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  On 2/21/2014 at 12:35 AM, LaAuD said:

Congrats! I got wait listed. :(

I'm sorry :( but hopefully they will be accepting off of the waitlist.


Hello everyone! I was so excited to find this page! Better late than never I guess. I applied to Vanderbilt, UNC Chapel Hill, Northwestern, Purdue, WashU, and Central Michigan. So far I have been accepted to Northwestern and Purdue and I will be at UNC on the 28th for my interview! Im so excited and good luck to everyone! 


I found this forum out of my anxiety waiting for a response! I am glad to hear that I am not alone!

I applied to one school ...ONLY...because I am married with children, my son is Hard of Hearing ,and services for his disability are in place that I can't think of leaving San Diego. So obviously SDSU is my first and last choice school.

Glad to be on this board with future Audiologists to be!

Just a little bit about me: I graduated from Cal State San Marcos with a degree in Human Development in 2002. After my son was diagnosed with hearing loss and volunteering my time at his Oral/deaf preschool I decided to get my second degree in Communicative Science and Deaf Education at Utah State University. I received my diploma the Spring of 2013. I did my student observations at a Pediatric Audiology clinic in Encinitas and my focus of becoming an SLP quickly changed into a love of Audiology. I have been in the medical field for over 10 years now and just recently started working as an Behavioral Intervention Instructional Assistant in an Autism classroom. Oh and I am a mother of 3 children: 2 hearing daughters and one son who has moderate to severe hearing loss and wears bilateral hearing aids.

Glad to be here! Hoping this will give me an outlet to express my anxiety! Thanks for starting this group!!

Posted (edited)

Hello! I am new to this so if I double post I apologize!

Edited by Rbelle27

Congratulations. LaAuD! Which way do you think you will decide if you get accepted into the audiology program?


Hi everyone! I've been lurking around this thread for awhile and finally made an account to post :-)


My background is kind of different. I graduated in 2010 with a business degree and then worked for about 3 years for a national medical device/Healthcare IT company. I became much more interested in the healthcare and tech side  rather than the business side, and am currently taking comm sci classes back at my alma mater. I applied to a ton of schools(10!) because I had no idea if schools would be receptive to the fact that my education is business based. So far things are going pretty well.


I've been accepted to Northwestern, Rush, and University of Arizona-Tucson.


I interviewed at WashU(not required but "highly recommended." I have upcoming interviews at UNC Chapel Hill(this friday ahhh) and UT Dallas.


I think I've been rejected from San Diego State and UF though not officially.


I haven't heard from Northeastern or Ohio State.


My stats seem pretty average for the schools I'm applying too. My undergrad GPA is a 3.83 GRE is 160 Verbal 152 Quant and 4.5 Writing. Only 2 of my letters of rec are from professors and only 1 from a professor in the comm disorder department. Anyone else applying to the same schools? I'm super nervous about the UNC interview. I'm happy this whole process is almost over and in a couple months we will all know where we'll be spending the next 4 years of our lives!!


AUDCSL - why do you think you have been rejected to those schools already? Its pretty early in the game still and your stats are good.

  On 2/25/2014 at 5:47 PM, SeaSpeech said:

I know this isn't audiology, but I was accepted into Louisiana Tech's SLP program!

So happy for you!!

  On 2/25/2014 at 5:53 PM, DeafAudi said:

Congratulations. LaAuD! Which way do you think you will decide if you get accepted into the audiology program?

I'll definitely go with the audiology program. I love both fields. I've always just have been a little more interested in aud than speech. Either way, I'm happy!

  On 2/25/2014 at 11:08 PM, AuD2018 said:

Hooray!! That was you top choice wasn't it? 

Yeah, I wanted to La Tech!

  On 2/25/2014 at 11:40 PM, deciBELLE said:

AUDCSL - why do you think you have been rejected to those schools already? Its pretty early in the game still and your stats are good.


For UF I was told that they sent out the acceptances and wait lists, and unfortunately I received neither. It's too bad too because that would be in state for me and far less expensive. Oh well…


San Diego I also assumed for the same reason since they sent out acceptances and wait lists over a week ago. But this one I'm not sure because I guess their might be more? I see you applied there also. Have you heard anything?? Also, are you going to Rush Preview Day? I'm going the 14th. Congrats by the way!!


Heard nothing from San Diego yet either, but even if I did I would drop it anyway because it is SO FAR, so that would free up a spot for someone else. But, I'm pretty sure it's too early in the game. I think we are probably in the second wave.  

Thank you! Congrats to you as well on Rush!! I will not be going unfortunately. I have a friend who is in their OT program who gave mw some insight on the school. And, I haven't heard of a person who didn't like it, so I hope thats a good sign!

  On 2/26/2014 at 3:05 PM, deciBELLE said:

Heard nothing from San Diego yet either, but even if I did I would drop it anyway because it is SO FAR, so that would free up a spot for someone else. But, I'm pretty sure it's too early in the game. I think we are probably in the second wave.  

Thank you! Congrats to you as well on Rush!! I will not be going unfortunately. I have a friend who is in their OT program who gave mw some insight on the school. And, I haven't heard of a person who didn't like it, so I hope thats a good sign!


Agreed about San Diego, I'm already happier with the schools I've been accepted to and it's super far. Are you from NYC? I lived there all of last year for my job and had a blast. I would have wanted to stay but without the job I could never afford it. Is CUNY your first choice?


Yeah I was born and raised here. Just moved to the midwest in my undergrad for an adventure. Glad you liked it here! 

CUNY is my first choice only when money is involved, because I would get instate tuition and stay with my parents (punch me in the face now), and save a ton. But otherwise, Rush is my top choice. 


Hi! Thanks! I applied to University of Nebraska Lincoln, CU Boulder, University of Northern Colorado, Pacific University, Kansas University, WashU, and Vanderbilt. I have an interview with Pacific in March.


I looked into Pacific but decided not to apply because its so expensive :(. I also thought that they would force me to fly down for an in-person interview but saw that some people in the SLP forum got Skype interviews! Good luck on your interview! Have you heard back from any schools yet?

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