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MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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I was in the same situation - same $30k scholarship offer too. I just paid my SVA deposit - they're different programmes, buy the course and faculty at SVA seemed much better. I also emailed some students and spoke to a lot of people and no one really really recommended Pratt. Maybe it was pretty stupid to choose the more expensive option (by $20k) but I feel happier with the choice. Will go with SVA unless I get an external scholarship to RCA.

Hi you guys,

I need some advice!

I've applied to SVA and Pratt , and after the interviews and some additional research, I felt confident that SVA was the right choice for me,

but only hours after I paid the enrollment fee...... I get a letter from pratt offering me a $30 000 scholarship (divided over the two years)

And now I feel really conflicted... Feels really stupid turning down that offer, but at the same time my gut feeling is leaning towards SVA...

Anyone have any input? knows about these different programs? (SVA FIne Arts vs Pratt Fine arts(new forms)

All input is appreciated!


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I have to decide between the 3-year programs in graphic design at RISD and at CalArts. CalArts is offering a little bit more money that RISD, and CalArts has a much smaller program and faculty-to-student ratio than RISD. But CalArts has a really strong signature aesthetic, and I don't want that to necessarily consume my work. Also, I feel like RISD has more of an appreciation for people who come in from different disciplines, and encourages its students to utilize that background to the fullest in their GD work.


Thoughts/suggestions/comments would be very much appreciated! I've been racking my brains out for a while now and am going a little crazy!

(I'm also thinking of deferring for a year after I decide.)

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I was just informed that I was accepted off the wait list at K-State! So glad this process is over and can't believe I got in my first time around. Good Luck to everyone still waiting or deciding!

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Hi @bhavika.aggarwal! Not sure if is this unethical (wanted to wait until you made yr decision), but can I ask: when did Yale ask for acceptance / decline decisions? I'm on the waitlist... desperately trying to gauge some kind of timeframe so I can anticipate moving on with my life. 


p.s. all rca observations are totally honest!

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Haha, no worries, I trust your observations  :P


I declined my offer long ago. The deadline was April 15, I think.


Best of luck!


Hi @bhavika.aggarwal! Not sure if is this unethical (wanted to wait until you made yr decision), but can I ask: when did Yale ask for acceptance / decline decisions? I'm on the waitlist... desperately trying to gauge some kind of timeframe so I can anticipate moving on with my life. 


p.s. all rca observations are totally honest!

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AH! So I was accepted to RISD Sculpture, but I assumed a while ago that it wouldn't be possible because they only gave me $13,000 for a tuition of $41,000. But  I waited until the very end to see if any more funding would become available. And now they have given me $20,000. Quite an increase, but it would still require me to take out A LOT in loans. I like the school a lot, I know it is prestigious and has a good reputation. But we are still talking about $40,000 in loans.  I live in Boston, and I kinda want a change, both academically and regionally. I don't know that I can pull the trigger, but I don't want to be shit out of luck next year if I apply to other schools and don't get in/get enough money...


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AH! So I was accepted to RISD Sculpture, but I assumed a while ago that it wouldn't be possible because they only gave me $13,000 for a tuition of $41,000. But  I waited until the very end to see if any more funding would become available. And now they have given me $20,000. Quite an increase, but it would still require me to take out A LOT in loans. I like the school a lot, I know it is prestigious and has a good reputation. But we are still talking about $40,000 in loans.  I live in Boston, and I kinda want a change, both academically and regionally. I don't know that I can pull the trigger, but I don't want to be shit out of luck next year if I apply to other schools and don't get in/get enough money...




Seems like your intuition is telling you that you'll get exactly what you need and feel comfortable and happy at RISD. Any amount of debt is obviously undesirable-- but depending how much undergrad put you in the hole, 40k wouldn't be the wildest amount to incur. Personally, I'd consider pulling the trigger here. Maybe I'm a bit biased here, as a former Bostonian who spent a lot of time in/love Providence with some close friends who are RISD alum. I'm also speaking as someone who was faced with the option of going to a very inexpensive school this fall (which I felt completely uncomfortable at) and I've decided to re-apply for next year.


That's also promising that they honored your financial appeal, because who knows -- perhaps they'll consider giving you more for your second year? 


to YOLO, or not to YOLO... maybe I should start a 2k15 thread.. 

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Seems like your intuition is telling you that you'll get exactly what you need and feel comfortable and happy at RISD. Any amount of debt is obviously undesirable-- but depending how much undergrad put you in the hole, 40k wouldn't be the wildest amount to incur. Personally, I'd consider pulling the trigger here. Maybe I'm a bit biased here, as a former Bostonian who spent a lot of time in/love Providence with some close friends who are RISD alum. I'm also speaking as someone who was faced with the option of going to a very inexpensive school this fall (which I felt completely uncomfortable at) and I've decided to re-apply for next year.


That's also promising that they honored your financial appeal, because who knows -- perhaps they'll consider giving you more for your second year? 


to YOLO, or not to YOLO... maybe I should start a 2k15 thread.. 


May I ask which school?

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Hi All,


Just had a pretty peculiar situation at Indiana University Bloomington - after complete radio silence following my application (not an interview or anything), I got a call late Sunday night from the head of the discipline sort of, semi-offering the position (and the GA and fellowship), but only if I could make a decision by the next day. When I told him that that wouldn't be possible, and that I would need at least a few days to make a decision, he told me that he would have to check in and see. And when I called later in the week to try and set up a time to actually come visit, he told me they had actually decided to offer it to someone else, but I was first on the list. The whole thing was kind of shady.


In the end, I've decided on IUP (small school just outside of Pittsburgh). The school overall seems pretty ok, but the sculpture department looks excellent - it's re-shaping itself in a really positive way - excellent facilities, lots of grantwriting, and great partnerships with the other disciplines (including a really fantastic wood/furniture department). The studios are really nice, was impressed with the faculty, and I've heard nothing but praise for Pittsburgh. I also got a fellowship which will effectively reduce tuition plus fees to 0, and from what I understand, the schedule allows for time to get a part-time job in addition to course-work and artmaking.


Anyone else going to be at IUP?

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Yea the other person declined a sculpture spot at iu Bloomington I think that's why it was weird.they are great people and the facilities are dreamy. The deadline to accept is April 15th so not really their fault.

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Hi femnotfem,


The weird things for me were the complete lack of interviews, and the requirement of an immediate decision by phone, even though I hadn't received an official acceptance (or even waitlist notification). But the area head did put me in touch with several grad students, who all had very positive things to say. Either way, I wish you luck! Your work looks quite nice :)

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I completely understand. I think he was on a bind, I don't think he was expecting the guy to decline.with the interview thing that is weird because I thought I got over-interviewed haha. I wish you luck and of you every do get a chance to visit Bloomington you should it's a grand city. Best of luck!

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I need help!

I got offered a great opportunity at Indiana, but I got a call from Cornell today. I was the first on their waitlist and they got extra funds to offer another student admittance. It is equivalent to what Indiana offered full ride plus GA position and healthy stipend. I need help!

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I need help!

I got offered a great opportunity at Indiana, but I got a call from Cornell today. I was the first on their waitlist and they got extra funds to offer another student admittance. It is equivalent to what Indiana offered full ride plus GA position and healthy stipend. I need help!

Hi femnotfem,


Have you visited Cornell? Here's my take as someone who attended Cornell for undergrad (not for art, but I was involved with the art and architecture departments) and visited the MFA in person, and who was also looking at IU (and spoke to several current MFAs there):


Cornell Pros:

-Proximity to New York (still not super close - about 5 hours, but driveable and busable)

-Connections to artists in New York (and a year-end show in New York). From talking to the current MFA students at IU, Blane's current success seems like it can open up quite a few doors, so the two schools may be more comparable now than they'd been in the past.

-Pretty good visiting artists

-The amazing resources of Cornell (which you may or may not use) - I'll bet IU is pretty comparable for most things, but Cornell has an incredible library, and some amazing colleges, grants, and facilities for the sciences and humanities.

-Name recognition - I'm still not clear on how Cornell fares on name recognition in the art world, but outside of the art world the name can carry a lot of weight - I've had a couple of employers tell me that they looked at my resume more deeply after seeing where I'd gone to school.



-Facilities: If facilities are important for you, don't choose Cornell. Though they do have some good facilities, from what I understand, access is not 24-hour and is shared with architecture which can make it difficult to use. Also, their foundry is no longer functional. When I visited, I met with the head of the MFA program as well as with one of the more technical sculpture professors who I'd worked with in the past, and the facilities seemed somewhat bleak. In general, the college's split between art and architecture can make things complicated, and it seems as though most of the funding is spent on the art department's connections rather than on the facilities. For me, this made Cornell a no-sell (I didn't apply) as craft/technique are a crucial part of my work. But if you're more of a conceptualist or don't have as much of an emphasis on wood and metal, this might not matter.


Otherwise, Ithaca is a pretty wonderful place (outside of the weather), but from what I understand, so is Bloomington. Feel free to message me or ask any other questions, and I can do my best to answer. The truth is that I was pretty unimpressed with my visit to Cornell (I remember thinking that it might be worth it for all that is available outside of art, but not for art itself), but my background and plans are also not as straightforward for the world of art and sculpture (I have a design spin to the things I do) so YMMV.

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thank you for the feedback. Since i have not visited Cornell I chose to decline their offer and stick with Indiana. I love the school and everyone there is very genuine and amazing. I think the three year program will be best for me. I really really appreciate all the things you said thankyou for taking the time to do that. 

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I would highly suggest Indiana to anyone. 

Everyone that is there absolutely loves it.

the studios are huge!

the facilities are amazing. 

Blane and Mike are so wonderful and have alot of connections in the art world

Bloomington is beautiful and very low cost of living, great biking community, music scene, vegan/veg restaurants. 

They are moving toward being highly conceptual, atleast what i got from them. 

All of the concentrations have their own building which makes you feel really at home in your area of choice. 

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I would highly suggest Indiana to anyone. 

Everyone that is there absolutely loves it.

the studios are huge!

the facilities are amazing. 

Blane and Mike are so wonderful and have alot of connections in the art world

Bloomington is beautiful and very low cost of living, great biking community, music scene, vegan/veg restaurants. 

They are moving toward being highly conceptual, atleast what i got from them. 

All of the concentrations have their own building which makes you feel really at home in your area of choice. 

Femnotfem, I am very surprised that you are choosing Indiana U-Bloomington over Cornell. Can you explain why? 

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