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Fletcher News in the Mail- did you receive the magazine?


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I work in Beijing so US mail takes a while to get to me.


I found a large envelope from Fletcher School postmarked Feb 20 on my desk today. Inside was a handwritten note and a copy of Fletcher News magazine.


Dear XX,


Thank you for applying to the Fletcher School! We really enjoyed reading your application. While you wait for your decision, please enjoy this copy of Fletcher News. 



The Fletcher

Admissions Team



Did you guys receive this too? I'm a re-applicant so the Fletcher admissions office knows  me pretty well. I've also been to visit twice (around the first time I applied). I didn't receive something like this before so I am curious if everyone else got it too.


I know decisions are not due yet but when I saw the large packet, I admit, I was pretty excited. 

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I think that sounds like a pretty good indication you'll be accepted, ASEANdumpling :) I was accepted early decision, and from my experience Fletcher really makes it a priority to court the students they want to attend. I honestly don't know why they would have sent that to you if they weren't planning to accept you and wanted you to think about them while you're likely receiving acceptances from other programs.

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Not to burst any bubbles, as I'm sure you'll get in, I wouldnt read too much into it. Its much like emails being sent for applying to aid, which some students got and others didnt. Predictably out came, 'does this mean I'm accepted?'. A friend of mine received the magazine last year and was not admitted. Sorry to be a downer.

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For what its worth, I got the same thing in the mail a couple days ago. Naturally, I got all excited thinking it was a decision letter, silly me. I wouldn't read too much into it, but hope springs eternal!


PS If you don't mind my asking, what are you up to in Beijing? I'd been living there for going on three years before coming home this Fall.

Edited by rhodeislander
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I had the same reaction when I saw the big envelope! I don't know whether I should take it as a good sign or not...Fletcher is a very hands on school, but it almost seems cruel to send these big envelopes out so close to decision time if you're not at least strongly considering the recipient of the envelope, just because the thought process is clearly going to be, "does this mean I'm going to get in?" Plus, I can't imagine hand writing letters, although short and identical letters, to each and every applicant. 


Additionally, a few weeks after submitting my application, I received the following email:


Dear xx,


Knowing that it can seem like a long wait from when you submit your application to when you finally receive an admissions decision, I wanted to give you a little update on your application to The Fletcher School.  I was the staff member who reviewed your file, and I really enjoyed reading about your various work experiences after Georgetown, including your work with Homeland Security Institute. I also enjoyed watching your video interview. We are hoping to have decisions out in mid- March but in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with any questions you may  have.


While you wait to hear your decision, you might want to use the time to learn more about Fletcher and our community....(links links links)


Meanwhile, please let me know if you have any questions about the admissions process.


Warm Regards,




Clearly, it's a "form" type letter with a few personal tweaks specified from your application, but receiving this email from the very staff member who reviewed my application was pretty exciting. When I emailed her back to thank her, I got an almost immediate, and very convivial response about Boston and the weather...very conversational.


Did anyone receive an email like that? Man, I can't wait until decisions come out! I feel sick to my stomach waiting!!!

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I got the exact same letter, except with "China" in place of "Homeland Security," haha. But like you said, it was cool of them to reach out at all; I wouldn't expect them to write a completely individualized letter to every applicant! I've had a few brief email correspondences with the admissions office, and they seem like friendly, down to earth people. If I get in this is going to be a really tough decision!

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Wow, I am surprised that they sent it to someone who they didn't accept Pinkman. Don't worry, it's not a downer. I really was just curious to know if they send it to everyone...


Pinkman- what email to apply for aid? Whoa, I don't think I got that and I don't really care what that means but I want to apply for aid!


DaniCM- mid-march?! Yes! Hopefully we won't have to wait until March 31st! Mine does not have the contact info of anyone. They clipped an admissions office business card to it. i did get an earlier email from someone else in the office (she knows me because I called her last time I applied) which I replied to. 


Rhodeislander- I work for an NGO. I already told them that I am resigning in April. 


Wanderlust22- Have you decided if you are going to Fletcher or Georgetown?

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I am waiting to hear from every school (and funding offers) before making a decision. I really like both Fletcher and Georgetown at this point but am waiting to hear about Fletcher scholarships - even though I was admitted early decision I have to wait to receive funding info with all of the admitted students. Hopefully we'll all know everything by March 15!

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Decisions are out! I got in with 19k/year! I'm beyond thrilled, as Fletcher is the only school to offer me funding thus far...and 19K/year is a significant chunk of change!


I never imagined living in Boston...but I guess that may be a reality in a few months. (I wish it wasn't so cold up there...haha!)


Good luck everyone!!!!

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Got in as well but only with $5k. But I'm surprised I even got in so can't say I'm disappointed! I personally screwed up and didn't do the video interview - that might have affected my funding. Did you all do the video interview?


That's the least amount of money I've been offered though so I don't think Fletcher is a viable option for me. Now I have to wait for Columbia and then it's decision time.


Anyone else got into Fletcher?

Edited by JFactor
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I'm in with 5k. Didn't think I'd get in either. Does anyone know if there is any aid available in the second year, or is it limited to what you get offered initially. I want to go, but it's hard to pay that much.

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Bosworth Scholarship.

It's both merit and needs based, I guess that's why there are various amounts.

Cool, I'm not sure what it entails though other than the funds. Board of Overseers provides the scholars with special access to the overseers (like the trustees of Fletcher) which is great networking

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Hi, I was looking at their website and saw something about how they have a loan repayment assistance program for students who take public or non-profit jobs, and it sounded like it was pretty easy to get.  Anybody know more about this, or how much it usually is.  The idea of taking out a loan is less intimidating if I know they will help me pay it back if I get a lower paying job.

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They may be referring to a loan assistance program for the U.S. government. I'm no expert, but in short I believe that you need to work in non-profit or public sector for 10 years and make all of your payments on time for your loans, and after 10 years you will be eligible for loan forgiveness (given the fact that you're working at a lower-salaried job). I'd ask Google for more details, and I believe this is only available for US citizens.


Others: was your scholarship information included in your admissions email? I'm currently overseas so I'm not sure if I received anything in snail mail as well, but I was waiting on aid information.

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They have their own program for sure.  They help pay for your loans each year that you met the criteria, but I'm not sure how many people qualify, and how much of an award it is.  It seems like it could be an important thing to consider as I'm thinking about how much of a loan I'd need to go to Fletcher.



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Wow, Fletcher keeps getting more and more amazing. They offer such amazing services to their students. I was admitted with $19K/year AND they just offered to pay for my plane ticket to go to the open house. Now I learn about this loan assistance program. I am beyond impressed with them and very excited to visit the campus. Anyone else going?

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Hi DaniCM, I got their offer for a reimbursement to the open house this afternoon. I hadn't planned on going but now I am seriously considering it. I've visited their campus for a couple of hours before but didn't have the chance to sit in on a class or anything, so I am excited to have the chance now.

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