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The Waiting Game - Fall 2014


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Wow, congrats when was the deadline? It seems very early to be notify but takes a lot of the stress out of this now

The deadline is Jan 15.... I don't really understand it myself, to be honest. I've been baffled by it all day, but hey, I'm not complaining! ;)

Also, I don't know if any of you are applying there, but maybe be on the lookout if you are.

Edited by eriatarka
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Hey everyone. Just wondering, has anyone else received notices on their applications of "incomplete" or "awaiting supplemental documents" status? I mailed the GRE scores/transcripts weeks ago, but perhaps there is just a lag between when they receive them and when they match them up to your applications? Just frustrating because I'd like to just close each app and move onto the next batch!

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Hey everyone. Just wondering, has anyone else received notices on their applications of "incomplete" or "awaiting supplemental documents" status? I mailed the GRE scores/transcripts weeks ago, but perhaps there is just a lag between when they receive them and when they match them up to your applications? Just frustrating because I'd like to just close each app and move onto the next batch!

About half of my applications say they don't have GRE scores, even though I sent them over a month ago and I've double checked the codes.  I think that it just takes the office a while to match scores up with files, you know?  In my case, I have a different name on my scores and my applications (maiden/married) so I am expecting it to take a bit longer.  I think you have a couple weeks before you have to get nervous or start checking in with admissions. 

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I am so surprised by this!!!


Received an email notification this morning from the University of Albany, SUNY to check my admissions status online. Logged on & was surprised to see an acceptance to the PhD program in Anthropology (Archaeology)... so soon! Funding info to follow. I'm in a state of disbelief right now because it's still December.


congratulations! that is so exciting! 

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Did anyone else apply to UC Riverside? Is that 3000 character limit a strict guideline (/a joke? that is 1 page...)? Just wondering if the department actually has  2 page max and the online application just indicates limits for general applications. 

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Did anyone else apply to UC Riverside? Is that 3000 character limit a strict guideline (/a joke? that is 1 page...)? Just wondering if the department actually has  2 page max and the online application just indicates limits for general applications. 

Hey Emily, I can't speak to UC Riverside specifically, but when I was applying to Chicago there was a difference of about four pages between the university-wide guidelines and those of the specific department. So, if I were you, I would just e-mail the department directly and ask for specifics to make sure. Although, one page sounds reasonable (one application wanted 300 words from me).

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Hey Eriatarka congrats. I think you must have applied early and they processed it early, otherwise it is very interesting. But congrats!

Thank you! (and thanks to anthamanda too). I applied around Nov. 1, so maybe that's the reason.


Did anyone else apply to UC Riverside? Is that 3000 character limit a strict guideline (/a joke? that is 1 page...)? Just wondering if the department actually has  2 page max and the online application just indicates limits for general applications. 

I applied to UCR as well, but the history program... that word limit was insane. I had to cut out about 1.5 paragraphs to get it down to size, I was pissed. I don't know how strict it is, but I tried to adhere to their guidelines just so I wouldn't be disqualified for whatever reason. Good luck!

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Thanks for the input. I just contacted the dept but they are closed until Jan 2nd, which is pretty tricky. It is just a bit strange to require a less than 1 page SOP for Anthropology in which SOPs typically detail a research project. Would you really be disqualified for submitting over the limit? 

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Thanks for the input. I just contacted the dept but they are closed until Jan 2nd, which is pretty tricky. It is just a bit strange to require a less than 1 page SOP for Anthropology in which SOPs typically detail a research project. Would you really be disqualified for submitting over the limit? 


So far, I've had several POIs at different schools tell me that the word limits are not enforced or really even noticed - that if your research plan/statement is really well written, they don't care how long it is. Obviously, schools will be different. This seems to apply to schools who want a research plan that is more focused on proposed topic, as opposed to the more essay driven schools.

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I quickly perused the UCRiverside Anthro website (I'm not applying there, but I'm bored), and I didn't see any particulars about SoPs. Because of this, I would be inclined to go with the suggested word limit within the application itself. However, since the deadline is after the dept resumes, I would polish two statements- a 1 page one and a slightly longer one. Since you've already e-mailed the dept, they may respond January 2 or 3 saying that they adhere strictly to the word limit or saying that they don't really care and it can be longer. I think if it were me, I would wait to submit until January 4 or so (since the deadline is January 5), and see if you get a response. I tend to agree that word limits on apps are sort of more suggestions generally, but it could be not great if you submit a longer one and get a response from the department telling you to stick to the word limits or vice versa. If you have two statements ready to go and all you need to do is upload one or the other, you can submit your application with the fitting one as soon as you hear back from the department.

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So far, I've had several POIs at different schools tell me that the word limits are not enforced or really even noticed - that if your research plan/statement is really well written, they don't care how long it is. Obviously, schools will be different. This seems to apply to schools who want a research plan that is more focused on proposed topic, as opposed to the more essay driven schools.



I quickly perused the UCRiverside Anthro website (I'm not applying there, but I'm bored), and I didn't see any particulars about SoPs. Because of this, I would be inclined to go with the suggested word limit within the application itself. However, since the deadline is after the dept resumes, I would polish two statements- a 1 page one and a slightly longer one. Since you've already e-mailed the dept, they may respond January 2 or 3 saying that they adhere strictly to the word limit or saying that they don't really care and it can be longer. I think if it were me, I would wait to submit until January 4 or so (since the deadline is January 5), and see if you get a response. I tend to agree that word limits on apps are sort of more suggestions generally, but it could be not great if you submit a longer one and get a response from the department telling you to stick to the word limits or vice versa. If you have two statements ready to go and all you need to do is upload one or the other, you can submit your application with the fitting one as soon as you hear back from the department.



Thanks for the helpful tips!

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Hello anthropologists!  B)  I'm going for a PhD in medical anthropology with a topical focus in gender & sexuality studies. My top two choices (based on what I perceive as the best fit between the school and me) are NYU & Northwestern U. 


I started out as biology/premed major, worked in a biomedical lab for 3 years, worked in a bioarch lab for 1.5 years, and have now moved into medical anthro as I figured this subfield is where I can put my familiarity with hospital cultures/biomedicine to work. 


Has anyone else undergone a similar shift?


Nice to meet you all! 

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hi @1leafy! Are you applying to the gender/sexuality cluster at Northwestern? I applied to that! I'm archaeology track though- I want to study the archaeological remains of historic brothels. Feel free to message me if you want to talk about gender and sexuality stuff!  I also had  a major shift- I started as a music major at a conservatory and then transferred and switched paths entirely halfway through college. But now I'm not really doing anything related to music. Cool that you were able to use your previous experience to inform your anthro study! I bet that will make you an unusual and especially strong applicant. :-)

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@archaeostudent Thanks for the nice comment. Your proposed work sounds very interesting and unique. I did apply to the GSS cluster at Northwestern! I love that NU emphasizes interdisciplinary scholarship (also, first-year "bridging seminar"... need I say more). I steered clear of programs that didn't seem to encourage integration between the subfields. In grad school I'd like to explore how biological sex is naturalized in biomedicine. 


Hey, you never know when that music training will come in handy in your graduate study or beyond. I feel like part of the beauty of anthropology is that almost anything can become anthropologically relevant. 

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Hello anthropologists!  B)  I'm going for a PhD in medical anthropology with a topical focus in gender & sexuality studies. My top two choices (based on what I perceive as the best fit between the school and me) are NYU & Northwestern U. 

Hi 1Leafy! I'm going for my PhD in medical anthropology too.  I bet we applied to a lot of the same programs! Your background sounds super interesting and I have no doubt that all the actual experience with biology will make you a very valuable candidate. 


Unrelated: Is anyone having doubts about the amount of schools they applied to?  I keep feeling like 7 isn't enough and that I should add more, if only to increase the chances of admission somewhere.  I know we should be thinking quality and not quantity, but the idea of having NOWHERE to go in September is almost too much to bear. 

My real problem is that the programs I could still apply to (late deadlines, geographically OK) aren't great fits.  Waste of time?  Should I keep looking? Am I paranoid?  Anyone else putting together last minute applications for the same reason? 

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If they aren't good fits your be flushing the money down the toilet. Fit is the most important thing in the whole app, followed by gre since most universities have a set score you must meet before it gets past on to the POI. I left out gpa because everyone applying have solid gpa's.

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Hi 1Leafy! I'm going for my PhD in medical anthropology too.  I bet we applied to a lot of the same programs! Your background sounds super interesting and I have no doubt that all the actual experience with biology will make you a very valuable candidate. 


Unrelated: Is anyone having doubts about the amount of schools they applied to?  I keep feeling like 7 isn't enough and that I should add more, if only to increase the chances of admission somewhere.  I know we should be thinking quality and not quantity, but the idea of having NOWHERE to go in September is almost too much to bear. 

My real problem is that the programs I could still apply to (late deadlines, geographically OK) aren't great fits.  Waste of time?  Should I keep looking? Am I paranoid?  Anyone else putting together last minute applications for the same reason? 

haha, i had exactly the same fear when i posted the first entry on this thread... and had about two weeks where i wracked my brain over this problem. but i came to the conclusion that most of the "last minute" places i would apply to were schools i really didn't want to go to anyway... or if they were, the fit was bad and thus I would probably be less happy/satisfied there. so, instead i decided to take a trip to the countryside with friends, which gave me perspective.. maybe try to get away for a few days?


i wouldn't apply to all of those schools. seems like you are a good candidate and, despite the possible horror scenario of getting in nowhere this term, you would probably ultimately be better off if you waited a year to get into the best possible option than to go to a less-than-satisfactory school cause you couldn't wait...? of maybe that's just me. my two cents on my conclusion.

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Hi all, I'm applying for sociocultural anthro programs.  Could admissions decisions really come anytime between now and Spring?  I was under the impression that decisions were sent out in March, but I am not sure where I came upon that understanding -- it's possible I made it up.  :)  

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