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PHD Bioengineering/Biomedical engineering applications Fall 2014 profiles

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Congrats to everyone who got admitted to your desired programs!!


Since you guys have just finished your application cycle, I thought I might ask you a quick question regarding the admission.

I am hoping to get into a PhD program in BME (drug deliverly and targeting) in fall 2015, but I am a biology background student with no BME or engineering related experiences.

Regarding my academic status, I am an international student from a large Canadian University with 3.6 GPA. I have lots of research experiences with few published papers, but not BME related :(

Considering my situation, would you guys recommend me to apply to MS first to gain BME background? or directly to PhD program which is my ultimate goal?


Thanks in advance!!


I think it might be better for you to ask an academic counselor from your university or call a potential grad school's graduate admissions administrator to ask these questions. This thread is full of applicants, not applicant readers so we might not have the most accurate answer for that. That being said, not everyone in a BME PhD program has a BME (or even an engineering) background. Good luck! 

  • 2 weeks later...

I graduated from the University of Ethiopia ,  Jimma university  Institute of Technology in June 2013, with a major in Biomedical Engineering.  and i need to do  my master degree in Bio medical Engineering in your  university . I believe that all students are deserving of a scholarship regardless of their financial necessity or their academic merits like me .  I have all put an enormous amount of time and work in order to get to this place and personal hardships make me a perfect candidate for a scholarship to u .   I would thank those giving their time to evaluate our necessity for the scholarship and more importantly, those who make the scholarships available.


  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hello all, might as well get the ball (re)rolling. Pardon the repost from another thread (I'm new here, so I apologize if this is a cardinal sin). 


Undergrad Institution: Private University. In top 20 overall and for my major. Not ivy.
Major(s): Biomedical Engineering 
GPA in Major: 3.675
Overall GPA: 3.538
Length of Degree: 4
Position in Class: Probably top 10-20%, but I really have no idea.
Type of Student: White male

GRE Scores:
Q: 164 (88%)
V: 168 (98%)
W: 4.5 (80%)

Research Experience: 

  • 1 summer and winter break in U Pitt lab
  • 2 semesters (one for credit) in university med center creating custom MATLAB image processing tool. 1 poster presentation at university research fair, 10 minute presentation for Guatemalan Engineering University. 
  • 2 semesters and summer + this spring/summer in undergraduate research program. Fully independent research pertaining to organs on a chip. Poster presentations at university research fair and BMES. No publications yet, but hope to publish before graduate school. Received program's "Best Paper" and "Best Presenter" awards. 


  • BME Honors Program
  • Research awards mentioned above
  • Dean's List, 4 semesters
  • Small merit-based scholarship
  • Honor society for top academic 1% of campus greek life

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 

  • Cofounder/Director of Outreach for a club that visits high schools and promotes STEM Education through lessons and demos
  • Microfluidics Workshop for High Schoolers instructor through my lab
  • Leading original Senior Design project involving image processing, 3D printing, and therapeutics. In process of applying for grants and patents
  • Writer for university BME newspaper
  • Over $10,000 in fundraising for medical research as fraternity philanthropy chair (though I don't think I'll include this cuz isn't all that relevant, plus I know the stigma Greek life can have)

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

  • 2 week engineering entrepreneurship workshop/simulation
  • Spent a Spring Break in Guatemala repairing damaged medical equipment 
  • Taking graduate courses for Honors requirements. Have taken a course in signals, statistics, and modeling, and will be taking courses in Systems Bio of Organs on a Chip and MR Image Reconstruction and Pulse Design next semester

LOR: Former and current PI + Professor/ Senior Design Project Advisor/  One of the trip leaders for that Spring Break trip

Applying for PhD at:

University of Washington


University of California San Diego

Carnegie Mellon University

Harvard University

University of California Davis

University of Illinois at Chicago


University of Delaware

University of Pittsburgh

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

UC Irvine

Washington University in St. Louis

City College of New York 


All BME/BE, except HST through MIT

Long list, but I'm pretty split on research interests. Applying to some of those for microfluidics and others for imaging/image processing. 
Actually pretty worried about my odds, given my lack of publications and not quite fantastic GPA (had a rough couple semesters in my first two years, but it's been straight A's since). Additionally, I really haven't had the time I'd like to reach out to professors. We will see how it goes. Speaking of which, I have apps I should be finishing up..
If anyone has advice on any of this, I'd certainly appreciate the feedback. 

Hey guys. I'm really nervous about my low Quant GRE score. Any guesses on how I might fare?

Undergrad Institution: State University
Major(s): Biochemistry B.S.
Minor(s): N/A
GPA in Major: 3.97
Overall GPA: 3.96
Length of Degree: 4 years
Position in Class: Unknown
Type of Student: Domestic, female, traditional

GRE Scores:
Q: 159 (74th)
V: 167 (97th)
W: 5.0 (93rd)

Research Experience

Research in tissue engineering (3.5 years), stem cell mechanobiology (summer), and nanomaterials+drug delivery (summer)

3.5 years of research experience with one summer REU at UCSD in BME and summer internship at the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine in Bangalore, India

1 publication accepted (2nd of 6 authors) and 2 more in preparation (3rd author of 7)

Probably 1 first author pub before I graduate

5+ conference presentations

Mentored a high school student and another undergrad


Goldwater Honorable Mention (national scholarship)

Numerous scholarships for research and academics in biology, chemical engineering, and math

Undergraduate research poster competition winner

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: organic chemistry tutor, Biomedical engineering society treasurer, Society of Scientists Publicity Director

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: 

I've studied abroad twice (once in India for a paid research internship and once in London to network with Cambridge faculty)

Applying for PhD at:

UCSD- Biomedical Engineering

MIT- Biological Engineering

Harvard- SEAS Biomedical Engineering

Harvard MIT MEMP Program

Johns Hopkins- Biomedical Engineering

Washington University in St. Louis- Biomedical Engineering

UT Austin- Biomedical Engineering

Northwestern University- Biomedical Engineering


What research area are you looking into? It probably matters more if you're doing something math heavy, but less for something like, say, tissue engineering.

  On 12/21/2014 at 1:34 AM, Alfarris said:

I'm doing tissue engineering! So you think it might be okay?


I imagine it might vary from program to program. I wouldn't worry yourself about it. The rest of your app is really strong and math isn't all that important for tissue. I definitely wouldn't let it stop you. 

  On 12/21/2014 at 1:34 AM, Alfarris said:

I'm doing tissue engineering! So you think it might be okay?

Probably depends on whether the school reads every application entirely or uses cutoffs - such as the top 10%  GPA/GRE scores - to narrow down their detailed reviews.  You will know about MIT soon as I recall they sent out invites Januray 4th last year. 


Good luck!


I applied to a few different sets of programs (BME/ ME/ Comp Sci), all focusing on rehab robotics or robotic control.



Undergrad Institution: Public. Small, undergrad only. Good name recognition within state. One of the top public schools in the state.

Major(s): Applied Physics
GPA in Major: ~3.3
Overall GPA: 3.59
Length of Degree: 4
Position in Class: Probably top 10-20%, but I really have no idea.
Type of Student: White male, first-generation college.

GRE Scores:
Q: 162 (83%)
V: 164 (93%)
W: 4.0 (54%)

Research Experience: 

  • 1 summer paid Astronomy (at home institution).
  • 2 years astronomy after that summer.
  • 1 summer paid software engineering intern.
  • 1 summer optics research, Brazil.


  • University Travel and Research Grant (awarded 3x)
  • STEM Research Grant - Global Laboratories.
  • Dean's List (5x).
  • Sigma Pi Sigma (national physics honor society).
  • Applied to NSF GRFP for next fall.
  • Miscellaneous student-athlete awards, NCAA DIII Track and Field. (2x Student athlete of the week, conference champion, team championship, 5x ECAC qualifier, Chancellor's award.)

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 

  • Undergraduate Lab Instructor, 2 semesters. I actually got paid to teach a lab class on my own. I met with the supervising professor once a week, but other than that I delivered lectures, quizzes, grading, office hours, etc.
  • Student web developer. Writing applications for the university website. Extensive work in OO languages.
  • Resident Assistant (2 years). I wish this counted for something (even though it rightfully doesn't) just because it was such a time sink.

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

  • Wrote interesting NSF proposal based on primary POIs research. Sent to him and he is interested in it. Also sent to profs at other schools where the project might fit.
  • Track captain.
  • First-generation college student. In a couple of the "diversity" essays I wrote about my experience working construction growing up and how that affected my work ethic and attention to detail.

LOR: Current advisor & PI / Summer PI from Brazil research / Professor supervising the lab I teach

Applying for PhD at:




I applied to other schools for different programs. Mines, Boulder, RPI for comp sci (robotics). MIT Media Lab, Case Western, Purdue and Buffalo for Mech eng (also robotics). I applied to UPenn for electrical and systems as that is where the professors with robotics research are.


I'm really set on Northwestern. I think I wrote a really good, personal, SOP for them. Hopefully I'm not too hopeful.


Good luck everyone!


  • 2 weeks later...

Undergrad Institution: Public. Small, with a grad school but no dept in BME

Major(s): Physics and Applied Mathematics


GPA in Major: ~3.7

Overall GPA: 3.40

Length of Degree: 5 yrs Double Major

Position in Class: I have no idea.

Type of Student: Hispanic male, first-generation college.

GRE Scores:

Q: 155

V: 155

W: 3.0

Research Experience:

1 summer with mathematics dept at current Univerisity

1 summer at ASU computational math biology.

1.5 yrs with physics PI doing image analysis with Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscope


NSF sponsored scholarship only for physics majors

Dean's List (4x)

Two Conference presentations with one outstanding award

Applied to GEM Fellowship for next fall

Pertinent Activities or Jobs:

Undergraduate Physics tutor

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

Minority & first-generation college student

Took graduate course in mathematical physics

LOR: Current advisor & PI / Summer PI from Math Research / PI for scholarship and had for 2 upper division courses and 1 grad course

Applying for PhD at:


UT Austin

Texas A&M


I don't think I have a good chance due to low GRE scores and had monetary issues, thus only applying to three school. I still want to give it a try because you never know.

Already accepted into masters program for physics at current university "safety school"

Research interest are in image processing/analyzes

Sending good vibes!


Got my first good news today! An email from RPI's BME graduate admissions coordinator, saying he was impressed by my app and that he would recommend my application to be admitted to the graduate school. He also said later in the email "After the graduate school admits you..."


No doubt a good sign, but can I interpret this as a 100% yes? If anybody could shed some light on this I'd be very appreciative.


Either way, I'm very excited. Feels great just to hear something.


Best of luck to everybody! I hope all of your inboxes have some good news waiting for you soon. 



Yeah once the department accepts you they send their recommendation to the Graduate office and they will verify that you comply with all the graduate requirements. I see this step as a formality. Anyway you're all good


  On 1/9/2015 at 10:55 PM, Rho said:


Yeah once the department accepts you they send their recommendation to the Graduate office and they will verify that you comply with all the graduate requirements. I see this step as a formality. Anyway you're all good




Official acceptance came in this morning! Thank you so much!

Posted (edited)
Hey everyone, just wanna gauge how I look for the schools I'm applying to based on my stats. Please give me your thoughts and I'll update as I get further acceptances. 

Undergrad Institution: SUNY University at Buffalo

Major(s): Chemical Engineering
Minor(s): Biotechnology
GPA in Major: 3.921
Overall GPA: 3.907

Length of Degree: 4
Position in Class: Probably top 10%.
Type of Student: White male, second-generation college.

GRE Scores:
Q: 160 (84%)
V: 158 (71%)
W: 4.5 (80%)

Research Experience: 

  • 4 school years plus 1 summer in protein engineering at home institution, 2 publications (1 first author and 1 second author) with a 3rd in preparation, 3 poster presentations at home institution and 1 at AIChE Regional Conference.
  • 1 biophysics/structural biology research experience at Rutgers University during summer of 2012.
  • 1 NSF REU at Pittsburgh in computational systems biology in summer, presented poster at 2014 AIChE National Conference in Atlanta


  • Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship (won as a sophomore)
  • AIChE Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Scholarship
  • Departmental Academic Excellence Award
  • 3 University Merit Scholarships (won in freshman, sophomore, and junior year)
  • Applied to NSF GRFP for next fall.
  • University Honors College Scholar

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 

  • Undergraduate Student Instructor/TA position for freshman engineering classes - 3 years
  • University STEM Outreach Volunteer in local inner city schools - 2 years
  • Executive board position in school's AIChE chapter since freshman year, developed outreach program for the chapter


LOR: Current advisor & PI / NSF REU PI / Outreach Program Founder/Coordinator

Applying for PhD at:

Stanford (Bioengineering)

UT Austin (Chemical Engineering) - Accepted

MIT (Bioengineering)

MIT (Chemical Engineering)

UCLA (Bioengineering)

Johns Hopkins (Chemical Engineering)

UC Berkeley - UC SF (Bioengineering)

Caltech (Bioengineering)


I know my GRE is weakest part of my app, but I'm hoping my scholarships and research experience makes up for it. Please give me your thoughts on how I look for these schools. Thanks and good luck everyone!


Edited by cmdundas
  • 2 weeks later...

Figured I'd post since my background is fairly unusual.. applying to about half Biomed, half Mech E PhDs. Studied physics and took a year off after school to be a science journalist. My schools are ambitious given my stats, but all my recommenders told me to aim high. Hoping my unusual background helps rather than hurts.


Also conflicted... I'm biking across the country this spring and teaching physics at schools with a 3d-printable solar-powered bike model my friend and I designed. Finally built a website, etc for it and wondering whether to follow up with schools about the trip and goals?
Undergrad Institution: Big state, top 10 in major
Major(s): Physics
GPA in Major: 3.45
Overall GPA: 3.63
Length of Degree: 4 + 2 extra quarters
Position in Class: No ranking
Type of Student: Domestic white female

GRE Scores:
Q: 163 (86%)
V: 165 (95%)
W: 4.5 (80%)

Research Experience: 3 months in plasma physics (part-time), REU in atmospheric physics, 6 months in chemistry lab (part-time)

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: AAAS Mass Media in Science and Engineering Fellowship (unusual as undergrad)

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Math/physics tutor for elementary, high school; attended/reported on conference for women in physics; leader in Code for America brigade

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: 

Applying for PhD at:

Minnesota - Biomed - decision/date/funding
Minnesota - Mech E - decision/date/funding
Vanderbilt - Mech E - decision/date/funding
Vanderbilt - Materials Science - decision/date/funding (Interview on 1/19)

Cornell - Mech E - decision/date/funding

Columbia - Biomed - decision/date/funding

MIT - Mech E - decision/date/funding

Berkeley/UCSF - BioE - decision/date/funding

Northwestern - Mech E - decision/date/funding

University of Washington - Biomed - decision/date/funding



  On 1/22/2015 at 12:59 AM, Dubblebubble898 said:

I didn't get a Northwestern interview invite :(.  I hope it's not too late!


I didn't get one either... It looks like maybe just the neural track invites went out? I applied for the rehab track. What concentration are you?


I did nanotechnology/nanomaterials


  On 1/22/2015 at 4:06 AM, rehab-robotics said:

I didn't get one either... It looks like maybe just the neural track invites went out? I applied for the rehab track. What concentration are you?

Posted (edited)

Major: Biomedical Engineering
Focus: Cellular/Tissue Engineering 

Overall GPA: 3.79
Length of Degree: 4

Domestic Female

GRE Scores:
Q: 165 
V: 161 
W: 5


Applied for BME PhD:

Mayo Clinic

University of Minnesota

Northwestern University

Johns Hopkins University

University of Virginia

Georgia Tech

Cornell University


Boston University



UC Berkeley

University of Washington

Edited by bme15Applicant

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