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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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I agree - I didn't apply to OSU because I didn't feel like it was a good fit for me.  OU sounds like a great program, and I'm sure you will love it.  Even though funding options aren't great, it is still relatively inexpensive.  And commuting from OKC area to Tulsa does sound awful - I wouldn't do that !!!  Luckily, I have the flexibility to move around.  Have you visited OUHSC yet?  I am planning to go visit sometime later this month!


I have been to OUHSC many times, but not to visit the SLP program.  I feel good about the program based on my communication with the faculty and staff, and my visits tot he HSC itself.  And of course the name recognition for a degree from OU is good, even if you leave the region.   I doubt I'll bother visiting before I have to go for either orientation or enrollment.  


Congratulations on your acceptances so far.  Good luck on your UT application!  Austin is a fine town. 

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Gah, I don't know if it's just weeks of waiting expecting to hear something each day, seeing everyone else hear back, or just the fact that I know I'll hear something from 4 schools this week... but at any rate the decent into madness is accelerating at an alarming pace. Anyone else feel this way right about now?

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Gah, I don't know if it's just weeks of waiting expecting to hear something each day, seeing everyone else hear back, or just the fact that I know I'll hear something from 4 schools this week... but at any rate the decent into madness is accelerating at an alarming pace. Anyone else feel this way right about now?


I just keep thinking of what I could've/should've done to strengthen my application (if only I had scored a few points higher on the GRE quant, if only I had included one or two extra things on my CV that didn't seem relevant when I put my app together, etc.).

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I just keep thinking of what I could've/should've done to strengthen my application (if only I had scored a few points higher on the GRE quant, if only I had included one or two extra things on my CV that didn't seem relevant when I put my app together, etc.).

Relax! You've already been accepted to a wonderful program :).

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Relax! You've already been accepted to a wonderful program :).


Sorry, I probably sound like a jerk! It's just that Boulder is my first choice, and I really want to move to Colorado.

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Sorry, I probably sound like a jerk! It's just that Boulder is my first choice, and I really want to move to Colorado.

Not jerky at all! I just don't want to see you ripping yourself apart when you've already proven to be an excellent application. Though if Boulder is your top choice, I will be thinking good thoughts for you.

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I just keep thinking of what I could've/should've done to strengthen my application (if only I had scored a few points higher on the GRE quant, if only I had included one or two extra things on my CV that didn't seem relevant when I put my app together, etc.).


Oh I have done the same thing so many times! WHY didn't I spend more time on studying GRE math... I'm sure I could eek 2-4 more points there? Could my CV be better if a couple more people had looked it over? WHY didn't I apply to 1-2 more programs that were more realistic to get into? I had to make a solemn vow to not re-pick-apart my SOPs once apps were in. I'm also kicking myself because I didn't know quite how competitive things were until later in the process. 


I know you want to make it out to CO, and I'm wishing you all the best! 

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Oh I have done the same thing so many times! WHY didn't I spend more time on studying GRE math... I'm sure I could eek 2-4 more points there? Could my CV be better if a couple more people had looked it over? WHY didn't I apply to 1-2 more programs that were more realistic to get into? I had to make a solemn vow to not re-pick-apart my SOPs once apps were in. I'm also kicking myself because I didn't know quite how competitive things were until later in the process. 


I know you want to make it out to CO, and I'm wishing you all the best! 


I know you probably wanted to score higher on the GRE quant considering your science background, but I really think your score is more than fine for essentially any SLP program. Actually it's the accepted student average for Boulder applicants if that makes you feel any better!


Wishing you and everyone else here who applied or who has already been wait-listed all the best, too!

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Nope - I got some from the other 2 schools (TU & UT-Dallas).  I asked about funding at OU, and it sounds like they haven't made decisions yet, but what they do give will be very minimal (at least that's what they told me).  But, with in-state rates, the tuition at OUHSC is still very affordable....  Are you in-state as well?  Congrats on OU!



I have NO idea - I was freaking about it yesterday, but I have come to a calm now.  I assume we will probably hear something this coming week since they seem to do it all at once in the past.  They must have been anxious to get some of these decisions out, which is why they came out on Saturday.  I am not too hopeful that I will get in with first round, but ya never know.  (And I totally agree - today I realized I would probably rather not get in first round at NU and have to turn down an offer at full price!)  If we don't hear from them by mid-week, I might think about emailing to ask about my status.. but I will probably just wait it out and see where I stand at the end of this week, since I should hear from UT-Austin (my last to hear from) this week.  At that point, I want to be able to start thinking about making a decision!  Good luck to you!!  Let us know on here if your hear anything, and I'll do the same.


Good luck to you also, JJ!! I am positive that everything happens for a reason and I am sure we will all hear by next week! it is very unsettling but this whole process will be over soon!! We will all keep eachother informed :)))))) POSITIVE THOUGHTS THIS WEEK EVERYONE!!!!! PS. happy st. patty's day!! :))))

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someone at UF asked when were gonna find out and this lady said they should be sending them out like tuesday or wednesday. however, i think its thru snail mail to our "permanent" addressees :/

In which case I will now be obsessively asking my parents to check the mail since I'm living at school... AT UF... I wish I could just go to the office and pick up my decision letter

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Northwestern is more like $55,000 per year - don't forget that there are four quarters in the year, one for each season.


Here's my figures, based on last year's numbers:


2012-2013 tuition for master's students per quarter, full time (3-4 credit hours): $14,460


Based on the program website and sample course plan, it usually takes 8-9 quarters for in-field students to complete the program. (I was told it could be more if I want to do the neurogenic concentration and a thesis, but let's be optimistic and call it 8 quarters): 8 x $14,460 = $115,680  ($57,840 a year)


Activity fee is $78 per term: $78 x 8 = $624


Subtotal: 115680 + 624 = $116,304


Their student health insurance plan, for those of us who don't already have a policy from a spouse, is $2842 annually. ($5684 for two years)


So my estimated total is $121,988.  Note that this is based on 2012-13 tuition; the website said to expect tuition to go up each year.

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I know you probably wanted to score higher on the GRE quant considering your science background, but I really think your score is more than fine for essentially any SLP program. Actually it's the accepted student average for Boulder applicants if that makes you feel any better!


Wishing you and everyone else here who applied or who has already been wait-listed all the best, too!

Hi Midnight, 


Thanks for the pick-me-up! As I may have mentioned... the decent into madness continues to accelerate with the VSI now pegged, so any kind words are appreciated. I was really hoping my GRE scores would be good enough to balance out my GPA. From what I have heard, many adcomms only view a GRE score as a defining criteria if it is REALLY good or REALLY bad; anything in the middle (even if it is closer to one end than the other) is just seen as a reason to not reject the candidate. I could be wrong, but I know one of my professors from Pitt told me that's how his department looks at them and that he was not alone. 


Hopefully today we'll hear something from UC Boulder, and I hope to have heard from the other 3 programs I applied to this week as well. I have my fingers crossed for you! 



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Hi Tuckerma, 


That is just... wow even before anything like living expenses. I don't see how you would ever get out from under it! I'm already panicked about the possible (not accepted anywhere yet) overall cost of an in-state public school trying to use that old rule of don't take out more in loans than you would make in salary your first year. 

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Me either!  I'm so glad I have so many instate choices (well, most waitlisted me, but still!)


I tried to pay a bit of attention to rankings but also to cost since I'm not sure I'll go for a PhD.  I mean UW Milwaukee is still in the top 100, and if i go for jobs in the midwest, people have heard of Milwaukee, plus there are plenty of places for neat externships in the city.  I'd rather have Marquette on my resume, but can't justify paying double to go to school down the street. 


Sometimes I really hate how so much of this comes down to money.

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Hi Tuckerma, 


That is just... wow even before anything like living expenses. I don't see how you would ever get out from under it! I'm already panicked about the possible (not accepted anywhere yet) overall cost of an in-state public school trying to use that old rule of don't take out more in loans than you would make in salary your first year. 



Yeah, it's extreme. I would need a really big scholarship to make that worthwhile.


However, they are a powerhouse on the neuro stuff, which is my area of interest, and my bf's company is headquartered in Chicago. I'm thinking I might look there again when I'm ready to do my PhD, as there is so much more funding for PhD students.

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Looks like people are reporting from UC Boulder. To those accepted, did it show up on the portal, or just in email?




I got an email from the grad coordinator. It had a letter attached from the department. It was mail-merged with my name, address, etc.


My application status in MyCUBoulder still reads: "Your application is complete. The admissions committee is reviewing your file."

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