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SAIS Applications and Fellowships

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It might just be Bologna first in case anybody's nervous...I believe my app was handled entirely by the Bologna center, since I put it as a preference and was counted as a "non-US applicant" (have dual US-foreign citizenship) and was interviewed for the program. Maybe they've come out with those decisions first.


Also I was a bit too antsy about the funding notice--I ended up getting an email like five minutes later. 20kEUR for first year :)



That's awful about IHEID. I wouldn't worry too much about the other decisions yet--European and American schools have such different admissions criteria. In the US it's a bit more holistic IMO; in Europe they seem to care mainly about your grades and how similar your undergrad degree was to their program. Plus they don't take GRE into account. It's why I didn't apply to any European programs, I was certain I wouldn't get in! I wouldn't get too down, you may have some good news yet.

Thanks! I truly appreciate that. It is what it is. I'm definitely trying to stay positive. :] My GRE scores are a story in and of themselves. I had a family crisis and one of my friends had a breakdown the week of my test date. I couldn't postpone it, and then when I did it, a power outage happened right after I submitted my second essay. Had to sit for 30 minutes while everything rebooted, not knowing if I had to restart or leave or what. They wouldn't tell us anything. I was able to finish, but my nerves were shot and my scores - especially my quantitative section - suffered severely as a result. I submitted the scores anyways because I couldn't afford to write it again, and as I'm writing an undergraduate thesis this year, I had no time to re-do it either. My LORs explained this, but it still feels like a sore spot.


Luck has been far from on my side this year in anything I do, but you never know unless you try. :]

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Congrats to all you Bologna people! Awesome funding, too! WOOHOO! 


I'm completing my last mid-term before spring break, eating way too much chocolate pudding, and refreshing my e-mail like a mad woman. Don't have high hopes for my SAIS letter--I applied for the full two years in D.C. and I'm not the strongest applicant--but it'll be nice to finally stop thinking about it! 


Looking forward to hear if all you guys get in and get some $$$! Rooting for you! 

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Congrats to all you Bologna people! Awesome funding, too! WOOHOO! 


I'm completing my last mid-term before spring break, eating way too much chocolate pudding, and refreshing my e-mail like a mad woman. Don't have high hopes for my SAIS letter--I applied for the full two years in D.C. and I'm not the strongest applicant--but it'll be nice to finally stop thinking about it! 


Looking forward to hear if all you guys get in and get some $$$! Rooting for you! 


Good luck to you as well TeeCo! Out of curiosity, where are hoping to attend? If it helps calm the nerves, I got waitlisted to Fletcher yesterday and got into SAIS today. The Admissions process is definitely a crapshoot and you can never be sure of anything. My GRE scores weren't too great (154Q, 162V) and I had 2 months (!) of full-time work experience. I'm also finishing up undergrad. So I had the same doubts. Stay positive and I'm sure you'll be delighted with the decisions!

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Good luck to you as well TeeCo! Out of curiosity, where are hoping to attend? If it helps calm the nerves, I got waitlisted to Fletcher yesterday and got into SAIS today. The Admissions process is definitely a crapshoot and you can never be sure of anything. My GRE scores weren't too great (154Q, 162V) and I had 2 months (!) of full-time work experience. I'm also finishing up undergrad. So I had the same doubts. Stay positive and I'm sure you'll be delighted with the decisions!

I was also wait listed at fletcher yesterday. Did you put bologna as your first choice? What concentration did you apply to?

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Thanks for the tip. Mine was in my spam folder! 10kEUR for first year :)


Thanks for the tip! Mine was also in the spam folder and I was starting to get worried...


I got 20k€ for the first year and 20k$ for the second year. Quite happily surprised by the 20k$ for the second year since I thought SAIS Europe was only awarding grants for the first year...

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I was also wait listed at fletcher yesterday. Did you put bologna as your first choice? What concentration did you apply to?


I put I had no preference in order to maximize my chances of getting in. My essays were pretty Bologna-centric though. I am a dual USA citizen and was interviewed as an international student so maybe international finds out first? My intended areas of study were MA with focus on 1) American Foreign Policy and 2) Global Theory and History.

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Thanks for the tip! Mine was also in the spam folder and I was starting to get worried...


I got 20k€ for the first year and 20k$ for the second year. Quite happily surprised by the 20k$ for the second year since I thought SAIS Europe was only awarding grants for the first year...


Wow, congrats! That's a fantastic aid package!

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Good luck to you as well TeeCo! Out of curiosity, where are hoping to attend? If it helps calm the nerves, I got waitlisted to Fletcher yesterday and got into SAIS today. The Admissions process is definitely a crapshoot and you can never be sure of anything. My GRE scores weren't too great (154Q, 162V) and I had 2 months (!) of full-time work experience. I'm also finishing up undergrad. So I had the same doubts. Stay positive and I'm sure you'll be delighted with the decisions!


It for SURE is a crapshoot :) Definitely hoping for the best!


With the two acceptances I have, I can't go wrong. It's just always nice to get more acceptances (and hopefully offers including money!). At this point, my decision will come down to finances. I'm in my senior undergrad year and I have a grand total of $0 to my name lol. AU is more manageable than BU price-wise and better curriculum-wise, so if nothing changes as far as those two schools and other decisions go, I'll be heading to AU. However, if BU offers me a Graduate Assistantship (as they've alluded to me that they might do), that's half-tuition scholarship and two years of working pretty intimately with a faculty member--so I'd likely go to BU. I'd LOVE to go to Fletcher, but they'd have to admit me off the wait-list and come up with a pretty competitive funding offer. It's all very complicated! GAH!


Congratulations again! I've read really great things about SAIS Bologna! Fletcher is missing out! 

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It for SURE is a crapshoot :) Definitely hoping for the best!


With the two acceptances I have, I can't go wrong. It's just always nice to get more acceptances (and hopefully offers including money!). At this point, my decision will come down to finances. I'm in my senior undergrad year and I have a grand total of $0 to my name lol. AU is more manageable than BU price-wise and better curriculum-wise, so if nothing changes as far as those two schools and other decisions go, I'll be heading to AU. However, if BU offers me a Graduate Assistantship (as they've alluded to me that they might do), that's half-tuition scholarship and two years of working pretty intimately with a faculty member--so I'd likely go to BU. I'd LOVE to go to Fletcher, but they'd have to admit me off the wait-list and come up with a pretty competitive funding offer. It's all very complicated! GAH!


Congratulations again! I've read really great things about SAIS Bologna! Fletcher is missing out! 


Fletcher said they would advise waitlisted applicants about admittance in June. That's 2 months out from most deadlines so I think I'll leave the waitlist. I got into American University as well (in the same United States Foreign Policy and National Security program actually!) with a nice $36k scholarship and the flexibility is excellent (I can work during the day further lowering my debt). I'm torn about American v. Johns Hopkins right now just as you area. It's all about the money at the end of the day and though SAIS is giving me $20k for the two years (at least, hopefully), American right now will wind up 40-50k cheaper ($50-60k debt v. $100k of debt at SAIS). I get a migraine just thinking about it lol.

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Yeah, Fletcher's timeline was all messed up for the WL candidates. I stayed on because BU doesn't require me to respond until pretty late. On the off chance they offer me the GA and I end up turning down AU, I figured I might as well stick on the Tufts WL just in case they get back to me with an admission/aid before I have to get back to BU with a final decision. If I decide AU is the way to go, I'll just call the Tufts people and tell them to take me off the list.


BUT, UMM, HOLY CRAP that's an awesome scholarship from American! Congratulations! 


Screw student loan debt, right? Can't we all just go to our dream school without being punished for it for decades to come?! Even with the debt issue, you can't go wrong with your line-up. American may be cheaper at the end of the day, but both American and SAIS Bologna are awesome programs :) Congratulations, again! We may run into each other at American! 

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Yeah, Fletcher's timeline was all messed up for the WL candidates. I stayed on because BU doesn't require me to respond until pretty late. On the off chance they offer me the GA and I end up turning down AU, I figured I might as well stick on the Tufts WL just in case they get back to me with an admission/aid before I have to get back to BU with a final decision. If I decide AU is the way to go, I'll just call the Tufts people and tell them to take me off the list.


BUT, UMM, HOLY CRAP that's an awesome scholarship from American! Congratulations! 


Screw student loan debt, right? Can't we all just go to our dream school without being punished for it for decades to come?! Even with the debt issue, you can't go wrong with your line-up. American may be cheaper at the end of the day, but both American and SAIS Bologna are awesome programs :) Congratulations, again! We may run into each other at American! 


I figure if Tufts does take me off the waitlist I'd get $0.00 in funding so why bother lol. Uggh, student loan debt. I have no undergrad debt either which gives me a little more leeway now but it makes the sticker shock much more painful. Going from debt-free to 60-100k in debt is a major risk and though the investment's supposed to pay off in the long-term, the short-term is what I'm worried about (especially getting a 100k loan and then not finding work for a while). But for today I'll rejoice and treat myself and worry about $$$ later. SIS and SAIS were my top choices (especially for the diplomatic service track) and I'm lucky to get to choose between them. Boston and American are both fantastic schools in gorgeous cities with plentiful work and internship opportunities. You'll do amazingly well at either one! And there's still more schools yet to respond that might further sweeten the pot. Yes, we might!

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@CityofSand : Based on my research, SAIS idev is pretty good when it comes to working for WB,IFC i.e. multilateral organizations. MPP HKS is good if u r after the harvard name , but HKS is much better positioned when it comes to MPA/ID program so a better comparison would have been between MPA/ID (HKS) vs MA IDEV  ( SAIS). Don't have much idea about Goldman. 

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