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CUNY or Re-apply?

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And quite frankly, Trip Willis, I DO talk this way in real life, and I get along with everyone in my department just fine. The trolling threshold on this forum is set extremely low, due to people's naked insecurities. Anything that isn't anodyne, blindly optimistic, identity-politics-policed pablum is downvoted to hell. This includes sarcastic jokes that go over people's heads. In real life, or perhaps just in my life, people have more self-awareness and a better sense of humor than many of the posters on this board.


It's this type of attitude that gives off the pretentious English scholar vibe. Are you really THAT full of yourself that you truly think people don't understand your attempts to laugh at and berate them? No, we get it. We just don't think it's funny. Many people (myself included) come to this forum for two reasons: information and encouragement. Most of your posts, as far as I've noticed, provide little of either. I don't know what you get out of your disposition, but I surely hope it's something more satisfying than how you have a tendency to make others feel.


What's more, by the way, is that many of your past conjectures have been completely off-base. Name, for example, your ridiculously arrogant thread on wagers of acceptances/rejections. According to your formulas, I shouldn't have been accepted into a Ph.D. program anywhere, let alone have received the 6 acceptances I have (5 from top 30 schools). If you're sitting there thinking that people "just don't get" you, maybe think about how much you're not really "getting" either. These are real people on the other ends of these posts, you know, not robots (at least not most of the time).

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Are you really THAT full of yourself that you truly think people don't understand your attempts to laugh at and berate them? No, we get it.



What's more, by the way, is that many of your past conjectures have been completely off-base. Name, for example, your ridiculously arrogant thread on wagers of acceptances/rejections. According to your formulas, I shouldn't have been accepted into a Ph.D. program anywhere, let alone have received the 6 acceptances I have (5 from top 30 schools).

the getting it part? maybe not so much.

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the getting it part? maybe not so much.


I still get that these were thinly veiled attempts to berate people. I don't think everything posted can just be chalked up to sarcasm--that's too much of a cop out. Sarcasm doesn't excuse callousness and/or ignorant assumptions.

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According to your formulas, I shouldn't have been accepted into a Ph.D. program anywhere, let alone have received the 6 acceptances I have (5 from top 30 schools).


I had formulas? I didn't realize. I thought I was just making random guesses. I was right about Two Espressos, but without checking the actual thread I have no idea if I guessed any other ones correctly. Of course, we can't properly tally until the season is over. You never even posted on the thread, so I definitely didn't tell you anything about where (I guessed) you would be accepted. 

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I had formulas? I didn't realize. I thought I was just making random guesses. I was right about Two Espressos, but without checking the actual thread I have no idea if I guessed any other ones correctly. Of course, we can't properly tally until the season is over. You never even posted on the thread, so I definitely didn't tell you anything about where (I guessed) you would be accepted. 


Obviously. But if you're going to claim that we need to understand your supposedly multifaceted reasoning for your posts, then you can understand what I meant here. The types of judgement calls you made against other people can easily be read for what you think and how you feel about others. That's it. End of that. You can extrapolate as you see fit; you clearly seem to think yourself capable of high analysis. I'm done with this thread, though. On to people who are nice.

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Wow, I've been hanging around the Grad Cafe for 3+ years and I think that was the first time I've been down-voted.


Je ne regrette rien!

Owning it. I see and have experienced donthate as much more than just a discursive bomb thrower. It goes so far beyond mere nuisance and I'm increasingly bothered by the insistence that this is in any way ok.

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I was just about to post that.

Comp lit and English are pretty distinct departments at my school. And I'm done with coursework soon.


Edit: I'm actually not sure I've met a single person from comp lit. For better or for worse. Still, if she's to be believed, we'll get along no problem in real life. She gets along with everyone!  :)

Edited by TripWillis
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I don't like everyone. But I tend to simply avoid the people I dislike.


If they seek me out (as girl who wears glasses did repeatedly over private messages) then I try my best to honestly and bluntly turn them aside. But sometimes that doesn't work. She sent me a message asking me to stop downvoting her posts. I'm only making this public because recently she's referred to our private conversation as me "spewing hatespeech" and I'm really sick of this weird slander. I would post all the messages on here, but they're from my other account which is now closed.

Edited by Fishbucket
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I think she initially underestimated the difficult and random nature of this entire process and naively assumed -- as many of us have done before, including myself -- that they would be far more successful in the applications process than results later demonstrated.


The same happened with me this season.  I certainly didn't think I'd have runaway success, but I did kinda hope I'd get accepted outright into a Ph.D. program.  Granted, I'm incredibly grateful for the acceptance and waitlist I do have, but I guess I either overestimated my abilities or underestimated the competition this cycle, perhaps both.

Edited by Two Espressos
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Well, it's a mysterious and arcane process. And: who you know matters. A hell of a lot. I stopped bringing that up in the past, because it always made people unhappy and devolved into too many negative conversations. But you can't understand the grad application process without discussing the way in which Prof X asks her buddy Prof Y to help with Student A's application, and by the way remember when our program hired your guy last semester? In a context where programs might accept as few as 6 funded students, it makes a difference. But like I said-- this tends to become an unhappy conversation, so I've largely abandoned it.

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Hey FishBucket, I wanted to let you know that I have been reading Bruce Fink's Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis, and I am pretty sure you fall under "hysteric."




ETA: You may be a pervert. I haven't gotten to that section yet.

Edited by Deadinthewater
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:huh:  Fishbucket = DontHate?  Am I the only person who didn't get that until just now?

i pride myself on my ability to identify people by writing style. it's my party trick. close reading ftw! if only identifying internet personas was transferrable (or monetizable) in any way.

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i pride myself on my ability to identify people by writing style. it's my party trick. close reading ftw! if only identifying internet personas was transferrable (or monetizable) in any way.


DontHate and I are texting right now and she says you're adorable.

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