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MFA as a Parent


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Anyone? I'm a late '20s year old parent of two youngsters. I finished my undergrad with the two of them as well (one born right before finals) as the top graduate in my program, while my husband was also a PhD student, so I know a lot of the challenges involved. BUT, I'm unsure of the specific difficulties inherent to the structure of an MFA and being a parent at the same time. Any advice would be great. 

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I am currently a second yea MFA student at UW-Madison ( three year program) I have a 2.5 year old son.

My wife is amazing and is home with him most days. I will say it is not easy, but it is doable. The university here is enormous. 

The school has a very large parent organization dedicated to students with kids. They often hold activities for the youngsters for hours, while we can study

or whatever. They also have child care scholarships that pay a large part of the childcare costs. Colleges and Universities know that MFA/PHD etc etc happen to be adults that are older and more than likely have or may have a child why they are at University....That being said, I limit the nights I go out and socialize with the younger grads at bars or music venues. Its all about finding the right balance. I dedicate the weekends to my family therefore my week days are brutal. needless to say you don't have time to waste. Studio time is for exactly that, time is precious. And I often miss my little guy after busy work day so I wanna go home.

so contact your school and see what programs are available. And my advice, don't deny the fact you have kids, it wont be a deciding factor on their admissions, chances are that it wont even come up.... plus the world needs more artist having kick ass babies with killer names.

good luck!!!!

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There are at least a couple of grad parents in our program and they manage it just fine. One even has younger twins. I couldn't believe it when I met them! I asked her how she does it and between her husband and family close by (probably the reason she chose to come here) they make it work. As the above poster said, you just need to balance your time wisely.

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I was worried too, but so far, it hasn't been a major problem. I am currently a 1st year grad at Southern Illinois University, and I'm glad it's a three year program. The two year programs are more time-intense, while the three year programs are a little more spread out (obviously). This comes in handy when you have a child. I would also suggest applying to schools that give full scholarships (and stipends) to MFA students. (There are several out there, including mine.) This will help to alleviate childcare costs, and has been incredibly helpful. You're not doing yourself or your child any favors by going into mountains of debt for an MFA degree, so be sure to apply to the more generous ones.

Also, treat being in the studio like any other 9-5 job. I spend the weekends with my child, while almost all of my free time during the weekday is focused in the studio. I would give this advice to anyone, but especially to parents.

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