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SCHOLARSHIPS!!! Masters Speech Pathology

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To be frank, I'm not a minority.  I'm just a plain, white, young female.  I'm not a mother.  I'm not anything "scholarship" worthy.  Are there any scholarships that are not geared toward mothers, minorities, males, gays etc.  Just a scholarship for students pursuing their masters in speech pathologists with no special or interesting background?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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To be frank, I'm not a minority.  I'm just a plain, white, young female.  I'm not a mother.  I'm not anything "scholarship" worthy.  Are there any scholarships that are not geared toward mothers, minorities, males, gays etc.  Just a scholarship for students pursuing their masters in speech pathologists with no special or interesting background?   Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure if I'm considered a "minority" (Asian-American) but I'm also having a hard time finding one.
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Most departments award some combination of scholarships, tuition waivers, and assistanceships (teaching, research) to their top applicants.

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Yes, there are scholarships for mothers.  I have found more than 1!!


Asian americans are probably minority...


And I would guess males are minority in SPL field, but I don't know


UGHHHH I really can't find anything

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All of the minority scholarships I find specify that they're for "minority applicants of African-American, Hispanic/Latino, or Native American background" :/


And the loan forgiveness programs seems really uncertain. It could happen but it also feels like they'll stop the program at any moment.

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Yeah, it doesn't seem idea, especially because i hope to start a family (relatively) soon after i finish my master's, and I'd rather not be "stuck" working full-time in a sketchy area.  


I think my plan right now is to workworkwork as much as possible before starting in the Fall and save enough to at least cover living expenses and books. Hopefully I can get a TA/RA position, or at least work weekends doing respite or working retail or something while i'm in school :/

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Why is the above poster so surprised about scholarships for mothers?  I'm not a mother, but you can bet your a$$ I think they deserve some help.  I grew up with a single mom who struggled to find jobs to pay the bills because she never finished her degree.  I can't even imagine trying to do school and work to support anyone other than myself... doing that is hard enough as it is.  


Anyway, I'm also white, female, and married to boot.  Nobody thinks I need help :(  If I come across anything I'll post it here. 

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SpeechyKelly: I was just surprised that there are scholarships for mothers...only because I AM a mother and didn't know about them. I have 15-month-old twins and they're very expensive. : ) Ha!

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