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It depends..


If you're putting it into a text box via copy-pasta, the answer is "no."


If you're submitting a PDF or a word document (word documents highlight grammar and spelling that might be "askew" so I recommend PDF which wont POINT IT OUT) then you need to title the document, have your name on it, a date is nice, and of course page numbers if there are in fact multiple pages.


You want it to look like a professional document because they will likely be printing it out. The page numbers are there so when they print it out, if they drop your file or colliate copies they dont mess up the order - one of those practical things with making any document.


Think of how you'd want to see a dossier of an applicent handed to you. You have score, short essays, etc.. and then the CV/resume and SOP. The well formatted professional looking SOP/resume/CV is going to be appreciate over text-vomit on a page.

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