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Fulbright 2015-2016


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To anyone who re-applied this year: Do you think there was less or more competition? It seems like the spreadsheet is smaller and the discussion on here much more subdued than last year, not that this is necessarily an indication of the overall amount of applications.

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To anyone who re-applied this year: Do you think there was less or more competition? It seems like the spreadsheet is smaller and the discussion on here much more subdued than last year, not that this is necessarily an indication of the overall amount of applications.

I was thinking the same thing!

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Oh good!! I'm actually glad to have someone on here applying to the same country!! Are you affiliating with a certain university??

I think I messaged you a while ago. I haven't returned to the forum in a number of months. Yes, i contacted a university/professor and received a nice letter of affiliation. It's just one piece of a large puzzle and we don't actually know what the puzzle is! (meaning, who knows what kind of topics etc. they are looking for this year).

Good luck to you! Feel free to send me a message. I'm curious what area of study/topic you have.

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I was thinking the same thing!

I don't think those are indicators of the number of applicants etc. A lively forum (with a handful of repeat posters) doesn't reflet too much on the process, I think. There are always a lot of lurkers who refrain from posting or adding to the spreadsheet. Also, of course, there are many applicants who probably have not heard of this site (they're too busy being fabulously academic).

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Share the same thoughts.. Good luck!!!! Spain competitive country it works out!!!!!!!!  I am a professional so trying the scholar thing.. ; been out of graduate school for a few years, so well see.


Been tio Spain many a times so enjoy if you get it. 


Thank you! :) Good luck to you as well!!! I lived in Spain for a year and it's my favorite place in the world, so I am really hoping to go back :)

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I haven't used GradForums in awhile, but curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to peak in...any Bulgaria ETA applicants?

Hi Mike, I applied to Bulgaria!

I enjoyed reading through your blog and seeing your experiences so far.

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Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions about the process, Bulgaria, etc. Glad you liked the blog--thanks!


Hi Mike, I applied to Bulgaria!
I enjoyed reading through your blog and seeing your experiences so far.

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I am trying my best to forget about the Fulbright but in vain. It just doesn't go away. How are you folks dealing with this or is this isolated to me?


It was really difficult for me to deal with it last year, mostly because I was taking my last semester of undergraduate classes. However, I'm taking graduate courses this time around. I don't check the forum every day like I used to, for example. :) What do you find yourself doing these days besides thinking about it?

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It was really difficult for me to deal with it last year, mostly because I was taking my last semester of undergraduate classes. However, I'm taking graduate courses this time around. I don't check the forum every day like I used to, for example. :) What do you find yourself doing these days besides thinking about it?

One would think that I have no time to even think about the damn thing. I am taking my last semester of undergraduate classes including my uni's much dreaded senior capstone and working two jobs yet somehow it just finds its way into my head. One minute I am talking to my boss about the minutiae of an office memo and the next I am thinking "what if they find a typo in my app?" It's funny I mention a typo because one of the professors from my school is part of the team that goes to Washington to evaluate the applications and he assured me that they don't take off points for a typo. They really need to finish the whole thing in 3 weeks!!!

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One would think that I have no time to even think about the damn thing. I am taking my last semester of undergraduate classes including my uni's much dreaded senior capstone and working two jobs yet somehow it just finds its way into my head. One minute I am talking to my boss about the minutiae of an office memo and the next I am thinking "what if they find a typo in my app?" It's funny I mention a typo because one of the professors from my school is part of the team that goes to Washington to evaluate the applications and he assured me that they don't take off points for a typo. They really need to finish the whole thing in 3 weeks!!!

Three weeks? What do you mean?

Edited by tspier2
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As in after the deadline, we should hear after 3 weeks. I know this is ambitious but wouldn't that be something!


Oh, I misinterpreted what you wrote. I didn't think they changed the turn-around that much in a single year's time. ;)

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Hello, all,


I discovered this site while Googling information about Fulbright interviews. I'm glad that I stumbled upon such a knowledgeable group!


I've applied for the US Scholars program for the fall of 2015 (in Mexico). A couple of weeks back, I received notice that my application had been recommended and that, "The next step is an interview of approximately 20 minutes, in which a group of experts will ask more about you and your professional interests and goals. The interview will be conducted through Skype."


Has anyone had experience with an interview like this? The message makes no mention of assessing my Spanish language skills, though I presume that might be an element of assessing whether I can accomplish my "professional interests and goals."


Thanks in advance.



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Hello, all,


I discovered this site while Googling information about Fulbright interviews. I'm glad that I stumbled upon such a knowledgeable group!


I've applied for the US Scholars program for the fall of 2015 (in Mexico). A couple of weeks back, I received notice that my application had been recommended and that, "The next step is an interview of approximately 20 minutes, in which a group of experts will ask more about you and your professional interests and goals. The interview will be conducted through Skype."


Has anyone had experience with an interview like this? The message makes no mention of assessing my Spanish language skills, though I presume that might be an element of assessing whether I can accomplish my "professional interests and goals."


Thanks in advance.




Congratulations on your recommendation! If I remember correctly from reading through last year's forum, applicants to Mexico had a somewhat different application process for whatever reason. Applicants to Mexico found out they were recommended or not much sooner than applicants to other countries...so I think most of us will have to wait until January before we know anything else! 


Best of luck on your interview!

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Congratulations on your recommendation! If I remember correctly from reading through last year's forum, applicants to Mexico had a somewhat different application process for whatever reason. Applicants to Mexico found out they were recommended or not much sooner than applicants to other countries...so I think most of us will have to wait until January before we know anything else! 


Best of luck on your interview!

Thanks! Yes, I got the notice of recommendation on October 31.


I'll let folks know how the interview goes (and especially in which language it's conducted!).

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Hello, all,


I discovered this site while Googling information about Fulbright interviews. I'm glad that I stumbled upon such a knowledgeable group!


I've applied for the US Scholars program for the fall of 2015 (in Mexico). A couple of weeks back, I received notice that my application had been recommended and that, "The next step is an interview of approximately 20 minutes, in which a group of experts will ask more about you and your professional interests and goals. The interview will be conducted through Skype."


Has anyone had experience with an interview like this? The message makes no mention of assessing my Spanish language skills, though I presume that might be an element of assessing whether I can accomplish my "professional interests and goals."


Thanks in advance.



If you go through the 2014-2015 forum, you'll find tons of useful information. There are some folks who applied for the US Scholars program last year who had a lot to say about the process.

Congratulations on the recommendation and good luck with the interview!

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If you go through the 2014-2015 forum, you'll find tons of useful information. There are some folks who applied for the US Scholars program last year who had a lot to say about the process.

Congratulations on the recommendation and good luck with the interview!

Thanks for the advice!

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For those of you who are also graduating seniors or recent grads, are you applying to/ or looking into any other grants/scholarships like the Fulbright? Looking for something to take my mind off of waiting for them to get back to us.

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Hello, all,


I discovered this site while Googling information about Fulbright interviews. I'm glad that I stumbled upon such a knowledgeable group!


I've applied for the US Scholars program for the fall of 2015 (in Mexico). A couple of weeks back, I received notice that my application had been recommended and that, "The next step is an interview of approximately 20 minutes, in which a group of experts will ask more about you and your professional interests and goals. The interview will be conducted through Skype."


Has anyone had experience with an interview like this? The message makes no mention of assessing my Spanish language skills, though I presume that might be an element of assessing whether I can accomplish my "professional interests and goals."


Thanks in advance.





John I was a bit nervous when I saw your post. As I applied under the Research Scholar in the UK. But today I got my letter recommending me. I was selected as an alternate last year. I tweaked my project very little and here i am again. Last year I was interviewed, and essentially the two selects we were both not funded and were labeled alternates. Fulbright told me the grant section states up to two grants, so its means 0, 1, or 2. I guess it was 0.. Anyhow, I have one more review to see if I get an interview. I suppose you go straight to the interview. Every region must be different. 


Let me know if you have any questions..  I will try to help you 

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Applied under research scholar and was recommended..Here is a tad bit of the email letter:


"It is a pleasure to inform you that the peer review process, organized by IIE’s Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), has been completed and that you are among those recommended for a Fulbright award in United Kingdom"


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Well, folks, a brutal interview today. Billed as "an interview of approximately 20 minutes, in which a group of experts will ask more about you and your professional interests and goals," it was a full-fledged, substantive inquiry into my proposed project ... in Spanish. I speak Spanish well enough to get by in daily life and am studying to return to my childhood fluency, but I most certainly am not able to converse about social and cultural implications of my oral history project.  A group of 5 academics - historians, social scientists, and law professors - grilled me. I truly struggled both to understand the questions and to formulate answers. i hope I got points for being a good sport. I also hope that the substance of my project, with which my inquisitors seems quite intrigued, carries the day.


So, beware and prepare.

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