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Chemistry Applications Fall 2014


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Trust me, academia never sleeps. Even on Christmas Eve most of the admin staff were in for at least a half day, if the faculty weren't physically present I bet they were still "working remotely". It doesn't help that the weather in this part of the world feels more Spring Break than Christmas Break. ;)

Haha. Good point. Great blog, btw!

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Hello everyone,


International student here. Can someone evaluate my profile and assess my chances at the following universities.


CGPA: 9.51 (on a scale of 10.0)


GRE 152 Verbal (53%), 162 (84%) Quantitative.

Subject GRE 840 (85%)


Research Experience:

1. Currently working on my master's thesis (6 months research experience as of now)

2. 3 month research internship at the University of Calgary, Canada

3. 2 month research internship at the University of Regensburg, Germany. (bigshot Prof.)

4. 1 month internship (computational) in a renowned research institute.


Decent LORs. No publications.


Applied to:

1. Texas A&M

2. UNC Chapel Hill


4. Ohio State university

5. Michigan State University


Thinking of applying to UT Austin, Rice, Emory and Purdue as well


Thanks guys.

Edited by orgmet.
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May I ask what your stats were?

I posted my stats earlier on this thread (page 3/4??) but in short...

3.92 GPA, 157,164,5 (v,q,a), 830 chem gre, 3 years undergrad research, 2 summers in pharma, lots of teaching and Goldwater

And thanks!!

Edited by asaprocky
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I got into Yale! I just need the interview.


Were you notified that you'll need an interview?  A professor just emailed me saying that the department is going to accept me, but there's no information about any interviews in the email or on Yale's graduate admissions and chemistry department webpages.

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Couldn't find it - I'm curious as to what your stats were.


Chemical biology undergrad at large Canadian university.


3 years research experience (took part in the co-op program here, which for me was 16 months full-time labwork in 3 different labs).


3 strong LORs from professors at my school: my thesis supervisor, co-op supervisor, and a professor for a course I did well in.


No publications, but I presented at several undergraduate conferences, and won an award for one.


A few extracurriculars and scholarships relevant to the field.


GPA: 87% overall, 91% major (converted to 3.79 overall, 3.96 major)


GRE: 169V 170Q 5.5AW


GRE Chemistry: 890

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Chemical biology undergrad at large Canadian university.


3 years research experience (took part in the co-op program here, which for me was 16 months full-time labwork in 3 different labs).


3 strong LORs from professors at my school: my thesis supervisor, co-op supervisor, and a professor for a course I did well in.


No publications, but I presented at several undergraduate conferences, and won an award for one.


A few extracurriculars and scholarships relevant to the field.


GPA: 87% overall, 91% major (converted to 3.79 overall, 3.96 major)


GRE: 169V 170Q 5.5AW


GRE Chemistry: 890


Thanks for letting me know.  Was curious because Scripps is one of my top choices, but I haven't heard anything from them yet.

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Thanks for letting me know.  Was curious because Scripps is one of my top choices, but I haven't heard anything from them yet.


Im assuming you applied for the chemistry track too. I haven't heard anything from them either, but based on the last years' threads, most notices came in January.  

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Got into UW - Madison today. Visitation weekends Feb 28 - Mar 1st and Mar 29 - Mar 30th. Heard by email

Congrats! I also just got the acceptance email. I'm pumped as this is one of my top choices.

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