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Fall 2014 applications


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Probably with the psycholinguists and some of the syntax/semantics folks. :)


Ohhh UT Austin will be fantastic. I have family in Austin - it's an awesome place to live!

(for most of the visit at UMD people kept make jokes about how shitty College Park is - so there's that)


That's really great! Colin Phillips' work is amazing! There's a girl that used to worked in my research team in Argentina, who is now at UMD and she seems to be doing great. Congrats again to you!

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After three straight rejections I am asking myself what is wrong with me and why I don't deserve to go to grad school....So sad...


Kwikki, please don't feel that way; there's nothing wrong with you! So many great, qualified people don't get in, so many people apply several times before they are accepted... I applied to a few PhD programs years ago and didn't get into any. Went on to do an MA, and applied again. 

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Hi all! I've been lurking pretty intensely for the past month and a half — right after I submitted my grad school applications and started hoping against all hope, LOL



I didn't get accepted, but I knew it would be a long shot — I've been out of college for more than two decades, so have no "fresh" academic work to show. I surprised myself by doing rather well on the GRE last December (I thought for sure that I'd have to take it at least twice) and got confident enough to apply to a couple of dream schools.



I, too, was very interested to see everyone's answers to Linguo’s question about “fit.” OnzeHeurs, your answer is especially intriguing to me! I was wondering if you could tell a little about your independent research — what you did, how in-depth you wrote it up (I assume it was your writing sample), did you by any chance manage to get it published, etc.



Thanks again for everyone’s wise words!


Hi, I'll send you a personal message answering your questions.

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@KWIKKI -- Well, then how should I actually feel about seven rejections in a row... Despite having actually (unexpectedly then already) received some quite welcoming feedback about my writing sample from schools like nyu (after interview stage) and rutgers. I honestly don't know what is wrong with me in my case. It is one of the most disheartening experiences I've had so far. So what I am saying is that things can be ~way~ worse.


@beccamayworth -- Thanks for reminding about extending one's educational background through a MA program. Would work for a loser like me. Stop. No more regrets. Congrats to everyone who made it through to the stars.

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I wrote yesterday to Maryland letting them know I won't be attending their program. My heart is bleeding, but it needed be done.


Holy shit, you are on a roll! I'm very curious to see where you end up. Good luck with the rest of your decisions!

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It's times like this I regret not having an academia.edu page. I have an academic web page, it just doesn't tell you if you've been googled!


Also I still haven't heard from Maryland. Womp womp.

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It's times like this I regret not having an academia.edu page. I have an academic web page, it just doesn't tell you if you've been googled!


I use Google Analytics to find out about visitors to my website. It can tell you more information that academia.edu, and I find it quite interesting. (It's also a way to know who is looking at my job applications :P).

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It's times like this I regret not having an academia.edu page. I have an academic web page, it just doesn't tell you if you've been googled!


Also I still haven't heard from Maryland. Womp womp.


I haven't heard from Maryland either. Weird since some rejections and admissions are already out. Did you have an interview or attend the Open House?


@beccamayworth: Thanks for the encouraging words :)

Edited by km2304
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Not the nicest question to make, but those being rejected at Yale went to their Open House last week? I was invited, but not able to go, and haven't heard a word from them yet...


I am hopeful that not being rejected now means something possitive... :unsure:

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I haven't heard from Maryland either. Weird since some rejections and admissions are already out. Did you have an interview or attend the Open House?


@beccamayworth: Thanks for the encouraging words :)


I wasn't interviewed or invited to the open house. The DGS told me my POI would be in contact to set up an interview but he never did, despite me sending two follow up emails (a few weeks apart). Were you interviewed/invited to the open house?

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I wasn't interviewed or invited to the open house. The DGS told me my POI would be in contact to set up an interview but he never did, despite me sending two follow up emails (a few weeks apart). Were you interviewed/invited to the open house?


No, I wasn't - no open house, no interview. That's why I thought I was rejected for sure... Oh and they did not reply to my email neither. 

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