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Fulbright 2015-2016


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I used one specific person every time I have applied, it was someone I had worked while I while I was studying abroad but the two others I switched out depending on my project and sometimes with time passing I had met or worked with people who were better fit than the previous years I had applied. 

Thanks, Photogeographic.


I definitely want to re-use one of mine but I wasn't sure if it was acceptable. :)

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Thanks, Photogeographic.


I definitely want to re-use one of mine but I wasn't sure if it was acceptable. :)


I did however ask the person to rewrite the letter so that it had the current date, I'm sure the person could write the same thing just update it again 

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I got the dreaded "NS" email too.... :( I, too, had an inkling that I wouldn't get it when I wasn't selected for an interview, but some part of me still hoped I would be selected. That hope got crushed at 6:25pm PST today. :( My empathy goes out to you both, and I know that better and brighter things await us! I'm so happy for all of you who did get the UK Fulbright! May you enjoy every bit of your Fulbright experience! :)


I second that! 


To summarize for any future Fulbright UK applicants looking at past threads, the evidence suggests (at least for this round), no interview = not on the shortlist of candidates. I only say this because it's something concrete about the interview process that would've been useful for me to know. For this round, the time in between interviews and notification was... significant. I would definitely encourage future UK applicants to get the ball rolling on plan B if no interview is granted. They may change their interview process in the future given the increasing number of applicants, so make of this what you will.

Edited by Dbloom
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I think of waiting for Fulbright notifications kind of like freezing to death on a mountain. In the first couple weeks it was so painful and anxiety-inducing, like the frostbite setting in to my toes and my muscles cramping from the cold. But now it has me at a point where I am numb and just want to go to sleep and die. That is my relationship with this fellowship currently.



Too dark? 
I'm laughing regardless. 

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I think of waiting for Fulbright notifications kind of like freezing to death on a mountain. In the first couple weeks it was so painful and anxiety-inducing, like the frostbite setting in to my toes and my muscles cramping from the cold. But now it has me at a point where I am numb and just want to go to sleep and die. That is my relationship with this fellowship currently.



Too dark? 

I'm laughing regardless. 


Sums it up fairly well. I'm basically at the point I don't care anymore. I'm acting like I didn't get it (interviewing for jobs, waiting to hear back from other fellowships, etc). Seems easiest that way. This way, if I get rejected I can tell myself that I only wanted a Fulbright on principle anyways :P


That being said, congrats to you folks who have been lucky enough to find out your status. Even if you weren't selected, you can still put finalist on your resume and at the very least, you're not playing the waiting game anymore. 

Edited by mekkababble1
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Malaysia applicants - on the forum from last year I saw that someone emailed a staff person at MACEE and asked about a notification date. The person said that the commission had made final decisions and applicants would hear back soon from the Fulbright office in the US. Has anyone done this?

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Ok, I'm finally posting.  Like many others have mentioned, I am also a long-time lurker.  With many notifications already out, I thought I would finally chime in.


The past couple weeks waiting for Fulbright has been awful.  Before that, I was studying for and then taking my PhD comps, but now that's over and I have nothing else to do but let my mind be consumed with Fulbright notification.  This forum has been great to know I'm not alone and yet still hard to see all the joy at acceptances and sadness at the rejections.  I just want to know where I stand!


I was really hoping to be notified by now.  I am also working in a job that I am not very happy at, so getting the Fulbright would be great in this capacity. My supervisor knows I am waiting to hear as well, so it's awful every time they ask me.  I know they will need to find a replacement for me too, so it's just like everyone is waiting with me which makes it that much harder.


Fingers crossed we will hear more this week! Congrats to everyone who has gotten accepted and stay positive those of you who are alternates or received rejections. As an older student, I can safely say that new opportunities in life will come your way, even if you don't expect them or they weren't what you thought.  Keep putting yourself out there.


Those who are still agonizing in waiting, know you have one more standing in solidarity with you!

Edited by Irisiy17
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Ok, I'm finally posting. Like many others have mentioned, I am also a long-time lurker. With many notifications already out, I thought I would finally chime in.

The past couple weeks waiting for Fulbright has been awful. Before that, I was studying for and then taking my PhD comps, but now that's over and I have nothing else to do but let my mind be consumed with Fulbright notification. This forum has been great to know I'm not alone and yet still hard to see all the joy at acceptances and sadness at the rejections. I just want to know where I stand!

I was really hoping to be notified by now. I am also working in a job that I am not very happy at, so getting the Fulbright would be great in this capacity. My supervisor knows I am waiting to hear as well, so it's awful every time they ask me. I know they will need to find a replacement for me too, so it's just like everyone is waiting with me which makes it that much harder.

Fingers crossed we will hear more this week! Congrats to everyone who has gotten accepted and stay positive those of you who are alternates or received rejections. As an older student, I can safely say that new opportunities in life will come your way, even if you don't expect them or they weren't what you thought. Keep putting yourself out there.

Those who are still agonizing in waiting, know you have one more standing in solidarity with you!

Welcome! And I completely agree with you that the past few weeks have been the most painful! The waiting isn't getting any easier.

To which country did you apply?

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Have any UK applicants gotten an alternate notification? If so, can you please message me? I'm a UK applicant who hasn't heard anything as of 3/31 3:45PM. It seems that Principal and Not Selected notifications were sent out, so maybe the alternate ones got delayed? I'm just trying to find some clues and some answers desperately! Thanks!

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Congrats ! 

Thank you very much. I see that you are applying to Kenya. I worked there for some time and I found the people to be amazing. Hopefully you get selected so that you can enjoy the fabled hakuna matata lifestyle!

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Sums it up fairly well. I'm basically at the point I don't care anymore. I'm acting like I didn't get it (interviewing for jobs, waiting to hear back from other fellowships, etc). Seems easiest that way. This way, if I get rejected I can tell myself that I only wanted a Fulbright on principle anyways :P


That being said, congrats to you folks who have been lucky enough to find out your status. Even if you weren't selected, you can still put finalist on your resume and at the very least, you're not playing the waiting game anymore.

I'm glad other people are going through the same phases of Fulbright as me...

March 1- THE TIME HAS COME! Yay notifications! Any day now I should find out...

April 1- I'm over this

My friends tell me, "you've been saying any day now for a long time.... "

(But actually any day now? Right!?)

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Wait... Did the notifications go out for Korea?!

I don't think so? At least I haven't heard anything. That initial comment really made me jump though! 


I wish!

Edited by tapenalani
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Any of you UK people headed to London? I'll be there! And congrats!



I might not have recieved Fulbright, but I will still be in London! I have applied for aid through school and other scholarships, so I will see you there!

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