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Fulbright 2014-2015


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i also just got a (very poorly/oddly timed) message about orientation dates "in the case I am awarded a Fulbright". i think they have their email process out of order...



Which country are you applying for?



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Here's what the email looked like for the curious and future Fulbright applicants:


Subject: Fulbright Application Status (A)


We wish to inform you that you have been designated as an Alternate for the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. Thus you would receive an award only in the event that someone withdraws or additional funding becomes available.   While you have not currently been selected as a Principal candidate, your selection as an Alternate for a Fulbright award is, in itself, an achievement for which you can be justly proud. 
Please know we have no way of predicting the chances of an Alternate’s promotion to Principal, nor do we maintain ranked lists of Alternates. Promotions may depend on the profile of the Principal who declines a grant offer or other factors.

The majority of Principal candidates are given one month to make their decisions regarding acceptance or declination of an award. You can assume that the Principal candidates for your country are being notified simultaneously with this notice to you. Therefore, you can estimate the time frame in which most students will accept or decline their award offers. The chance of promotion will be greatest during the spring months, and then steadily decline as time goes on.   However, we maintain Alternate lists until the grant year closes and will ONLY contact you if an opening occurs.

It is our hope that you would be available to accept a grant should it be offered. In the meantime, it is important that you advise us immediately if there is any factor that could preclude you from accepting an award. You will remain on the Alternate list unless you withdraw, in writing, from the competition.

No additional information should be sent to us in support of your application, as it will have no effect on your status. Also, please be advised that in the event that we can offer you a Fulbright award, we will try to contact you by telephone or email first. If you need to update any of your contact information, please email your IIE Program Manager. You will receive no further correspondence on your status unless potential funding becomes available.

I want to emphasize that your Alternate status in no way prejudices your chances for success in future Fulbright U.S. Student Program competitions.  Each year's selection is separate.  If you are not promoted to a Principal candidate and you wish to apply again for a Fulbright Award, your application will be considered solely on the basis of eligibility requirements, merits, and the placement possibilities in the country of your choice.

We appreciate your interest in the Fulbright Program.




Daniel Kramer
Director, U.S. Student Programs



I just hate the fact that the subject line l included the (A). I am so frightened my decision will include the letter in the subject line. I don't want to be accosted with my status; I want to have a least a few seconds to mentally prepare.


Oh my god now I'm seriously freaking out because the subject line has the status.....like GnosisExchange said...I would need some time to prepare before reading the message and take a deep breath before opening it. Darn, that's not cool at all haha. Man, I wasn't thinking too much about it until it dawned on me that results are just around the corner for Spain. I know some of you have said that everything happens for a reason and I so totally agree with it...I know time heals everything but yeah, it would be a huge disappointment if I don't get it. In any case congratulations to all of you who have been designated as alternates and my sincere hope is that you're promoted to principal status. You earned it. 

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First of all-- thank you everyone for the congratulations! I hope everyone here hears some good news as well :)


And it was from the research grant in Paris!!! I can't wait to live there again!


Also the Fulbright advisor from my university told me that someone else from my college got into France ETA, so I suppose they heard back as well!


Good luck everyone!

 PARIS IS AWESOME! My favorite city!!!!!!!!! you're so lucky!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!

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Oh my god now I'm seriously freaking out because the subject line has the status.....like GnosisExchange said...I would need some time to prepare before reading the message and take a deep breath before opening it. Darn, that's not cool at all haha. Man, I wasn't thinking too much about it until it dawned on me that results are just around the corner for Spain. I know some of you have said that everything happens for a reason and I so totally agree with it...I know time heals everything but yeah, it would be a huge disappointment if I don't get it. In any case congratulations to all of you who have been designated as alternates and my sincere hope is that you're promoted to principal status. You earned it. 





I think I read several pages back that not all the countries include the letter in their subject line. I don't know about Spain, but good luck.



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I think I read several pages back that not all the countries include the letter in their subject line. I don't know about Spain, but good luck.




Oh okay, I hope this is truly not the case for Spain then because otherwise I'd be out of breath the moment I see "A" on the subject line. D: 

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Oh okay, I hope this is truly not the case for Spain then because otherwise I'd be out of breath the moment I see "A" on the subject line. D: 


I feel the same way about Korea. However, it wouldn't be too bad to see a P (an N would suck though).

Edited by GnosisExchange
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Oh gosh, I got this email from my Fulbright Advisor. Apparently they've been having issues sending out notifications:


We are sending Fulbright US Student selection notification emails over the next few weeks,  The email to some of your students and copied to you may not get through to @xxxx.edu   
If you become aware of a student(s) who should have received email notification and did not, please check with your IT people. The message may have been blocked or could be in a spam filter.
As if we weren't stressed enough already...
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OMG. What's worst is I associate "A" with accepted, so I may have a horrible, horrible, crashing of dreams and hopes if I get alternate status.



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Oh my god now I'm seriously freaking out because the subject line has the status.....like GnosisExchange said...I would need some time to prepare before reading the message and take a deep breath before opening it. Darn, that's not cool at all haha. Man, I wasn't thinking too much about it until it dawned on me that results are just around the corner for Spain. I know some of you have said that everything happens for a reason and I so totally agree with it...I know time heals everything but yeah, it would be a huge disappointment if I don't get it. In any case congratulations to all of you who have been designated as alternates and my sincere hope is that you're promoted to principal status. You earned it. 


Yes, I would need to sit down, grab a beverage that may or may not have carbonated alcohol, and then open the email  and possibly read it from the bottom up.

Edited by kbui
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Do you know if the number of applications applied includes all applicants or just ones recommended? Thanks!

Tallying the numbers for all Research and ETA statistics, I think it is everyone.


I emailed the rep for Latin America and she told me Panama has not finalized their choices. Yup, I bet I won't find out until late April or early May. Let's see how I can distract myself. I apoligize to all the stem program majors on the forum, but I keep having stress dreams that a project on conserving sea turtles and jaguars will beat me.

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I am joining the discussion very late... 101 pages later! Wow!


Just in case you did not yet see the link to the petition on the Fulbright Facebook page, I am posting it here: http://www.savefulbright.org/

Please consider signing the petition and spread the word. Hopefully Fulbright can continue to support as many young scholars and cultural ambassadors as possible in the years to come!


Best wishes to all of you!

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Tallying the numbers for all Research and ETA statistics, I think it is everyone.


I emailed the rep for Latin America and she told me Panama has not finalized their choices. Yup, I bet I won't find out until late April or early May. Let's see how I can distract myself. I apoligize to all the stem program majors on the forum, but I keep having stress dreams that a project on conserving sea turtles and jaguars will beat me.


Miri1776, my FPA says that Fulbright is actively trying to send out all notifications by or on April 15th, so you should probably expect to here no later than that.

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Miri1776, my FPA says that Fulbright is actively trying to send out all notifications by or on April 15th, so you should probably expect to here no later than that.


...Really?! That would be so incredibly different from last year. I didn't find out until mid May, and neither did some people applying to several other countries (a few even heard in June, I think). Did your FPA say what's changed?

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Tallying the numbers for all Research and ETA statistics, I think it is everyone.


I emailed the rep for Latin America and she told me Panama has not finalized their choices. Yup, I bet I won't find out until late April or early May. Let's see how I can distract myself. I apoligize to all the stem program majors on the forum, but I keep having stress dreams that a project on conserving sea turtles and jaguars will beat me.

Miri1776, I'm thinking about emailing the rep from Latin America as well and asking about Brazil. Was she nice about it or did she seem annoyed that you asked her? Any type of closure I could get about when to start freakishly checking my email every five seconds would be helpful. 

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Miri1776, I'm thinking about emailing the rep from Latin America as well and asking about Brazil. Was she nice about it or did she seem annoyed that you asked her? Any type of closure I could get about when to start freakishly checking my email every five seconds would be helpful.

Her response was short. "Panama has not finalized who they will select as candidates. Thank you for your patience."

That was all she wrote :( i expected at least some kind of indication that it may be next month, but she was very short. They. Probably get emails all the time so i'm sure they wouldn't mind another one :)

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Quick thing on the increases in certain places:

I was told as well that they would be adding a lot of grants. I assume people were operating on the assumption that it would be easier to get one. Brazil last year had a last minute influx as well for the world cup (keep in mind their fulbright starts in January-February). I know this because I have a friend that was in the 2012-2013 cycle, and was renewed (along with other people in her year) for another cycle. They decided at the last minute that they wanted a lot more grantees than before, and called back lots of people they had previously said they declined or had as an alternate. People probably got wind of this, and thought the influx would continue. 


But I see lots of countries where there was a decline instead. Only 9 applicants to Bosnia, down from 18. I keep wondering if this is good or bad for my odds if they only take 2....

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Miri1776, I'm thinking about emailing the rep from Latin America as well and asking about Brazil. Was she nice about it or did she seem annoyed that you asked her? Any type of closure I could get about when to start freakishly checking my email every five seconds would be helpful. 


If you do, I'm sure I don't have to say this but- pretty please report back.  I noticed that Brazil has its own program manager (http://us.fulbrightonline.org/countries/selectedregion/18 - scroll down for contact info) so if you're unable to get any details it may be useful to check with the other Western Hemisphere person, and I'll be happy to do that.  South America definitely seemed to be more on its game last year than this time, both Colombia and Brazil (and Peru, but I don't know if any of those folks are here with us) are lagging a few weeks behind from the 2013-14 application season.  So it goes.


In the meantime I'll be playing this song on repeat for all of us out there still waiting...  :unsure:



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as an alternate I'm hoping to find out that the person has accepted the position at the school i applied to. I wonder when Fulbright has posted the official list of principles in the past.... That would help me sleep a touch better at night just knowing some solid info.

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