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DAAD Graduate Study Scholarship 2014-2015


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For those that also applied for the Fullbright, if you don't mind me asking , will you accept the DAAD if you are also awarded Fullbright? I heard that the reserve list is there usually for this reason because most people that apply for the DAAD also give the Fullbright a shot. 


I'm almost certain that you have to choose between one and the other. I just found out I was awarded the Fulbright (in addition to the DAAD), so I'll know for sure very soon!

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I'm almost certain that you have to choose between one and the other. I just found out I was awarded the Fulbright (in addition to the DAAD), so I'll know for sure very soon!



I am in the same position, and we do indeed need to choose which to accept. I am not sure which one I will accept yet. 

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I have been awarded both a DAAD and Fulbright research grant. Besides prestige, what are the major differences between the two? The DAAD provides an 8-week language course, while Fulbright's is 6-weeks.


Furthermore, the Fulbright affiliates you with a university; does this mean we can enroll in classes of our choosing? I don't believe the DAAD provides this, but I could be wrong.


Any insight?

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I have been awarded both a DAAD and Fulbright research grant. Besides prestige, what are the major differences between the two? The DAAD provides an 8-week language course, while Fulbright's is 6-weeks.


Furthermore, the Fulbright affiliates you with a university; does this mean we can enroll in classes of our choosing? I don't believe the DAAD provides this, but I could be wrong.


Any insight?



The results for the intensive language course for graduate students have been anounced ? I didn't receive a acceptation/rejection email yet and was wondering if they received my application file...

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I have been awarded both a DAAD and Fulbright research grant. Besides prestige, what are the major differences between the two? The DAAD provides an 8-week language course, while Fulbright's is 6-weeks.


Furthermore, the Fulbright affiliates you with a university; does this mean we can enroll in classes of our choosing? I don't believe the DAAD provides this, but I could be wrong.


Any insight?

Hello and congratulations, 

I am also in the process of figuring out the differences and making a decision. I know you can get your letter of affiliation from a university professor for DAAD, but it would be worth looking into whether or not tuition (though minimal in Germany) is covered if you would like to enroll in classes. 

I think classes also largely depend on where you are in your studies and how they benefit your research interests and project. It might be worth asking a current grantee how the DAAD grant works if you would like to enroll in classes. Did you propose a university affiliation in your grant statement?

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I have been awarded both a DAAD and Fulbright research grant. Besides prestige, what are the major differences between the two? The DAAD provides an 8-week language course, while Fulbright's is 6-weeks.


Furthermore, the Fulbright affiliates you with a university; does this mean we can enroll in classes of our choosing? I don't believe the DAAD provides this, but I could be wrong.


Any insight?


I'm in the same situation (It's a good problem to have, isn't it?). However, are you sure that you also got the pre-research 8-week language course with DAAD? I applied for it in addition to the research, and though I got the research grant I didn't get the language course.


I'm trying to find out about the Fulbright language course – that is, whether or not I got it. Is it automatically granted?

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To clarify, I was awarded a Fulbright Research Grant and the DAAD Study/Graduate Scholarship. I was pleasantly surprised to receive a 2nd email from the DAAD notifying me that I was also selected for a 2-month summer intensive course, despite not applying for anything of that nature. I have not heard anything about the Fulbright language course besides what's listed on the website, though I do know that you must be selected.


In terms of classes, I plan to enroll in German language courses at the university. I'm already affiliated with a lab/research group and was hoping to also obtain "student status," thus allowing me to take classes without having to pay tuition, or at most, paying a minimal fee.

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Hhmm So it appears that they automatically consider you for the intensive language course scholarship when you apply for the other ones. I only applied to the intensive language scholarship. Hopefully this means they will start notifying us soon!

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Hi guys:)

I'm Hakob from Yerevan, Armenia. First of all I would like to congratulate all the forum members who have already got good news from DAAD.

I applied for Research grant for doctoral candidate in October, 2013. A week ago I checked my DAAD-Portal and saw the writing "selection made", then read here that it means nothing. But yesterday I got a new message from Bonn in DAAD-Portal about my insurance , it is in German, so I understood nothing. I wonder if they send insurance document to them whose application is rejected? I'm confused, because I haven't gotten any message from the DAAD office of my city yet.

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Hhmm So it appears that they automatically consider you for the intensive language course scholarship when you apply for the other ones. I only applied to the intensive language scholarship. Hopefully this means they will start notifying us soon!


Yes, this is sorta the case. As I understand it, the intensive language course for grant recipients is different than the stand-alone intensive language course. In other words, I don't think you should read too much into our having heard. 

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Yes, this is sorta the case. As I understand it, the intensive language course for grant recipients is different than the stand-alone intensive language course. In other words, I don't think you should read too much into our having heard. 


Thank you for the clarification!

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I have been awarded both a DAAD and Fulbright research grant. Besides prestige, what are the major differences between the two? The DAAD provides an 8-week language course, while Fulbright's is 6-weeks.


Furthermore, the Fulbright affiliates you with a university; does this mean we can enroll in classes of our choosing? I don't believe the DAAD provides this, but I could be wrong.


Any insight?


I received both the DAAD and Fulbright for 2012-2013. I ended up going with Fulbright. The stipends were the same for me, Fulbright provided me a 6-week language course before the grant started, and there's obviously the name recognition. I'm so glad I did- being part of the Fulbright community in Germany made a hugely positive impact on my experience (there's a midyear conference in Berlin, as well as the opportunity to make friends and connections across the country) and I've stayed in contact with fellow Fulbrighters after we left. 


I can confirm that you can enroll in classes at your affiliated university through the Fulbright. I had friends take both classes related to their research fields and "fun" classes (documentary films, Portuguese). In summary, I would take Fulbright unless you have a specific need for the DAAD.


Edit: Forgot to add that I think the name recognition of Fulbright has definitely helped me after leaving the country, both with grad school acceptances and further fellowships (NSF)

Edited by brusselsprouted
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I don't have any news about the intensive language course either. When I wrote them in early march, they told me that the results would be released at the begining / mid april, so I guess we will hear from them next week.


If you want, don't hesitate to write them and then to post their answer here; they are really nice! (since I already wrote them, I will wait until next friday before asking what is happening with the results...).

Edited by miscfactory
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I received both the DAAD and Fulbright for 2012-2013. I ended up going with Fulbright. The stipends were the same for me, Fulbright provided me a 6-week language course before the grant started, and there's obviously the name recognition. I'm so glad I did- being part of the Fulbright community in Germany made a hugely positive impact on my experience (there's a midyear conference in Berlin, as well as the opportunity to make friends and connections across the country) and I've stayed in contact with fellow Fulbrighters after we left. 


I can confirm that you can enroll in classes at your affiliated university through the Fulbright. I had friends take both classes related to their research fields and "fun" classes (documentary films, Portuguese). In summary, I would take Fulbright unless you have a specific need for the DAAD.


Edit: Forgot to add that I think the name recognition of Fulbright has definitely helped me after leaving the country, both with grad school acceptances and further fellowships (NSF)


Thanks for this post. In part because of your post and Fulbright's better prestige (in my discipline), I've gone with the Fulbright, which means more room for DAAD alternates!

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  • 1 month later...

Hello all,


I was just wondering if anyone else has any info to report on the time it takes between the 'selection made' status and knowing the outcome?


I submitted my application on March 14th, but of course I'm an idiot and forgot about the hard copy, which I sent about 2-3 weeks ago.  Now the portal says 'selection made' but haven't received any e-mails or letters.  


Just dying to know so I can sign up for a language course!


Any help is much appreciated :)

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I feel a bit silly posting this, but can someone help me find the MOVE portal? I received this email:



Dear Scholarship Holders,


As already announced by our branch office in New York, your application has been chosen for a long-term research grant in Germany by the selection committee.


We will send you the acceptance package via the MOVE portal electronically, which includes the following documents:


  • Cover Letter
  • Letter of Award
  • Scholarship Certificate
  • Declaration of Acceptance
  • German language course information
  • The booklet ”Your DAAD-Scholarship”


The documents will be available for you in the portal on May 23, 2014 .


Kind regards,


Irmtrud Witsch 



But I cannot for the life of me find the acceptance package in the DAAD portal. Is the MOVE portal different? If so, can someone share the link? If not, can someone direct me where to go within the DAAD portal (the one used to submit the application) to find this information? 



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  • 1 month later...

hi there,


I'm trying to reapply to the DAAD program again this year - however I think I am beyond the limit that states:


'respectively his/her degree should normally not be older than 6 years '. I hit the 6 year mark from graduation last March 2014. would you know if I would still be welcome to apply?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,

this post is aimed at people who are going to apply to the DAAD research grant for PhD candidates and young academics and scientists, because I found it really difficult to find any information about the process!

I applied in March for the 2014 September round of funding. Within a few days of filling out the portal information and sending off the paper copies of the application, my status in the portal 'application status' bar changed to application submitted.

Early July, this changes to 'selection made', which I read on here meant that the application was successful. HOWEVER this doesn't seem to be true, and the 'application status' changed again to 'funding' a week after this.

I received an email from my country's branch of DAAD several days later saying that I had been awarded the grant, and to expect the official hard copy letter and funding information in the next couple of weeks.

Hopefully this information is helpful to others who want to know what's going on while they wait!!

Thanks :)

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi everybody!


I have also applied my documents to DAAD online portal for research visit for 2015-2016. But still I could not get any notification about the result of selection. Or I do not know from where I can see this in my portal page. Can someone explain in detail, please, how I can know my selection result. Local DAAD office officals said, we can only know it from our portal's personal page. I entered this page, but there is no any changes there, only my applied set of documents. Please, help. :(

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