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Psychology 2013 Applicants


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Do you have any ideas about when the interviews will take place for these schools (or are they already taking place??):


USC, Harvard, MIT, Stanford, UNC, BU, MSU, Brown, UC Davis, Georgetown, NYU


I am an international applicant. If not called for an interview by now, should I assume rejection? Or is there still time ?


Which schools have you heard from? Share your rejections, acceptances and interviews

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I applied to BU and USC (plus University of Washington, though it isn't on your list). I haven't heard back from any of them. Though according to the results page for BU a couple of people have said they were told all interview invitations have already been sent out. Then again, this is all for clinical psychology.

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I applied to NYU, Harvard, UCLA and Boulder. I had a brief interview with an advisor at Harvard, and the admissions committee meeting was on Monday. There is no official recruitment weekend, but applicants should be invited starting next week. That's for the Cognition, Brain, & Behavior subfield though. What field did you apply for? 


I haven't heard from the other schools. Called NYU and the woman said they send out invites on a rolling basis. As far as UCLA, they will send out invites at the latest by next Friday (for Cognitive). 

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It was unofficial. He wanted to Skype to discuss some weaknesses in my application. The committee met to discuss their top choice applicants. The ones that they generally agree are strong candidates will be invited for an interview. Not sure the exact timeline for everything, and based on what he said, each professor seems to work at his or her own pace. But since the meeting was this Monday, I'm sure they will start contacting people in the coming week. 

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Applied to UCs Berkely, Santa Barbara, Davis, San Diego, Irvine, and Riverside. Only one response thus far (UCSD-no). I applied under Psychology-Cognitive Neuroscience and have no idea when to expect official decisions.

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