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I don't understand not drinking. Strikes me as illogical.


One might have a medical reason or condition that prevents her or him from drinking. Another reason might be that one sees no appeal in it. One might not like the effects of alcohol, nor the taste, nor the places and social settings it tends to be served in. 


EDIT: Also, why would someone choosing to abstain from drinking strike you as illogical? I'd assume that one has a reason for choosing to abstain. Maybe this reason might turn out to be illogical or bad, but there are plenty of solid reasons why one would abstain that are not illogical. 

Edited by greencoloredpencil
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One might have a medical reason or condition that prevents her or him from drinking. Another reason might be that one sees no appeal in it. One might not like the effects of alcohol, nor the taste, nor the places and social settings it tends to be served in. 


EDIT: Also, why would someone choosing to abstain from drinking strike you as illogical? I'd assume that one has a reason for choosing to abstain. Maybe this reason might turn out to be illogical or bad, but there are plenty of solid reasons why one would abstain that are not illogical. 

Also religious reasons, and former Alcoholics.

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There are plenty of good reasons not to drink. Some people are allergic to alcohol. Some are unpleasant when intoxicated or find the sensation unpleasant. Others may have addictive tendencies and don't want to risk alcoholism. Yet others might be recovering alcoholics. Some people might prefer for spiritual reason not to partake or may not be fond of the idea of inhibiting their judgment, coordination etc... Finally, some might have had bad experiences with alcohol (such as alcoholic relatives) and be averse to it. 

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I can grant that medical reasons count as a good reason not to drink. I do not, however, understand how one could claim not to enjoy the taste and/or effects of intoxicants. I know that there ARE people who feel this way... I just don't understand it. Then again... I come from a long line of irish catholics...

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It is clear that I'm being sarcastic, is it not? I assure you that I am.


Sorry! I've met a few people who have expressed your opinion for real, or at least did so because they wanted me to drink with them and were trying to convince me. Sarcasm is hard to catch on the internet.

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Get accepted: strip down naked and run around like an idiot

Get shut out: become a hermit in the himalayas. (kidding… sort of… I'd travel to India with my would-have-been grad school savings)

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