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Fulbright 2015-2016


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Hello everyone, I just joined as I found out yesterday that I was approved for the ETA Fulbright in Germany and I wanted to find a community of people who can speak into and or understand the fears and elements of the process. I am excited to see what happens from here but now that a large portion of that will entail more waiting, which will be hard as I am applying to other positions that would set me up to teach English in other countries. Graduating in August though walking in May at my university. 

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Hello everyone, I just joined as I found out yesterday that I was approved for the ETA Fulbright in Germany and I wanted to find a community of people who can speak into and or understand the fears and elements of the process. I am excited to see what happens from here but now that a large portion of that will entail more waiting, which will be hard as I am applying to other positions that would set me up to teach English in other countries. Graduating in August though walking in May at my university. 


Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!


I've also been recommended for a Fulbright to Germany for study/research in Munich! I graduate in May as well, so it's exciting, yet so scary at the time! 


Viel Glück! 

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Hey guys,


Has anyone pursuing an ETA done one of those TESOL/TEFL(?) certifications? How do you know an online source is legitimate? And any brief background on all it entails?


Thanks if anyone answers!


I haven't done one, but I've looked into it.


Celta and Trinity TESOL are the most reputable courses and will be accepted by most schools. I've heard a lot of mixed comments on online tefl courses, some people say it doesn't matter at all where it's from, others say Celta is the only way to go. I think the real answer is that it largely depends on your country and what type of school you want to work for, whether private or a government program. 

For EPIK, the course has to be at least 100 hours, but (supposedly) they give preference to classes that have a 20 hour in-class component.


If you want an intro before doing a real course, there's a free Coursera available right now called "Shaping the Way We Teach English." I'm taking it and don't really have time for the assignments right now, but the readings are helpful.


I don't know how helpful this was because I find all the options confusing too. I'm interested in hearing more from anyone who has actually done one of these courses.

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Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!


I've also been recommended for a Fulbright to Germany for study/research in Munich! I graduate in May as well, so it's exciting, yet so scary at the time! 


Viel Glück! 

Vielen Dank und viel Glück zu dir auch!

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Hey guys,


Has anyone pursuing an ETA done one of those TESOL/TEFL(?) certifications? How do you know an online source is legitimate? And any brief background on all it entails?


Thanks if anyone answers!


Hi! I actually haven't enrolled in one of those types of classes, even though I am strongly considering it because I would like to teach somewhere overseas. Schools in most countries ask that you have either teaching certification + experience, AND/OR a TESOL/TEFL certificate...it all depends on the program. 

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I haven't done one, but I've looked into it.


Celta and Trinity TESOL are the most reputable courses and will be accepted by most schools. I've heard a lot of mixed comments on online tefl courses, some people say it doesn't matter at all where it's from, others say Celta is the only way to go. I think the real answer is that it largely depends on your country and what type of school you want to work for, whether private or a government program. 

For EPIK, the course has to be at least 100 hours, but (supposedly) they give preference to classes that have a 20 hour in-class component.


If you want an intro before doing a real course, there's a free Coursera available right now called "Shaping the Way We Teach English." I'm taking it and don't really have time for the assignments right now, but the readings are helpful.


I don't know how helpful this was because I find all the options confusing too. I'm interested in hearing more from anyone who has actually done one of these courses.


This was helpful! It beats no feedback or guidance at all from my end. And same, I've been looking into it as well. I'm happy to have a forum to talk about this. Thanks!


Hi! I actually haven't enrolled in one of those types of classes, even though I am strongly considering it because I would like to teach somewhere overseas. Schools in most countries ask that you have either teaching certification + experience, AND/OR a TESOL/TEFL certificate...it all depends on the program. 


Yup yup! That's why I'm looking into it as well. I wanna apply for EPIK, and seeing others' timelines has shown me how long it takes to get certified! And boy, it is not cheap, if I'm looking into the right thing... All the sites are so overwhelming! I just have a concentration in education, so I'll have to get certified.


Continuing to look into it!

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Hi all, 


So grateful to have found this forum, with others going through the same process! Thanks to everyone who's posted - it's helped tremendously. 


I also received an e-mail on Friday, recommending me for the Fulbright ETA in Senegal. Very excited and am waiting anxiously for the final results! 


Has anyone else applied to Senegal (ETA and research/study) and/or any other West African countries? 

Edited by MikeyB510
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I talked to my mom yesterday and told her I'm a finalist. She wasn't happy. 

She called back yesterday and said that she had thought about it more, and she was proud of me and would support me if I went. But she still didn't want me to go. 

She didn't mention anything about my dad, so I asked what his thoughts were, she just said "he's really upset."

I hadn't kept it a secret from them that I applied, I guess they just assumed I wouldn't get it since the chances are so slim.

I'm super close with my parents so this is pretty tough for me. I started having self-doubts after the conversation. I have perfectly good other options, why should I put my family through this? What if they're right and it's horrible?


Is anyone else dealing with family or loved ones that aren't so thrilled about your decision to apply for the Fulbright?

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I had a girlfriend who tried to deter me from selecting my best options.  I had already applied before we started dating.  I did not get a Fullbright, but I am talking about law school.  I modified my plans to appease her and have since regretted certain parts of that decision.  I am just wondering if your parents fully understand what an honor it is and what an amazing experience this could be for you.  Look at how hard you worked on the application.  Hopefully your friends are psyched for you.  How about your siblings if you have any?   As an undergrad,I applied for a Fullbright and did not get it even though I spoke two foreign languages. I am psyched for you vicariously.

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I talked to my mom yesterday and told her I'm a finalist. She wasn't happy. 

She called back yesterday and said that she had thought about it more, and she was proud of me and would support me if I went. But she still didn't want me to go. 

She didn't mention anything about my dad, so I asked what his thoughts were, she just said "he's really upset."

I hadn't kept it a secret from them that I applied, I guess they just assumed I wouldn't get it since the chances are so slim.

I'm super close with my parents so this is pretty tough for me. I started having self-doubts after the conversation. I have perfectly good other options, why should I put my family through this? What if they're right and it's horrible?


Is anyone else dealing with family or loved ones that aren't so thrilled about your decision to apply for the Fulbright?


I'm dealing with a similar situation.. I haven't gotten a lot of support from my parents. I just received my recommendation Friday I'm praying for final approval! But it stinks not having family support. Thank goodness for my support at school. (Didn't mean to "dislike" your post, btw, I'm new to this site)

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Is anyone else dealing with family or loved ones that aren't so thrilled about your decision to apply for the Fulbright?


I'm dealing with a similar situation.. I haven't gotten a lot of support from my parents. I just received my recommendation Friday I'm praying for final approval! But it stinks not having family support. Thank goodness for my support at school. (Didn't mean to "dislike" your post, btw, I'm new to this site)


Wow. Seriously? That's terrible. It's such an tremendous opportunity I can't really imagine why a parent would be against it... Can I ask why they don't want you guys to go?

Edited by Oliebollen
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Hi- longtime lurker here. I don't want to get too involved with conversations here as I think that will try my sanity too much (my country doesn't have really any other programs for non-EU passport holders to teach English and I have this irrational fear if I don't get the Fulbright, I'll never be able to teach there again). I did want to put in my two cents about Fulbright and relationships with family and friends from the dilemma I am experiencing right now.


I have wanted to teach abroad since I was in high school, and ever since I had the opportunity to travel to and teach English in the country I am applying to with a summer program at my university, I have known that I wanted to spend a year abroad there. However, I've also been in a serious long-term relationship since essentially the second week of undergrad, and even though we are used to spending summers apart and me leaving for a year will not put a huge stress on our relationship, I know it will be difficult for both of us. I would love for him to come and teach abroad with me, but that does not fit into his career path (he is applying for PhD programs in physics). He is very supportive of my decision to apply for Fulbright and other programs teaching abroad, but that does not change the fact that we are going to miss each other terribly if I am away next year. I always knew that I was going to eventually have to chose between pursuing my dream of teaching abroad or staying in the US to be with him, but now that things are getting more real (I am a finalist and also had an interview for a funded program with WorldTeach last week) it's becoming a lot harder for me to accept that we will be on different continents for the better part of a year. 


Another consideration I've had to deal with is that I was immensely lucky in my childhood that I was very close with my grandparents, who all live very close to where I grew up. Three of my four grandparents are still alive, and I am very close to them, especially my grandma, despite the fact I have lived eight hours away for the past four years. However, they are all in their 80s and 90s and in somewhat failing health, and I know that it is very likely that any of them could pass away while I am abroad. I have a friend whose father passed away while he was studying abroad as an undergrad, and I just can't imagine saying goodbye to my grandparents knowing that it is very likely I would never see them again. I haven't even told any of them that I am a finalist yet or that I interviewed with WorldTeach, even though they all are very supportive of my travels, because I am afraid of their reactions. (EDIT: I teared up about five times when writing this last paragraph, which is probably not a good sign to my readiness to deal with this sort of issue).  


kmac11, hope this helps. Know that you're not the only one dealing with this sort of issue, and if you are awarded the Fulbright and chose not to because of your family, that is a perfectly acceptable and legitimate option. My advice would be just to wait and see what happens, and then make your decision. 

Edited by TravelingTeacher
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Hi everyone! *waves* I'm new to GradCafe, and saw this forum in a Google search. I got recommended for a study/research grant in the UK! This is my first time applying, and I'm so excited to have passed the first round! The email said I could get the final notification between February and May, which is a big time frame, so I am wondering if anyone knows when the UK usually sends final notifications? Thanks!

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I talked to my mom yesterday and told her I'm a finalist. She wasn't happy. 

She called back yesterday and said that she had thought about it more, and she was proud of me and would support me if I went. But she still didn't want me to go. 

She didn't mention anything about my dad, so I asked what his thoughts were, she just said "he's really upset."

I hadn't kept it a secret from them that I applied, I guess they just assumed I wouldn't get it since the chances are so slim.

I'm super close with my parents so this is pretty tough for me. I started having self-doubts after the conversation. I have perfectly good other options, why should I put my family through this? What if they're right and it's horrible?


Is anyone else dealing with family or loved ones that aren't so thrilled about your decision to apply for the Fulbright?


I'm so sorry you have to deal with that!  I did not get recommended, and my parents (who are always incredibly supportive of me) finally told me afterwards that they were relieved, because they were very concerned about me going to another country and not even knowing exactly I would be going (I applied for an ETA in Italy).


What country did you apply for?  Maybe your parents are more concerned for your safety and you could find some information to help ease their fears.

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I was recommended to Spain for a Study/Research and will not have my fingers crossed for a few months. I am wondering if there is any way to find info on funding for a country? Currently I have no idea what funding in Spain would look like and can't seem to find anything anywhere on the internet. As a relatively broke grad student, I want to know how much I should begin financially planning as I have heard the grants aren't that big.


Good luck to everyone!

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Another consideration I've had to deal with is that I was immensely lucky in my childhood that I was very close with my grandparents, who all live very close to where I grew up. Three of my four grandparents are still alive, and I am very close to them, especially my grandma, despite the fact I have lived eight hours away for the past four years. However, they are all in their 80s and 90s and in somewhat failing health, and I know that it is very likely that any of them could pass away while I am abroad. I have a friend whose father passed away while he was studying abroad as an undergrad, and I just can't imagine saying goodbye to my grandparents knowing that it is very likely I would never see them again. I haven't even told any of them that I am a finalist yet or that I interviewed with WorldTeach, even though they all are very supportive of my travels, because I am afraid of their reactions. (EDIT: I teared up about five times when writing this last paragraph, which is probably not a good sign to my readiness to deal with this sort of issue).


Yes, this is a very real issue. When I was abroad for 10 months a few years ago, one of my grandmothers passed away on the day I flew abroad (not unexpectedly, but I got the news by phone during a layover in the US). A few months later, my grandfather passed. Hugs to anyone who might find themselves in that situation, whether it's expected or not. You'll get through it, but it's rough.

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Thanks for all of your feedback, everyone. 


TravelingTeacher: I definitely feel for you. I wish you all the best in making your decision, and it helps to know I'm not alone in worrying about my family if I go abroad!


Oliebollen: It's too far away, and they can't stand the thought of not seeing me for 10 months. My dad in particular seems to think that I applied because I wouldn't see them for a year, which isn't true at all. They also think I only applied because I've been underemployed for so long. That did influence my decision to apply but I wouldn't call Fulbright a "plan B."


Travelgirl125: I applied to Bulgaria, and they think it's not a developed country, so that's definitely part of it. I tried telling them more about Bulgaria, and they even spoke to a pastor at their church who has been there. I think it put their minds at ease a little bit, but they're still not convinced. 

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I was recommended to Spain for a Study/Research and will not have my fingers crossed for a few months. I am wondering if there is any way to find info on funding for a country? Currently I have no idea what funding in Spain would look like and can't seem to find anything anywhere on the internet. As a relatively broke grad student, I want to know how much I should begin financially planning as I have heard the grants aren't that big.


Good luck to everyone!


For Bulgaria, I found it on the Bulgaria Fulbright Commission's website. If Spain's commission has their own site it might be on there!

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Hi everyone! *waves* I'm new to GradCafe, and saw this forum in a Google search. I got recommended for a study/research grant in the UK! This is my first time applying, and I'm so excited to have passed the first round! The email said I could get the final notification between February and May, which is a big time frame, so I am wondering if anyone knows when the UK usually sends final notifications? Thanks!

Congratulations on getting recommended. It's really difficult to say because every year is different. Last year, the notifications were sent out on the 18th of March. The US-UK Fulbright Commission website has March 2015 for notifications. I would be very delighted if we hear in March. I am applying to Leicester's International Relations and World Order program. Which school are you interested in?

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Question to bounce of the forum intellectually stimulating folks.


When asked"Tell us about a time you felt out of your element, explain the situation and what you did to overcome it"


What is the best answer?

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It's too far away, and they can't stand the thought of not seeing me for 10 months. My dad in particular seems to think that I applied because I wouldn't see them for a year, which isn't true at all. They also think I only applied because I've been underemployed for so long. That did influence my decision to apply but I wouldn't call Fulbright a "plan B."


You can reassure them that you're not required to stay in the host country the whole time... you can use some of your award to visit home (or even go on a vacation somewhere) if you budget for it (you're allowed to leave the country for up to 14 days according to the terms & conditions). And/or they can visit you. Either is totally okay. If I get the grant my SO and I are planning to see each other at least a couple of times while I'm gone.  :)

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Requested my transcripts today and will now attempt to forget I applied until more information becomes available. How's everyone doing out there, especially if you've been recommended?  B)

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It is hard to have the balance between being excited at being recommended and wanting to be realistic especially when looking at applying to other positions post-graduation, my brain goes from really chill about the prospects to being freaked out, never mind that there's more waiting until March now, ugh. 

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