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Fulbright 2014-2015


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I got it! I can't even type I'm so excited. 



Congratulations!!! I really hope you blog about your research in India. I would love to read what you discover. Such an interesting topic! Please share!  :D


And congrats to the others who got accepted today! Condolences to those who didn't :-(

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It's okay! Welcome! My Fulbright Adviser got off the phone with Jonathan Akeley and he said they're primarily shooting for this week, but if not, I'm sure Asian countries hopeful can expect to hear in the next two weeks as well. I heard back from Laos, and based on last year, Korea should be soon - if we assume there is a trend.



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Congrats to the India grantees! I'm sorry to those who didn't get it. Another door closes, as you know, another door opens. - Who knows - maybe you'll reapply next year and the door will reopen again.


Heard back from Laos today. Bittersweet, I'm an alternate. My Fulbright adviser forwarded me the email and the status was in the headline like this: Fulbright Application Status (A)


Chok Dee I hope you get it!!!


I will definitely hope for the best and that I'm removed from the alternate list by Friday, but I understand it's rare. However, this is okay with me, since I still have Thailand in line for me.


I'll still be lurking around and inform everyone of my final decision.


Starlettmimi, thank you for the good wishes. I was selected. PM me if you would like to talk about your Thailand option.

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Starlettmimi, thank you for the good wishes. I was selected. PM me if you would like to talk about your Thailand option.


Yaaay! I'm so happy for you! Super congrats!!! I will definitely continue to do so.

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Your background is so ideal for an ETA in Bulgaria! If we both end up there I will definitely be hitting you up to talk about pedagogy and whatnot, and about your experiences getting an MFA; I'm seriously thinking about going in that direction myself eventually. And yes, I would love to collaborate on a creative writing program. 


Where did you hear about FISI being only for research grantees now? Looking at the participants from the current cycle I thought it included ETAs, too, but I could be mistaken.


God, another week without hearing, though. I was really looking to celebrate tonight. 

Hey, venus in jorts and rosecoyote! I'm also a recommended applicant to the Bulgaria ETA, and reading your posts have encouraged me to stop lurking and join the forum  :lol: 

My own proposed side project also involves creative writing and literary magazine-type things. (I was an editor at my college's lit magazine). If by good fortune we are all accepted, I would love to collaborate on any project. 

To be honest, I literally crave the chance to teach creative writing.... I currently teach at a language school in South Korea (not for much longer), but unfortunately the business I work for is one of the more unfortunate byproducts of globalization and the ascendancy of English as a lingua franca. I'd feel far fewer moral compunctions teaching English as an agent of American soft diplomacy than as an amplifier of terribly outdated and ineffective corporatized education models. Luckily, if I get the Bulgaria Fulbright, my fellow Fulbrighters will be people who want to use their teaching experiences to contribute something positive and relevant to their students' lives.


Let's do something awesome. Now, all that's left is to be accepted....  :blink:


As regards the FISI, it appears they are no longer providing the funding for ETAs to attend. There used to be an ETA-only course in the FISI schedule that I assume constituted orientation for the ETAs. There is no mention of an ETA course in this year's FISI schedule. Some of the FISI courses look fascinating, however, and I plan on attending even if it means paying money out of pocket.


As for the waiting, we can do it. As they say at my alma mater: Bear Down!

As they say in Korea: 화이팅! (Fighting!)


Best of luck to everyone!


풀브라이트  화이팅!

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I'm right there with all of y'all still waiting this week, meditating a bit on that first part of the serenity prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.  I have an April 15th deadline to decide on a graduate fellowship for next year, and while up until maybe last week I didn't think I'd need to make that decision without knowing my final Fulbright status, it now looks like a real possibility.  While it would mean I'd miss out on a great, albeit still hypothetical opportunity, I'm in no place to complain about where this has all taken me.  The Fulbright application process is actually what led me to realize that it was time to go back to school for my PhD, and now that's an actuality.  It's encouraging to see that most of those that weren't selected for their Fulbright grants this time around are planning to apply again in the future - I'll definitely be doing the same if this week doesn't bring the news I've been waiting for.


That being said, have faith everyone, our work here is done.  


Your move, Fulbright committees of Latin America/Asia/Africa/Eurasia.

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To all those waiting for news from Brazil - I called Jody Dudderer - the FPA for Brazil - and she told me that they are hoping to get all notifications out for ETAs and research this week! "Hoping" being the operative word - she really emphasized it. 

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To all those waiting for news from Brazil - I called Jody Dudderer - the FPA for Brazil - and she told me that they are hoping to get all notifications out for ETAs and research this week! "Hoping" being the operative word - she really emphasized it. 

That's fantastic! Thanks for calling, I hope we do get news this week.

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I want to get my recommendation writers gifts to show how much I appreciate their support and help throughout the application process.  Do you think this would be cheesy or is it a good idea?

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I want to get my recommendation writers gifts to show how much I appreciate their support and help throughout the application process. Do you think this would be cheesy or is it a good idea?

I did. I didn't spend a ton of money, but bought them each something personal.

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I want to get my recommendation writers gifts to show how much I appreciate their support and help throughout the application process.  Do you think this would be cheesy or is it a good idea?


I'm obviously holding out for a few months for any news, but I am planning on giving them a little something. I also hope to treat the family and friends who supported and helped me the most in my application process to breakfast or lunch as a way to say thank you.

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What do you guys think of including the time of day along with the date in the "Notification Date" field on the spreadsheet? I think it might save next year's applicants from having to dig through our forum to see times/what statuses got notified first, etc.

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I want to get my recommendation writers gifts to show how much I appreciate their support and help throughout the application process.  Do you think this would be cheesy or is it a good idea?

That isn't cheesy at all. ANY professor, etc who writes me a recommendation gets a card from me with a genuine heartfelt note...every. single. time. soon after writing for me. Also, I ensure to keep in contact with those people/new people. 

It is good to get into the habit of showing gratitude toward the people who support you! They really appreciate it. I am sure the people you want to gift would be more than flattered.

I have heard a lot of stories from the people I thank who say: 1.) They never say thank you... 2.) They never updated me on how the thing they were going for turned out.

Writing ensures they will write for you again, forms a bond, AND they will give you and offer excellent advice since they are so in tuned with what you are trying to do with your future. Some of my recommenders over the years have introduced me to excellent people and I am sure showing my appreciation towards them had a lot to do with that. 

Edited by SmarteyMartey
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I want to get my recommendation writers gifts to show how much I appreciate their support and help throughout the application process.  Do you think this would be cheesy or is it a good idea?


Cheesy! A good ole' email saying you got it or a beer should do the job, but to each his own! 

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That isn't cheesy at all. ANY professor, etc who writes me a recommendation gets a card from me with a genuine heartfelt note...every. single. time. soon after writing for me. Also, I ensure to keep in contact with those people/new people. 

It is good to get into the habit of showing gratitude toward the people who support you! They really appreciate it. I am sure the people you want to gift would be more than flattered.

I have heard a lot of stories from the people I thank who say: 1.) They never say thank you... 2.) They never updated me on how the thing they were going for turned out.

Writing ensures they will write for you again, forms a bond, AND they will give you and offer excellent advice since they are so in tuned with what you are trying to do with your future. Some of my recommenders over the years have introduced me to excellent people and I am sure showing my appreciation towards them had a lot to do with that. 

I agree completely. Every recommendation writer, regardless of the outcome, has always gotten (at the very least) a nice card with a note in it. Sometimes I also do a gift card to a restaurant, or sometimes I go the the cupcake shop and buy them cupcakes :) Everyone loves cupcakes.  

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So I'm reading the Fulbright Orientation book from last year in hopes that my preemptive preparation will be forced to fruition this week.




Lol. I really don't think I can take another day of waiting!! :unsure:

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A bit off topic, but relevent to our plans to travel abroad. I am interesting in buying a laptop because mine is crap. It's so dated that a librarian asked me if my dell vostro was a prototype for laptops! Rude! Well, I'm looking into buying a quality laptop. You know, putting a mac book pro on a credit card because I'm a poor grad student. However, I'm struggling with the decision. I'm going to research in Panama for 10 months and having such an expensive laptop could be a liability. I don't want to attract attention. What do you guys and gals think? Have you worried about your laptop abroad?


I found this great blog post about traveling with your laptop abroad.



I brought my laptop with me on a number of travels overseas including West Africa for around 6 months.  Luckily *knock on wood* I have not had any problems.  I just practiced basic common sense stuff; always made sure to keep it in a locked room, keep an eye on, etc.  I didn't have any problems.


In regards to attracting attention, I only ever really used my laptop at my permanent location or at a hostel.  Usually, wherever I have used my laptop, there have been tons of others using laptops also.  However, it depends a lot more on where you will be/what is your itinerary (whether you are traveling a lot within Panama or traveling to especially remote places). 


Would it be possible to keep the laptop that you have now and get a new laptop when you come back?  With that, you don't have to worry as much about someone stealing it/it getting damaged. Also, insurance for laptops can be pretty expensive. This way you wouldn't really have to worry about getting insurance for your laptop.


Also, there are tons of free programs (Prey for example) that you can use to help get back your laptop if it is stolen.  I am not sure how much it would help in rural areas.   However, it is free.  :D 

Edited by meupatdoes
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