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Fulbright 2015-2016


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Yeah, this exactly. 

I actually have a job interview tomorrow and I'm not sure how I feel. If I get it, more money, security, etc...but then what would happen if I get the Fulbright? I guess I could always leave the job, although it's a 2 year contract.


Is this the PMF interview by any chance? I've got mine on Wednesday!

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Sorry for double posting! The other replies to this thread were on a new page so I separated them.



Hey, fellow December grad! I'm in the same boat. I'm been anxiety-ridden almost ever since I graduated because I wonder myself what IS next?? I'm gonna have to start paying back loans in a few months, I don't know what I wanna do with my life still... Especially during a gap year (and realistically in my situation), I just REALLY don't want to get stuck and unhappy. So I've just been voluntarily drowning myself in every activity I love across the spectrum trying to find a fit toward a new path in life, "just in case."


A "plan B"... Anything.



Ah, I'm speech path/communication disorders as well! So if I don't get the Fulbright I plan on starting grad school in the fall, which I'm not overly thrilled about, and of course haven't been accepted to, yet, either. Which country did you apply to?

Edited by Kathles
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Heyyy everybody!


Hope everyone is doing well and succeeding in thinking about things other than the fact we'll be hearing some decisions soon. 


Anyway, I was wondering. does the program give one time to travel outside of their country? I've applied to Vietnam and would be so psyched to be back there but I'd also love to see a couple of other countries, even if only on long weekends or something! I've always wanted to visit Thailand and Cambodia! 


So, I'm wondering if anybody knows someone who has completed a Fulbright or is currently in the process and could shed some light on this. Maybe some people stay after their grant ends and use that opportunity for travel? I'd love any insight anyone could give and GOOD LUCK!!!

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I'm not sure how it differs for ETA vs. research but I am on a research fellowship in Indonesia and they give you a max of 14 days off site during your fellowship period. You are allowed to remain in country after your fellowship ends. I am staying longer and they will buy me a ticket home for a date that I choose (it's about 4 months after my fellowship period ends). Although, I am not going to be traveling, my project will still be in full swing. 

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Is this the PMF interview by any chance? I've got mine on Wednesday!

Actually, I'm a finalist from last years class, and this is an interview for a PMF appointment. I wish I had applied to Fulbright instead last year but I was kinda talked out of it by my academic advisor, grr! You're doing the right thing applying to both at the same time.

I went through the whole process last year, so feel free to message me if you have any questions! Good luck!

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Does anyone know if recommended ETA candidates have to go through an interview? If so, who conducts it? Is all of it, or a portion, in the host country language? Any advice on what kinds of questions are asked?


I applied for an ETA in Mexico and, like you all, am eagerly awaiting the decision!

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Does anyone know if recommended ETA candidates have to go through an interview? If so, who conducts it? Is all of it, or a portion, in the host country language? Any advice on what kinds of questions are asked?


I applied for an ETA in Mexico and, like you all, am eagerly awaiting the decision!


I applied for an ETA last year in Macedonia, and they didn't require an interview. If an interview were required, however, I imagine that they would want you to expound upon what you mentioned in your statements. If your country doesn't require any proficiency in the language, it certainly wouldn't be in that language.

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Does anyone know if recommended ETA candidates have to go through an interview? If so, who conducts it? Is all of it, or a portion, in the host country language? Any advice on what kinds of questions are asked?


I applied for an ETA in Mexico and, like you all, am eagerly awaiting the decision!


Ya, I've heard nothing about an interview post recommendation. Apparently a recommendation only means more anxious waiting. At least if we ever end up in purgatory we'll have an idea of what it's like...

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Ah, I'm speech path/communication disorders as well! So if I don't get the Fulbright I plan on starting grad school in the fall, which I'm not overly thrilled about, and of course haven't been accepted to, yet, either. Which country did you apply to?

I applied as an ETA in South Korea. I'm taking a gap year regardless, because I'm not ready for grad school academically/mentally/situationally/financially... Haha!


I just need to find a way to keep it movin'; I hate being stagnant! But, such is life! Working out the kinks.

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Ah, I'm speech path/communication disorders as well! So if I don't get the Fulbright I plan on starting grad school in the fall, which I'm not overly thrilled about, and of course haven't been accepted to, yet, either. Which country did you apply to?



Really consider grad school in Europe. I went to a university in the Netherlands for my Masters, and am now doing an external PH.D program there. I work full time so the External way is the only way I can do it. Essentially, I go there twice a year, more so to teach class related to my subject matter expertise (terrorism) and work on my project with my supervisor. The program is costing me 0$. If you can buckle yourself down and work independently this is the way to get the PH.D. My Fulbright project revolves around my dissertation subject. Anyways, just a thought for all those in here looking at graduate school 

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Really consider grad school in Europe. I went to a university in the Netherlands for my Masters, and am now doing an external PH.D program there. I work full time so the External way is the only way I can do it. Essentially, I go there twice a year, more so to teach class related to my subject matter expertise (terrorism) and work on my project with my supervisor. The program is costing me 0$. If you can buckle yourself down and work independently this is the way to get the PH.D. My Fulbright project revolves around my dissertation subject. Anyways, just a thought for all those in here looking at graduate school 


Hey there! It's definitely something I have looked into, and would really love to do. (Amsterdam is one of my favorite places and top choices to live, by the way!) Unfortunately, I have found that in the field of communication disorders (my field) it is hard to find programs abroad in English, because most are unique to disorders & treatment in their own language. Also, as it is in the "medical"-ish field, there are so many rules about certification, etc. So I'm worried that if I got my masters abroad, ever working in the US would be a hassle or that I may have to re-do half my education. blah! How is your program $0 though?!? That's the dream!

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Hey there! It's definitely something I have looked into, and would really love to do. (Amsterdam is one of my favorite places and top choices to live, by the way!) Unfortunately, I have found that in the field of communication disorders (my field) it is hard to find programs abroad in English, because most are unique to disorders & treatment in their own language. Also, as it is in the "medical"-ish field, there are so many rules about certification, etc. So I'm worried that if I got my masters abroad, ever working in the US would be a hassle or that I may have to re-do half my education. blah! How is your program $0 though?!? That's the dream!


I understand the licensing part and that could be an issue. But like doctors I believe you can challenge the test and given my experience the level of education there in Europe is much more focused then here.  Honestly, the quality of life and living is much better there, then here anyhow. If I wasn't so embedded in work I would of moved some time ago. As it is i'm there twice a year, and visit a few extra times. The External PH.D program as of now  does not cost in the Netherlands, reason being you are doing your dissertation on your own with own funds etc (library, data bases and so forth).  All your doing is gaining a supervisor at the University who for free reviews your work as you go along. In the end you defend your dissertation. As it is now, my dissertation is very relevant to whats going on in the world and I do some lecturing at places all over Europe. So either way i will be spending a a lot of time there when I'm done.


Of course I will fork out a nice present for the supervisor when I'm done. 

Edited by Bluefit
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I understand the licensing part and that could be an issue. But like doctors I believe you can challenge the test and given my experience the level of education there in Europe is much more focused then here.  Honestly, the quality of life and living is much better there, then here anyhow. If I wasn't so embedded in work I would of moved some time ago. As it is i'm there twice a year, and visit a few extra times. The External PH.D program as of now  does not cost in the Netherlands, reason being you are doing your dissertation on your own with own funds etc (library, data bases and so forth).  All your doing is gaining a supervisor at the University who for free reviews your work as you go along. In the end you defend your dissertation. As it is now, my dissertation is very relevant to whats going on in the world and I do some lecturing at places all over Europe. So either way i will be spending a a lot of time there when I'm done.


Of course I will fork out a nice present for the supervisor when I'm done. 


wow that sounds like such a brilliant experience! I would really like to do a phd in linguistics in Sweden eventually; I totally agree that the life in "Europe" generally better suits my needs and interests (I have lived in Spain and Sweden.) Anyway that is definitely something I will look into for the future. Thank so much & best of luck to you!

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Wow!! We are so close!


Yet oh so painfully far. I now understand why cartman froze himself instead of waiting for the wii...though he ended up in the future...which also would be a cool outcome. 

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What are we down to now...3 weeks, exactly? Ahhhh!  :o


It's crazy! Every time I think about it... I have a mini hyperventilating attack haha. Does anyone else think of the countdown in these terms? Like "oh man, soon it'll be the 10th, then it'll be the 15th in less than a week! Then it'll be the halfway mark until we hear back! Then just 15 more days! A LITTLE OVER TWO WEEKS!! AHH!!" *faints*


Didn't someone on these forums say that they had whether you were accepted or rejected right in the subject line? I really hope they don't do that. =_=

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It's crazy! Every time I think about it... I have a mini hyperventilating attack haha. Does anyone else think of the countdown in these terms? Like "oh man, soon it'll be the 10th, then it'll be the 15th in less than a week! Then it'll be the halfway mark until we hear back! Then just 15 more days! A LITTLE OVER TWO WEEKS!! AHH!!" *faints*


Didn't someone on these forums say that they had whether you were accepted or rejected right in the subject line? I really hope they don't do that. =_=


For the initial round? Mine didn't. It only contained the following text: "Your Fulbright Application."

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I can't wait! I get so nervous thinking about it. 


Does anyone know if they publish how many people applied for each country after the first round? Or not until the acceptance date?

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For the initial round? Mine didn't. It only contained the following text: "Your Fulbright Application."


Ah, did it?? Could've sworn for the finalist selection someone on this board said that whether they were going on to the final round was all on the subject line, and they were devastated.

That's good to know though.

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That was me-- and I wasn't saying that about the finalist notification, I was saying that about the next email, the one saying whether or not you received an award. The finalist notification only says "Your Fulbright Application".

It's the later emails that are scarier! :/

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It's crazy! Every time I think about it... I have a mini hyperventilating attack haha. Does anyone else think of the countdown in these terms? Like "oh man, soon it'll be the 10th, then it'll be the 15th in less than a week! Then it'll be the halfway mark until we hear back! Then just 15 more days! A LITTLE OVER TWO WEEKS!! AHH!!" *faints*


Didn't someone on these forums say that they had whether you were accepted or rejected right in the subject line? I really hope they don't do that. =_=


Haha, yes, something like this, "Ok, on the 10th I'll get GRE scores back, on the 17th, I'll hear back on a job, and then it's only two weeks"...or something like that. 


I don't know if I'll be more bummed about not getting to the finalist stage or amazed someone actually though I might be worth sending overseas...

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That was me-- and I wasn't saying that about the finalist notification, I was saying that about the next email, the one saying whether or not you received an award. The finalist notification only says "Your Fulbright Application".

It's the later emails that are scarier! :/


Oh no! I'm sorry! And that's definitely not the best way to notify us anxious folk... Especially if you've gotten so far!

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