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The information on that web page does not apply to NPSIA. It states: "The Decisions below refer to Master of Social Work applications only."


Note taken; however, it might apply to other departments - the other departments might just not post anything. It's just a glimpse of hope for all of those who have applied to Carleton...

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Maybe, but I wouldn't count on it. Those statuses mean different things to different departments. Your best bet is to check with your poi to see how they define the "recommended for assessment" status.


Also, you may find this post helpful:


Note taken; however, it might apply to other departments - the other departments might just not post anything. It's just a glimpse of hope for all of those who have applied to Carleton...

Edited by thunderchunky
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I think all of the Carleton applicants are just seizing onto any little bit of information available at this point haha. My status still says Recommended for Assessment, and we should be hearing about offers in the next 1 - 2.5 weeks... That's my interpretation of "mid to late March", anyways!


My application was opened with OUAC on December 19 and I had finalized my application by early January.


Good luck everyone! Fingers so very, very crossed!

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Thank you! That is exactly what I mean. 


My app was due Feb. 1 - I don't expect to hear anything until mid-March.... especially since OGS results come out March 11!


I think all of the Carleton applicants are just seizing onto any little bit of information available at this point haha. My status still says Recommended for Assessment, and we should be hearing about offers in the next 1 - 2.5 weeks... That's my interpretation of "mid to late March", anyways!


My application was opened with OUAC on December 19 and I had finalized my application by early January.


Good luck everyone! Fingers so very, very crossed!

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I saw that... Does that mean it's possible that we'll know our OGS results before we even know if we're accepted into the program...? How would that work? This whole process is so roundabout!

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I saw that... Does that mean it's possible that we'll know our OGS results before we even know if we're accepted into the program...? How would that work? This whole process is so roundabout!


Well, the way I understand it is that your Department will know if you are successful, so I think they would incorporate that into the offer? I'm just guessing. 


It would be hilarious if we knew about OGS prior to admission! haha

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Ah, that makes sense. Hahaha that would definitely be hilarious! I just hope that anyone who is awarded the OGS also receives an admissions offer, because it'd be quite brutal to get the scholarship but no university to attend.

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Thanks for the update! Definitely hoping things work out positively for you. :)


No change on mine yet, but will update as noted!


Haha, if nothing else, we should know the OGS stuff soon...!

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Yay, @AnonymousAcademic!


Mine hasn't changed yet either. I don't know if I can withstand another three weeks of this torture. The anxiety is literally causing me physical symptoms now. I wish I could shut it off and forget about it until the 31st.

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So by fluke I checked my cell voice mail (I hardly ever use the extra feature that students get)... Anyways... there was a phone call, from a 613 area code... a professor congratulating me!

I got into Carleton!!! Yahooooo!!!

I am just waiting to see the offer, but I am overjoyed right now!


Edited by AnonymousAcademic
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Eeeeeeee that's so exciting! Congratulations, AnonymousAcademic!!! What an amazing feeling.


Haha, after all the anxious checking of statuses, it almost feels on a small level like a personal success when one of us gets in (even if it's in a different program haha), because it's like another one made it through! Although so many of us are still waiting to hear, it's definitely a day-brightening moment to hear that all this build-up and anticipation was worth it.


All the best - Ottawa's a lovely city!

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So by fluke I checked my cell voice mail (I hardly ever use the extra feature that students get)... Anyways... there was a phone call, from a 613 area code... a professor congratulating me!

I got into Carleton!!! Yahooooo!!!

I am just waiting to see the offer, but I am overjoyed right now!




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The information on that web page does not apply to NPSIA. It states: "The Decisions below refer to Master of Social Work applications only."

This is funny because this amendment to specify that the page was limited to MSW was made the same day that I pointed the site out to the English Department. 

Oops. :P

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@maximusbrutus - congrats on the OGS email!

I don't want to get ahead of myself, but... I don't think awards would ask every applicant for their SIN so I'm taking this as a good sign! :)

We find out for sure Monday! The weekend better fly by! lol

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