuff- it'll be worth it in the end!

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yeah, I can't wait to be done getting all the responses back and making that decision..even if it means days juggling those numbers and doing that not so fun math stuff- it'll be worth it in the end!


I was just asking my boyfriend earlier about how to make a spreadsheet to compare the costs between schools! I'm going to have to crunch some numbers... and I'm awful at math!!!

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So it looks like there was another Boulder WL posted, bringing the total to six. I don't think any previous Boulder results included that many WL's. I wonder if the school has changed their admissions process this year, not that I have any insight into it, haha.


I checked my app and still no word. I should probably stop obsessing over this...until next week. ^_^

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I was just asking my boyfriend earlier about how to make a spreadsheet to compare the costs between schools! I'm going to have to crunch some numbers... and I'm awful at math!!!


I'm such a Gradcafe SLP forum uber-nerd (obviously) that I was stoked to see your WL to SDSU.

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So it looks like there was another Boulder WL posted, bringing the total to six. I don't think any previous Boulder results included that many WL's. I wonder if the school has changed their admissions process this year, not that I have any insight into it, haha.


I checked my app and still no word. I should probably stop obsessing over this...until next week. ^_^


I only saw three from UC Boulder... but the obsessing will happen whether I am on a forum or... not. I just wish I could hear from everyone at once. 

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So it looks like there was another Boulder WL posted, bringing the total to six. I don't think any previous Boulder results included that many WL's. I wonder if the school has changed their admissions process this year, not that I have any insight into it, haha.


I checked my app and still no word. I should probably stop obsessing over this...until next week. ^_^


Hmm... I don't really think the results forum gives a very complete picture of acceptances/rejections/waitlists. Considering there are 24 results for last year when CU had 500+ applicants, the applicants on the gradcafe are only a tiny percentage of the total applicants. I don't know why there weren't any waitlists posted last year, but I doubt that means there wasn't a waitlist for CU.

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Hmm... I don't really think the results forum gives a very complete picture of acceptances/rejections/waitlists. Considering there are 24 results for last year when CU had 500+ applicants, the applicants on the gradcafe are only a tiny percentage of the total applicants. I don't know why there weren't any waitlists posted last year, but I doubt that means there wasn't a waitlist for CU.


Oh, absolutely. I just thought it was interesting that a chunk of WL's were posted since that's never happened before.


And I'm glad they didn't send out the top applicant letter this year since that resulted in a lot of disappointment.

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