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Fall 2014 applicants??

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This application, faculty members from five of my potential schools have searched my LinkedIn or Academia page. Three of those schools have formally rejected me. I wish they’d stop getting my hopes up. Haha. 


PS: Folks, LinkedIn is sneaky: in your Notification section, it may say something like “2 People Have Viewed Your Profile...” but that doesn’t included premium account members who semi-hide their identity. If you go into your full “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” page, many more appear. 


Yeah I mentioned last night I believe that I was getting searched again. LinkedIn tells me it was a grad student, which I think is pretty interesting.

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Yeah I mentioned last night I believe that I was getting searched again. LinkedIn tells me it was a grad student, which I think is pretty interesting.


That’s what happened to me with UC-Davis. I had four of their grad students looking at my profile. So weird, huh? I asked about that in another forum and someone said that professors often solicit grad students to the social media/presence checking for them. 

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So apparently my current school called people today. Nervous I'm not getting in :( that would be a blow. I already have an acceptance (and another assumed acceptance), but it would be a huge blow if my current program didn't want me. :/

If it's any consolation, I've heard that it's very difficult to get into one's alma mater and it is better professionally if you do grad school elsewhere. That said, good luck to you! I'm sure they still care.

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I did my MA here, not my BA, so it probably wouldn't make a huge difference professionally. Though that does mean it's worse if they reject me (they tend to admit students who did their MA here since there is no combined program). But I have heard that being from diverse programs helps. They only notified two people on grad cafe so I'm hoping that they spread it out over a few days. Since it's the weekend, I won't see anyone to ask until Monday.

Edit: Scratch that; a third person was notified. Starting to feel despair...

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I see a Utah notification on the board! Congrats! :) You’ll LOVE it! 


I’m from the SLC area and have lived in Utah for most of my life. If you have any questions, I can do my best to answer them! 

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Two Fordham University acceptances are up. I applied there. No call for me (at least not so far, and likely not at all), but anyway, they seem to be notifying today/tonight by phone.

There seem to be three by my count. This is my current school that I am completing my MA at. Last year only 4 people reported results--I know they accept about 10 total each year with an expected yield of 7 or 8. I guess most people don't post to the boards. I'm not sure if more will come tomorrow. While I have a great offer already, I was still hoping to possibly continue at Fordham. Ugh. Though last year, people were contacted over a period of a couple days, so who knows

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This application, faculty members from five of my potential schools have searched my LinkedIn or Academia page. Three of those schools have formally rejected me. I wish they’d stop getting my hopes up. Haha. 


PS: Folks, LinkedIn is sneaky: in your Notification section, it may say something like “2 People Have Viewed Your Profile...” but that doesn’t included premium account members who semi-hide their identity. If you go into your full “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” page, many more appear. 

Oh, wow. What sort of materials do you have on your academia.edu page? I just looked, and I did have two views from Davis (although no way of knowing who). My LinkedIn page, though is. a. mess. I haven't updated it in ages, and most of my endorsements are for skills from my previous work, not at ALL related to academia. I really hope no one found that one. Fortunately its under my maiden name, so perhaps they didn't even think to search for that. Yikes.

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Oh, wow. What sort of materials do you have on your academia.edu page? I just looked, and I did have two views from Davis (although no way of knowing who). My LinkedIn page, though is. a. mess. I haven't updated it in ages, and most of my endorsements are for skills from my previous work, not at ALL related to academia. I really hope no one found that one. Fortunately its under my maiden name, so perhaps they didn't even think to search for that. Yikes.


My Academia page is far less comprehensive than my LinkedIn because I didn’t start using it until a couple of months ago. I primarily have some of my conferences presentations listed with abstracts for my articles. I hesitate to post too much research on there because it’s become a sort of ethical issue. That being said, I plan to upload course syllabi and evaluations, abstracts for published and soon-to-be-published papers, and some sneak-peeks of my thesis. 


PS: I notice that you have an Implied Rejection from Irvine in your signature. I emailed Malcolm Bourne and got a response on Feb 19th that said they were still in deliberations, so maybe don’t assume rejection yet :)

Edited by Kamisha
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My Academia page is far less comprehensive than my LinkedIn because I didn’t start using it until a couple of months ago. I primarily have some of my conferences presentations listed with abstracts for my articles. I hesitate to post too much research on there because it’s become a sort of ethical issue. That being said, I plan to upload course syllabi and evaluations, abstracts for published and soon-to-be-published papers, and some sneak-peeks of my thesis. 


PS: I notice that you have an Implied Rejection from Irvine in your signature. I emailed Malcolm Bourne and got a response on Feb 19th that said they were still in deliberations, so maybe don’t assume rejection yet :)

Good to know; thanks! Talk to me about the ethical issues with academia.edu. I haven't posted anything there other than a CV, and the topic hasn't come up among my cohort and our faculty. 

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Good to know; thanks! Talk to me about the ethical issues with academia.edu. I haven't posted anything there other than a CV, and the topic hasn't come up among my cohort and our faculty. 


I don’t know about the validity of it, but there are concerns that research and ideas are being stolen not only by graduate students, but also by faculty members. A lot of people post unpublished, full papers and abstracts (like I said, I’ve posted abstracts) that other students/faculty are picking up on and, instead of citing them, they are taking the ideas and writing up their own versions. It’s a little scary. Like I said, though, I don’t know about the validity of it. It does make me nervous, though. 

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There seem to be three by my count. This is my current school that I am completing my MA at. Last year only 4 people reported results--I know they accept about 10 total each year with an expected yield of 7 or 8. I guess most people don't post to the boards. I'm not sure if more will come tomorrow. While I have a great offer already, I was still hoping to possibly continue at Fordham. Ugh. Though last year, people were contacted over a period of a couple days, so who knows


I looked again and I still see only two.  I also saw one Philosophy Ph.D. acceptance for Fordham.  Could you be mistaking that for an English acceptance?  


Anyway, I feel your pain.  Fordham was at least in my top half out of thirteen.  Hopefully they're still contacting people into tomorrow.  


I'm slowly but surely running out of schools.  If Fordham is indeed out, I have perhaps four viable options left...(and so far only one likely unfunded acceptance).

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Did anyone apply to Temple University and does anyone have any news? A couple weeks back or so, I saw a single Temple acceptance on the results board.  I didn't make much of it since it was only one acceptance (I figured it could either be a fake post or a single person contact who was a fellowship nomination or something), but it could be that they have already notified and people just didn't talk about it much.

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I looked again and I still see only two.  I also saw one Philosophy Ph.D. acceptance for Fordham.  Could you be mistaking that for an English acceptance?  


Anyway, I feel your pain.  Fordham was at least in my top half out of thirteen.  Hopefully they're still contacting people into tomorrow.  


I'm slowly but surely running out of schools.  If Fordham is indeed out, I have perhaps four viable options left...(and so far only one likely unfunded acceptance).


I see three for Fordham. Two appear back-to-back above an acceptance to Boston College and one beneath the latest Vanderbilt rejection. 


I say don’t give up hope :) From the looks of it, you’re both ridiculously strong applicants who will get into wonderful schools! 

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I see three for Fordham. Two appear back-to-back above an acceptance to Boston College and one beneath the latest Vanderbilt rejection. 


I say don’t give up hope :) From the looks of it, you’re both ridiculously strong applicants who will get into wonderful schools! 


lol, I looked again quickly and still don't see it, but no matter.  If y'all saw it, then it's there.


Thanks for the encouragement!  This is a very demoralizing time :(  

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lol, I looked again quickly and still don't see it, but no matter.  If y'all saw it, then it's there.


Thanks for the encouragement!  This is a very demoralizing time :(


It might because the person just entered “Fordham,” not “Fordham University.” 


I know what you mean about demoralizing :( I’ve had quite a few rejections and applied rejections, as well. It looks like you already have an acceptance though, which is fabulous! And still so many schools left to hear from!  

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Yes, definitely, chin up! I honestly think there should be another day to the Fordham acceptances, so don't lose hope yet. It is an excellent school and we have great faculty. 4 options means still good odds. Also, Fordham does wait list a few students, so there is that. I sincerely hope you hear good news.

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I don't even believe in a higher being and I'm praying like a madwoman . . . even so, I have a feeling Monday is not going to be a good day for me. :(

I know. It's so.... emotionally draining. For all the disappointment I've had though, my two tip top schools are still alive and possible. It'll still be a g-damn miracle if I get in, but I can't say my most desired schools were taken from me early.

I could be happy with my one acceptance if it were at least funded, but it's only a doubtful maybe.

Good luck! Fingers crossed for you!

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I know. It's so.... emotionally draining. For all the disappointment I've had though, my two tip top schools are still alive and possible. It'll still be a g-damn miracle if I get in, but I can't say my most desired schools were taken from me early.

I could be happy with my one acceptance if it were at least funded, but it's only a doubtful maybe.

Good luck! Fingers crossed for you!


Unfortunately, one of my top choices is an implied rejection, and it'll be a miracle if I get into my other top choice. Still, I got hope for a miracle! We'll see next week.


Thanks for the luck - fingers crossed for you too!!

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I'm really glad Fordham is notifying earlier than in the past, in spite of the amped up anxiety; I wasn't looking forward to waiting another two weeks.


Also, I know this is sick and wrong, and I can't believe I'm saying it, but I...almost hope they reject me.   I just got back from an amazing visit weekend, and Fordham was also near the top of my list, and I think choosing between the schools would be absolutely awful.  I know that I'm an ass for even saying that, but...I can't decide what I want for dinner.  How could I choose between two amazing schools where I'd be spending 5+ years?


So I'm wishing all the luck onto you guys--you're both amazing, and should definitely have spots there.  They would be fools not to bring you in--fools, I say!

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I know that I'm an ass for even saying that, but...I can't decide what I want for dinner.  How could I choose between two amazing schools where I'd be spending 5+ years?

I understand this sentiment very well. It's guilt-inducing to find yourself overwhelmed by having to choose when you know what a rare and wonderful "problem" it is to have. 

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