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Magoosh GRE Prep


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Does anyone on here have any personal experience with using Magoosh GRE Prep? 

Would you mind sharing your experience in terms of old scores new scores, how realistic you might have increased your scores? 


I just need to hear it from a real user, and not one of those "Rachel just raised her score to 339!" Click here to learn how!" 


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I didn't pay for Magoosh, but I found all of their free materials (PDFs, videos on Youtube) to be incredibly helpful. The PDFs are just quick and easy conceptual breakdowns that I looked over for a couple of weeks before the test. (My score improved seven points between my first and second attempts, albeit it was abysmally low the first time.)


Some people here have previously said that Magoosh has a rather convoluted method for its in-depth quant prep. Manhattan seems to be where it's at for the best quant review.

Edited by midnight streetlight
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I signed up for their premium package a few weeks ago. I've been watching the videos and practicing under timed conditions (which I find to be quite useful). The math videos are good, although the Manhattan strategy guides have a better approach, in my opinion. All of the exercises come with a video explanation for you to watch after you answer a question. The verbal videos are not really helpful and you don't get flashcards to memorize words.


All in all, I don't think their package is essential for the GRE, but I do think it's worth the price if you want some extra drills (there are more than 500 questions for math and verbal each) and four practice tests. The videos are nice and may help you feel more engaged to study, but again, I wouldn't say they are vital for you to suceed on the test. 

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I'd say their material ranges from moderate to advanced. Some of their math is so advanced, it seems from/for the GMAT not GRE.


However, their "easy" and most "moderate" questions are relevant in my opinion. They are defiitely very thorough and cover everything.


However, if your math is bad, you will be overwhelmed and may want to start with something more concise.

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Magoosh for verbal, Manhattan for quant.


The Magoosh videos are more helpful for verbal because they don't fixate on arcane vocabulary words, but rather the types of questions and the approaches you should identify in solving them. Manhattan's guides, however, were a far better tool for quant; I wish I had used them sooner. 

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I used it and I thought it was very helpful.  Even the math videos were helpful because they explained each concept and I think I better grasp things when someone explains/draws them out for me rather than just reading books on it.  I think it was helpful most because the videos give good explanations that sometimes doesn't come across when just reading things, and the practice tests. The fact that each answer has a video explanation is great too.  I liked the timed practice sets as well because I probably wouldn't have been as honest if I were just timing myself, this left the control out of my hands and it simulated the GRE more accurately than me studying with books by myself.  But honestly, it still won't be that worth it unless you intensely study as well...

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I bought a premium account and it was great. I gave my GRE two days back and got 331. I got 168 in quant and 163 in verbal. The Magoosh videos are very helpful and the questions are very similar to what you'll see on the GRE.

congrats for that 331..  :)

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I am using their stuff since January 2013, exhausted their Quants, the questions are challenging enough.

The guidance to verbal is excellent. Though I have studied in English medium schools, but the vocabulary part was never great, whenever an obscure word came I was puzzled. Slowly and steadily I am improving. 

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