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Stanford GSE


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Haven't heard back either. It is weird that Stanford GSE have sent rejection/acceptance letters almost same time. Based on the result page, all the letter they sent this morning indicates rejection. Do I still have little chance? So painful. SIgh.

Edited by sjk0831
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Haven't heard back either. It is weird that Stanford GSE have sent rejection/acceptance letters almost same time. Based on the result page, all the letter they sent this morning indicates rejection. Do I still have little chance? So painful. SIgh.

Hey, my email was in a hidden folder in gmail. Not even spam folder. So I typed "Stanford" in the search section of my email and found the rejection... yikes. At least it's an answer. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like someone got accepted from the Results Page.

I still haven't heard anything from them. Does that mean it's probably gonna be a rejection or waitlist?

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I still haven't heard anything from them. Does that mean it's probably gonna be a rejection or waitlist?

I got phone call after 5pm west coast time saying that I got in, but the official email won't be sent till next Tuesday.

Good luck everyone!

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By the way, does anyone's application status page still say "incomplete"? Mine does, although I submitted and sent everything in late November / early December. One of the admissions directors said back then that this did not mean the application wasn't moving on for review, it was just that they manually completed all applications and they would contact me if something was missing. However, I'm surprised that it still doesn't show as completed so late in the game.


Mine says "submitted." Since it's done manually, maybe they forgot to update your status? I think they would've contacted you if additional materials were required. 

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Mine does say "submitted" as well, but then when you go to "View checklist" there's an item right below the "Application" headline that says "Application Status: Incomplete"... Does yours say that too?


Wow, I never checked that! But it says "complete" for me. 

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Ok, that makes me a bit uneasy, although after reading last year's posts it seems to be a common problem and the application status for even some of those who were accepted said "incomplete" up until the last minute too. 


I was surprised that such a technology-oriented university as Stanford would outsource their application system to CollegeNet/ApplyWeb rather than having their own. Aside from the problem of having to manually complete all applications, the experience of completing the application wasn't smooth at all as you had to fill it in sequentially. I'm sure coding your own application system isn't that much work... It could even be an LDT student project   :)


I'm a ux designer and stanford application system made me cringe! It was by far the worst I had encountered among all colleges. Filling the application sequentially was absurd when I had to click next 14 times to reach the last section for a small edit. And this view checklist- it's such an important component- and yet hidden behind a button placed at the most confusing junction. I wonder if they realize how poorly this reflects on the college. But I guess, Stanford being Stanford, they can get away with this. 

By the way, which program have you applied to? We should hear something by tomorrow. The wait is killing me!

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I'm applying to LDT! And since you're a UX designer, I'm guessing you are as well? Are you also applying to Harvard TIE?


The wait is making me a bit nervous too, but yes, we should know by tomorrow. I'm in Europe at the moment so I have a 9-hour difference with PST, which seems to make the days longer somehow!


Yes and Yes! :D LDT and TIE! I hope we both hear some good news tomorrow. Even though I'm living in California, the days seem eternally long to me too! 

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New poster, longtime viewer, here. SO nervous about results--which it seems we might find out today. I've only applied to two programs--with an April deadline back-up school as an option--so I'm pretty attached to the results!


Does anyone have a sense of how competitive the POLS program is?


Fingers crossed we find out today!

Edited by arielle33
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GASP! someone got pols on the results....

Guess we will find out monday via email....sigh. 


And yes! Another POLS! In the webinar, they stated that the admit rate ranges from 15-25% depending on applicant pool. And they typically have a cohort of 30-35 students. 

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GASP! someone got pols on the results....

Guess we will find out monday via email....sigh. 


And yes! Another POLS! In the webinar, they stated that the admit rate ranges from 15-25% depending on applicant pool. And they typically have a cohort of 30-35 students. 


I guess this isn't a good sign for those who haven't heard anything yet...

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No word yet...a few years back notification didn't come out until early March. This year the latest STEP on the result page seem to come on the 24th instead of all on the 20-22nd and there has been about 6-8 days in between before the Non-STEP MA results were out. So hopefully early next week is the time for us!


No news is not bad news...hopefully. Congrats to the POLS that got phone calls! Also, did anyone have a hard time on the application with what idea they wanted their POLS project to be?

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Hi everyone,


Ok, so I just heard back from the Admissions department regarding my application status saying "incomplete". First of all, they also mentioned that results should be out this week.


Now, for those of you whose status says "incomplete", and for future GradCafers who will read this thread wondering the same thing (as I saw from previous posts it is a common problem every year), you should rest assured that this is absolutely normal. This seems to happen when the Admissions department must manually pull scores that don't directly make it to them (such as when you enter a department code). So, if you haven't sent your GRE/TOEFL scores yet, don't enter a department code. If you did, and they haven't reached out to you specifically to let you know they don't have your scores, don't worry: your file still moved forward for review. 


I hope that helps!


 Good to know everything was alright!

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Has anyone from ICE or LDT heard anything yet? Looks like only POLS acceptances have been made! 


Nothing from LDT- atleast on my end. Though, @elvenitocho received a reply stating we should hear back this week.


I know it's hard waiting- I, for one, have become obsessed with the refresh button on my email app :P

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Hi everyone!

I've been watching the POLS acceptances come in, and haven't received a call myself. Is it safe to assume I'm probably NOT going to get accepted? They've been making calls since Friday, and there's been quite a few posts from accepted students to the program... would love any input/insights/guesses. 


(PS I so wish the admissions team would send rejections as they send acceptances ... puts us on pins and needles otherwise! Amiright?)

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Hi everyone!

I've been watching the POLS acceptances come in, and haven't received a call myself. Is it safe to assume I'm probably NOT going to get accepted? They've been making calls since Friday, and there's been quite a few posts from accepted students to the program... would love any input/insights/guesses. 


(PS I so wish the admissions team would send rejections as they send acceptances ... puts us on pins and needles otherwise! Amiright?)


Yes this is pure torture! So many unanswered questions hah! Why did some people get emails while others phone calls..what order are they calling in? By last names, first names, date of application submission, those awarded fellowships? lol


Today would probably be the last day, if they were to call. 5 hours until the end of the day PST. 

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Yes this is pure torture! So many unanswered questions hah! Why did some people get emails while others phone calls..what order are they calling in? By last names, first names, date of application submission, those awarded fellowships? lol


Today would probably be the last day, if they were to call. 5 hours until the end of the day PST. 


Greenteagrad, glad I'm not the only one tracking admits and comparing them to previous years' notices, timing, etc! I have pretty much given up hope. Ah well!

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