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Accepting two offers


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I have been accepted to two programs but won't be able to visit both until the end of April. I asked both schools for an extension (till May 1st) for a decision, and both said they couldn't extend the deadline. I would really like to visit both schools before deciding where I'll study, work, and live for the next four, five years of my life. Would it be wrong to just accept both offers, then visit, and then apologize and reject an offer after having visited both places. It sounds a bit wrong, but I don't feel like there's a better alternative. Any suggestions?

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You have listed to two options. Accept both and then decline one later (technically this is against the agreement signed by a lot of graduate organizations, but unlikely they will retract offers if they discover) or choose without visiting. Alot of people decide upon a school without visiting by talking with professors, students, and using the website and other resources to find out about the school. It really isn't their fault you don't have time to visit and didn't visit earlier and you probably are holding back an offer being given to another person, so you should keep that in mind. I understand people who are waiting to hear about funding from other schools etc, but the information you get from visiting (what do students think, do I click with professors, what's the climate like, what's the equipment/facility like) can beacquired other ways and schools have told you their decisions on time, so this doesn't seem like a good enough reason to possibly annoy people in your field. I would say try to choose a school without visiting or try to visit earlier.

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I totally agree with everything Leah said. You need to not be selfish and take away a spot and funding that others are desperately hoping to get. Visit the website and read every page, email students then ask if you can call them, call and email professors, the grad chair, the dept chair. Learn everything you can. But sometimes, you've just gotta take a leap.

I spent 3.5 years of undergrad (i spent a semester abroad) at the one institution i never visited. And honestly I didn't know anything about it till July and classes started in Sept. It can work out. You can pick without visiting. Just go with your gut instinct.

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Which two schools? Chances are SOMEONE here did their undergrad or M.A. at one of the schools. It may also be that someone here has already visited the schools and can tell you their impression of the school. I agree with the previous two posters. You have to take that leap and go with your gut instinct.

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