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I think that the next email batch will be on Friday saying please check your status on the 16.The three days later the cycle will continue.There seems to be a pattern here..anyone else see it?

Did you interview at UC-Davis? I only ask because I have a friend in Psych who went there this past weekend...

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Here is what we know, UC davis applicants who have not received an interview have been getting check status email from the department.So far the emails have been rejections.The rejections have been on the 6, 9, and 12th.....some people have not heard anything.So I would like to know everyone's theory on this....

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I thought it might be alphabetical too. Are those who haven't heard yet in the last half of the alphabet? I'm around the middle, and I was told to check by today (12th)...

That said, the decision was up earlier for me. I know someone else whose decision at Davis was up earlier than the status check email said it would be. If you go to "Track Status" you can see "Reasons for Rejection." So try that too, if you haven't heard anything from them yet.

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My surname starts with a S. This is the response I'd received from the professor:

Dear S,

Thank you for your e-mail and patience.

Invitations for interviews have gone out to selected applicants.

Further official communication from Graduate Studies at UC Davis is



This, most probably, means a rejection is on the way and that the grad school is taking its own sweet time to update the status page. I wonder why he wouldn't tell me directly as some professors from other places did. They probably have a policy that doesn't let them convey this information via email. So far, the theories that llcooln6 has come up with, make sense. :P

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Hi whitefluff-

I interviewed there on the 9th for social/personality and was accepted on the 11th by my POI. But it really seems like each professor was doing it their way.. My POI said to me at the end of the day that I'd find out in a week or so but I found out much sooner than that. If you're still waiting to hear, good luck!

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It looks as though I am out of the running. I guess a big part was due to a lack of funds this year. So they could not admit many students this year. Unless they're just saying this to spare my feelings. However, I feel I've been hearing "funding issues" from many of the schools. I think I chose a bad year to apply. Will it only be getting worse next year?

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To white fluff: similar situation here. Since Jan (we had an informal meeting), the prof had been telling me that he hoped I would decide to go to Davis, etc. I feel extremely disappointed because I just got this email and was planning on going to Davis! Though it wasn't the prof's fault that he wasn't a new faculty member (he's really established, wrapping up the end of his career) ::sigh:: so sad :'(

I am sorry to say that we will not be able to offer you admission into the

graduate program. The area heads decided to admit only students (1) who

could be supported next year on grants or (2) who would be working with

beginning faculty members we just hired and whose careers are just

beginning. This is complicated by the fact that continuing students need

support and the Department was lax in enforcing a time limit for current

students to graduate. All of this means that we have one of the smallest

entering classes and have hardly any support to hand around.

Your record of accomplishments was among the best we have seen, so the

problem we experienced has to do with funding and financial support, not

your record. I am sure you will get into top universities and I hope we

can stay in touch. I regret very much how things turned out but they are

beyond my control. Best wishes on your future.

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Yikes. Sorry about that, guys. :(

Sounds like the state of CA is really hurting...

Yes it is. I received a similar email from UCSD, from a professor who I've been in touch with for half a year now, someone who even advised me which journal to submit my paper to (after it was rejected by JASA due to scope reasons alone), and she subsequently advised me on the rest of my applications too! It indeed is a sad situation in CA.

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