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Chemistry Applications Fall 2014


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Can people suggest a list of good universities for Theoretical chemistry??? I have decided to apply for 8 universities out of which I have finalised on 7(UC Irvine, UC Merced, U Colorado, OSU, UT Austin, Purdue and GA TECH). I want to apply to one more!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Edited by sreeIISER
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Does anyone have any idea as to when the international student's applications will be reviewed? I heard that they don't start reviewing the applications till early February!! Is this true? 

U can always browse the result section to get an idea about the decision time for internationals. Some univs donot do any distinction in decision time b/w nationals and internationals.UIUC, Chicago to name some...some (e.g Penn state) do.

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I don't know if anyone is in my shoe...? I just couldn't stop checking my email everyday even though I know that Admissions decisions won't come until say January/February. How I wish I could fast forward the hands of time. Meanwhile, can anyone tell me another forum website where I can find more info on admissions process just like thegradcafe? Also, I have not seen anybody who is applying to the University of Kansas and Georgia State University. I am an international Student.

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I don't know if anyone is in my shoe...? I just couldn't stop checking my email everyday even though I know that Admissions decisions won't come until say January/February. How I wish I could fast forward the hands of time. Meanwhile, can anyone tell me another forum website where I can find more info on admissions process just like thegradcafe? Also, I have not seen anybody who is applying to the University of Kansas and Georgia State University. I am an international Student.


Try to relax. Now the apps are submitted, they are out of your hands. The first year is always overwhelming (I just finished my first semester! phew) so enjoy your time off now :)

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Try to relax. Now the apps are submitted, they are out of your hands. The first year is always overwhelming (I just finished my first semester! phew) so enjoy your time off now :)


I wish I could relax!!! I'm trying to focus all my energy on finishing a project so that I could start writing the article, but I still find myself checking this website for updates!!! 

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Going by past year thread...shoiuld be nervous week for Wisconsin, UIUC, Northwestern applicants! Best of luck everyone! Just hoping for one early to calm the nerves!

isn't the deadline for Wisconsin January 1st? I know Northwestern and UIUC just closed.  

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isn't the deadline for Wisconsin January 1st? I know Northwestern and UIUC just closed.  


Is their deadline traditionally 1st Jan? saw some acceptances for wisconsin before 1st jan in results section.Though most are in late jan early feb My info is limited to what is on gradcafe!

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Is their deadline traditionally 1st Jan? saw some acceptances for wisconsin before 1st jan in results section.Though most are in late jan early feb My info is limited to what is on gradcafe!

UW-Madison is one of the few schools that specifically mention that they do rolling admissions. It'd be nice to hear from them soon!

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I'm hoping somebody will post about hearing from UW soon... According to UW's website, they say they'll start reviewing applications on Dec. 16th. It'd be great if they actually do that; when I mentioned the timeline to my PI, he just laughed and said there's no way they'd start before January... Here's hoping it'll be good news for everyone if they do!

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Area of Interest: Organic Synthesis (Natural/Drug Development)

Programs Applied: U of Washington, UI-UC,UC-Boulder, Vanderbilt University


I really want to go to Washington out of personal reasons. I'm worried either the size of my undergrad institution is too small, my research isn't extensive enough, or my GRE scores are poor.

But you applied to reasonable schools for your stats. Your gpa is great and at least you have some research experience. The awards are nice as well. Illinois is obviously going to be the most difficult of those to gain admission. Otherwise, I'd say you're likely to be competitive at the others. Good luck!

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Just got a phone call from a faculty member at UNC that I was accepted! Full disclosure, though, I had previously spoken in-person with this faculty at a conference earlier this year because one of his areas of research is very very close to the kind of research I was also presenting on at the conference, so my application had some "non-traditional" elements. 


Visitation is sometime in March, and he said they were actively going through applications now (applications were due today) so they're working on it!

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Just got a phone call from a faculty member at UNC that I was accepted! Full disclosure, though, I had previously spoken in-person with this faculty at a conference earlier this year because one of his areas of research is very very close to the kind of research I was also presenting on at the conference, so my application had some "non-traditional" elements. 


Visitation is sometime in March, and he said they were actively going through applications now (applications were due today) so they're working on it!


Congrats that's so awesome! Best analytical program in the country at that...killin it. 

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Just got a phone call from a faculty member at UNC that I was accepted! Full disclosure, though, I had previously spoken in-person with this faculty at a conference earlier this year because one of his areas of research is very very close to the kind of research I was also presenting on at the conference, so my application had some "non-traditional" elements. 

Good on you - in-person connections are an awesome thing to have!

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Hi Guys,


would appreciate if you assess my chances:


GPA1: 3.67, MSc in Physics from a good school


GPA2: 3.95 BSc in Physics from an OK school


GPA3: 4.00 Medical school a couple of years (not my stuff, transferred to physics)


GRE Chemistry: 930 (99%)


GRE Physics: 900 (85%)


LORs: One very good, one good, and one OK.


Research: Phys chem and organometallic, Evolution theory, one paper in a good journal


Applying to Phys Chem and Organometallic at Caltech, Berkeley, MIT, UCSD, UC Irvine, UC Davis, McGill, UBC

Edited by LayMuon
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From what I heard from the Seattle visit weekend in April, UW sends out first-wave acceptance emails in the first and second weeks of January. Thats when I got mine as well. That might have changed this cycle.

Just dont freak out this early!

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Hi Guys,


would appreciate if you assess my chances:


GPA1: 3.67, MSc in Physics from a good school


GPA2: 3.95 BSc in Physics from an OK school


GPA3: 4.00 Medical school a couple of years (not my stuff, transferred to physics)


GRE Chemistry: 930 (99%)


GRE Physics: 900 (85%)


LORs: One very good, one good, and one OK.


Research: Phys chem and organometallic, Evolution theory, one paper in a good journal


Applying to Phys Chem and Organometallic at Caltech, Berkeley, MIT, UCSD, UC Irvine, UC Davis, McGill, UBC

You should be the one assessing chances of others...:P Seriously solid scores with GRE's...and coupled with ur research, u should have acceptance from most of these places.

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Just got an email from a faculty member at UWashington about an admission offer! Sounds like they're already starting on acceptances; the email also said that the visiting weekends are on 2/28-3/1, 3/14-3/15, or an independently scheduled time.


Things are gettin' started!

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I feel like i haven't applied to enough backup schools. Should I also apply to Columbia (deadline today, not backup, just another top school)? 

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@M4ss5pec -- I just got an email from a faculty letting me know I was accepted and the official accept letter will be coming next week! I'll be going during the March weekend, will I see you there to dork out about mass specs?! PM me, let's chat about super geeky stuff

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