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Fall 2014 Applicants - Canadian Universities


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Hello! Hope you hear something soon. Applied to Toronto for a PhD -- it's one of the best fits for my research interests. 

Thanks, you too! :) I'm currently finishing my undergrad at UofT. The History department here is wonderful; I would love to return for my PhD. Good luck!!

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I've applied for MA at UBC and Queens. UBC is under review and Queens is showing application complete. Crossing fingers for both (not history though.... I noticed this after I posted.).

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Episkey, do you have any idea when Waterloo will make their decision?


Also, fingers crossed for everyone here!


Hi! When I visited, I was told sometime around the middle of February. So hopefully end of next week? 


Good luck to you as well :)

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Is there anyone who has an information about McGill?


I'm a current MA student at McGill (though I'm applying internationally for the PhD).  My understanding is that the selection committee will be meeting this week - this was delayed because of our job search for a new faculty member in Late Imperial/Modern China.  So you should be hearing back in 1-2 weeks.  If you have any questions about the program or school in general feel free to ask!

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I'm in the Canadian pool too; I applied to Simon Fraser and  BCU.  I just heard from the BCU Director of Studies because there was a mix-up in uploading my essay and they were compiling my file last week.  So we should hear from them soonish, I bet...

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I'm in the Canadian pool too; I applied to Simon Fraser and  BCU.  I just heard from the BCU Director of Studies because there was a mix-up in uploading my essay and they were compiling my file last week.  So we should hear from them soonish, I bet...

Masters or PhD?


I was in the PhD program for two years at SFU. Who are you looking to work with? 

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I'm a current MA student at McGill (though I'm applying internationally for the PhD).  My understanding is that the selection committee will be meeting this week - this was delayed because of our job search for a new faculty member in Late Imperial/Modern China.  So you should be hearing back in 1-2 weeks.  If you have any questions about the program or school in general feel free to ask!


Thank you very much for this information :)

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Howdy Henry!


I am finishing up my masters at the City College of New York, study appalachian industrial slave leasing so I'm Karen Ferguson and Mark Leier.  My work kind of combines environmental history, labor history, and African diasporic history and I'm really looking for a program that is keen on interdisciplinary studies.  It seems like that is one of SFU's specialties, so I'm highly interested.

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Howdy back atcha, anorak!


Leier is fantastic! I cannot sing his praises enough. I mostly know him from TAing for him, and from feedback from people he is or has recently supervised.


I have heard good about Ferguson, but don't really know her, as she has a split appointment with another dept, and she was on leave or sabbatical or something the one time I wanted to seek her out.


For environmental, there is also Jay (Joseph) Taylor does enviro as well, and while I did not bond with him, a friend who did found him to be great. 


feel free to PM me if you have particular questions about the program, admin, campus, metro area, or anything. 

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Hello! Hope you hear something soon. Applied to Toronto for a PhD -- it's one of the best fits for my research interests. 


I've also applied to U of T for a PhD (F14). I'm getting nervous because the first acceptances (according to GradCafe) were sent out on February 10th last year. But, so far, no one I know, and no one on here, has been accepted yet which leads me to believe they're just taking longer this year because they're also currently in the process of hiring a new Canadianist. Who knows. Fingers crossed for all of us!

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I've applied for MA at UBC and Queens. UBC is under review and Queens is showing application complete. Crossing fingers for both (not history though.... I noticed this after I posted.).


I just finished my MA at Queen's (in History but worked closely with Geography faculty) if you have any questions! 

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Hello! Hope you hear something soon. Applied to Toronto for a PhD -- it's one of the best fits for my research interests. 


Hey there! Also applying to U of T for a PhD. Out of curiosity, who are you applying to work with?

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Can't edit my post above, so just to add: I just realized one of the acceptances posted for Toronto is international (and the poster says it is his/her top choice). And I was told they have usually just one (and maaaaaaaaaaybe two) funded places for international applicants (of which I am one). Heigh-ho. Is this what I think it is? Answer: just have to wait and see. 


I knew it was a long shot... ah, well, cannot complain, I have another possibility in hand. 

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