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ETS has finished me!!!!


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Out of curiosity and because of my nervousness, I decided to go to Upenn's website to check if a decision has been posted only for me to see that they never got my official GRE scores because it wrote (not received). Meanwhile I filled in Upenn as one of the schools ETS should send my score to. Currently on my ETS account, it's showing Upenn as one of the recipients of my scores. I'm just so confused here because the deadline at Upenn has since passed. Could this be some sort of mistake or what. I'm so sad, would it affect my chances of an acceptance? Help please!!!!

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Sorry to hear that! I would suggest contacting the program and say that you noticed that your scores weren't received. Tell them you will request them to be resent if the website posting is indeed correct. It is possible their website is not correct, but you should be prepared to resend the scores if they will allow.

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Sometimes it takes a while to match scores to applications. They might have done this and not updated the website. I'd contact them to ask for clarification and let them know ETS is showing that the scores were sent. Maybe they didn't end up in the right department. Sooo many possibilities, but I'd call.

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Out of curiosity and because of my nervousness, I decided to go to Upenn's website to check if a decision has been posted only for me to see that they never got my official GRE scores because it wrote (not received). Meanwhile I filled in Upenn as one of the schools ETS should send my score to. Currently on my ETS account, it's showing Upenn as one of the recipients of my scores. I'm just so confused here because the deadline at Upenn has since passed. Could this be some sort of mistake or what. I'm so sad, would it affect my chances of an acceptance? Help please!!!!


Call them. This happened to me with a few schools, and while it was inconvenient, it was easily solved. The problem is at this point, that your application may not have been reviewed because it was "incomplete". Tell them when you sent the scores and then FIGHT for them to read your app because it was their mistake! I had to do this with a program and was ultimately accepted.


Also, a common problem with UPenn is people sending their scores to Penn STATE. Make sure you didn't do that before you call them!

Edited by iphi
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I submitted my application quite a while ago, so I expected it to have been updated. I'm really so bummed, would have to call them. I just went back to ETS to double check and yeah, it was Upenn I sent it to, I just confirmed the codes again. I wish I had noticed this much earlier!

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I bet they haven't even noticed yet. I submitted an application over a month ago and only last week they registered my scores as "received", even though they were sent weeks ago. This seems like a common problem!

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Michigan and Berkeley both showed my scores as "not received" until the days they admitted me. In both cases, I contacted the departments weeks ago, and in both cases, they reassured me that they had the scores. My takeaway: some departments don't update the websites reliably. Call/email your department to make sure.

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I called them in the morning and was told they didn't have my scores, she did say she would look it up though and that I should call her back in the afternoon which I did. She said she didn't see my scores still and that I should email it to her or fax it. This was just weird cos I don't even have a printed copy of my scores, anyway I downloaded it from my GRE account and sent it to her. I called ETS and they confirmed they did send it and even told me the day and the batch number that it was. This is all so confusing, I just hope it doesn't affect my chance. I certainly can't deal with any more rejections. God should help me! 

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I had this happened.  My scores were sent to the graduate school and not the department which made it hard for the department to find...for some reason.  This stuff happens all the time (too often for the prices we pay for this stuff!).

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Something similar happened to me with UPenn, which I fixed the last couple of days. Scores weren't "official" due to a mistake in date of birth but had been seen. In any case, the claim is that the app went through the usual process and I'll be hearing from them soon (that department has not yet started issuing verdicts according to the results page on gradcafe). On the whole, if the committee has not yet met, all institutions tend to be very forgiving about delays in receipt of material from third parties such as GREs, transcripts, and recommendations. And long as you submitted all of your required materials with the app by deadline they tend (at least so I've been told) to consider what you have and to believe your "unofficial" claims until the official ones arrive

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Thank you for your replies. Well, right now on my application, it says 'GRE received (not official)' after I mailed it myself to the woman. I wonder what happened with my scores cos I am certain ETS sent them. Anyway, she said it would not affect my chances so now I have to patiently wait for their decision.

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