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re-application support group time?

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All right y'all. I got one rejection to go before I hang it up for this year. Here's my thoughts.

I know that some of you are in the same boat of reapplying (next year will be my third) next year. Perhaps we can set up a support group among ourselves to keep us on task for next year, as in "It's May, have you researched two schools and made any contacts? Written a draft of your SOP? Started working on your WS?" and so forth.

We have roughly 8 months to get our act together. We can map out our plan of attack and keep ourselves moving forward. I know I planned things out last year, but didn't get started as early as I should have. Perhaps some peer pressure will help.

What ya think?


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I'm on board. I've decided that even if the last school I'm waiting on accepts me, I'm not going to go (for a variety of reasons). I plan on continuing to check this forum, so if those of us interested in helping each other keep in touch here, we can maybe even PM each other parts of SoPs and stuff like that.

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Assuming my last few fall through, I'm with you. Maybe we could move off-forum to an email group, if people are willing - that way some of us (those who are me, at least) might feel a little better about being specific with our information? We can always make up new hotmail accounts for it.

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Still holding out on an inevitable rejection and a waitlist, but should I be in that position, I'm definitely in. I only wish I had found this place sooner--I honestly think I would have fared better in this round of applications with the knowledgeable, informative, and supportive members of Gradcafe. So yeah-should we end up for another round, let's band together! :)

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I am in. I also just recently discovered this blog and think it will be a big help in Round 2. girlfromcountyhell, thanks for the offer to see some of your application materials. That would be great! Please let me know if you all set something up off-list.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in as well, assuming I'm not accepted off of the wait list (which seems like a good possibility). I'll definitely need some extra motivation, especially once I get out into the "real" world and get a job.

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I might have to join, assuming I don't get off CMU's waitlist. Though honestly, I might just give up. It's already my second round of applications and even though I did so much better this time, I still failed. It sucks so much, I just don't think I can do it again.

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Just so you know, I have three weeks left in the semester to get three papers and a massive research project done, in addition to grading writing portfolios at the same time.

I thought I would let you know what you're missing, so you don't feel so bad: STRESS!

Anyway, good luck to all who still have hope, however small.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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