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Applying for Neuroscience/Neurobiology Ph.D. programs for Fall 2014


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mit BCS interview date: march 7 (won't lie i did punch the air and jump around a few times. ugh this waiting/hoping for invites is mad stressful.)


Which track did you apply to?? BCS is one of my top choices...I think they send out rolling invites though...

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Just checked UCSF's website to find my first rejection. It was definitely a reach school for me, but it still stings.  :(

Whoa. Rejections before sending out invites? That seems a little brutal. Good luck with the rest of your schools, you seem to be having a great streak of interviews otherwise, though!!

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Which track did you apply to?? BCS is one of my top choices...I think they send out rolling invites though...


glad to hear MIT invites are rolling… does anyone know about Princeton? Have they sent out all their invites or are there more coming? (One of my letters of rec was late and I don't know whether to give up hope or not…)

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glad to hear MIT invites are rolling… does anyone know about Princeton? Have they sent out all their invites or are there more coming? (One of my letters of rec was late and I don't know whether to give up hope or not…)


How late was it? On their website they say that they accept supplemental materials up to two weeks after, as long as the main application is submitted by the deadline.

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glad to hear MIT invites are rolling… does anyone know about Princeton? Have they sent out all their invites or are there more coming? (One of my letters of rec was late and I don't know whether to give up hope or not…)


 Called Princeton neurosci, they are rolling admission. 

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Has anyone heard from Vanderbilt NGP (not IGP) yet? I know they have different committees, but I'm hoping to hear something this week.

My guess is we won't hear from the NGP until after break the new year as the deadline was Dec 15.

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How late was it? On their website they say that they accept supplemental materials up to two weeks after, as long as the main application is submitted by the deadline.



 Called Princeton neurosci, they are rolling admission. 


Thanks guys!


My letter was just over a week late, so it did make the 2 week deadline, and the rest of my application was in very early. When I heard that other people were getting invites, I wasn't sure whether how reasonable it was to think that mine might just be delayed because of the late letter, but since Neuro_Guy says they're rolling, I won't give up hope just yet.

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Does anyone think it would be wise to try emailing a few more professors at this point, introducing yourself and expressing interest in their research and what not, or is this kind of late in the game to?


Also applied, and also haven't heard anything. Not super helpful, but at least there's two of us in the same boat!


imitosis:  did you apply to Vanderbilt for IGP, and did they say anything about dates to respond by?

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Does anyone think it would be wise to try emailing a few more professors at this point, introducing yourself and expressing interest in their research and what not, or is this kind of late in the game to?



imitosis:  did you apply to Vanderbilt for IGP, and did they say anything about dates to respond by?


I was wondering this myself too. I am just afraid that it could look contrived.

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Does anyone think it would be wise to try emailing a few more professors at this point, introducing yourself and expressing interest in their research and what not, or is this kind of late in the game to?



I advise against this for two reasons. First, because it may come off as trying to influence the admissions process, which to be honest it sort of is. And second, because a particularly grumpy prof might say "well if eal09 couldn't be bothered to e-mail me before the deadline how seriously does s/he take this? What am I, their last choice prof??" [Note: I'm not saying I agree with grumpy prof's reasoning, just saying be advised grumpy profs are out there]

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My guess is we won't hear from the NGP until after break the new year as the deadline was Dec 15.


Sighhhh alright. I did hear from UM already (also a Dec. 15 deadline), but Vanderbilt may have more applications to go through/may not have started early.

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imitosis:  did you apply to Vanderbilt for IGP, and did they say anything about dates to respond by?


Yes, I applied for IGP. There were no dates given in my initial email (either interview date or when to respond by), but I was asked to respond with my availability and was then assigned an interview weekend based on when I was free. Really considerate, actually! Like I said a few pages back, it definitely seems like they are hosting a number of interview weekends with rolling invitations.

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Does anyone know when MIT's interviews are?


(I feel like someone posted about it earlier, but I can't find it… I got an interview with UCSF, and I want to make sure not to pick a weekend that conflicts with a school I haven't heard from yet, just in case.) 

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Does anyone know when MIT's interviews are?


(I feel like someone posted about it earlier, but I can't find it… I got an interview with UCSF, and I want to make sure not to pick a weekend that conflicts with a school I haven't heard from yet, just in case.) 

March 7. Posted on page 7.

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I have to laugh, after going through this process last year I was so relieved to not have to do it again. And yet here I am checking the boards, anxiously following everyone's progress.


Applying to grad school is not for the faint of heart. Best of luck to you all! 

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