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Does anyone else ever feel a little grumpy when you come across a small spelling mistake on a program's website? It's petty, but my obsessive editing of my own materials makes every mention of an upcoming "semibar" just, uh, >:l-X-= (words fail me here).




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Does anyone else ever feel a little grumpy when you come across a small spelling mistake on a program's website? It's petty, but my obsessive editing of my own materials makes every mention of an upcoming "semibar" just, uh, >:l-X-= (words fail me here).

What's driving me even more nuts are the program websites that list two different due dates for applications. It's not even an anomaly... I would say half of the programs I've looked at have mismatched due dates on different parts of the site. They're usually off by a day. And it makes me super anxious.

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I'm feeling pretty annoyed. I'm SO CLOSE to being done, everything is submitted on my end, but I have one letter writer who told me he would send it in this weekend, yet still has not done so, and my apps are due tomorrow! 


I've worked so hard this year to get everything done, and I just hate the fact that this last thing is so out of my control.  :unsure:

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I'm feeling pretty annoyed. I'm SO CLOSE to being done, everything is submitted on my end, but I have one letter writer who told me he would send it in this weekend, yet still has not done so, and my apps are due tomorrow! 


I've worked so hard this year to get everything done, and I just hate the fact that this last thing is so out of my control.  :unsure:


I definitely hear you on that. I was starting to get concerned about one of my letter-writers for awhile there, though he pulled through with three days to spare.


Fortunately most programs (though definitely not all) allow for letters to come in after the rest of the application is officially submitted. The reality is that pre-Christmas deadlines are typically for administrative personnel to collate everything and chase down misplaced items etc. Adcomms usually don't look at applications until after the break. That's probably why certain programs are rather forgiving about late letters: it doesn't matter if they're a little late, because they won't be read for weeks afterward.

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I second the letter writer annoyance. All my letters are in except for one letter from one professor. The things is he already submitted for all the other programs except for one, plus he has just been elected the director of RAE (guess the ones who study Spanish would know what it is :P), so I feel a bit weird disturb him about it during this specific period.... 

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I would add that you ARE done! Your letter writer do not bear on whether you have submitted all your apps or not. I've got one LOR writer that waits until the last day to submit, then sometimes mixes up programs. Fortunately, the graduate coordinators are generally a very forgiving lot and straighten things out.

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I think trusting letter writers is so trying at these times, even if we consider them to be our academic heros and/or mother/father figures. But no worries folks, they will pull through! It's much about their reputation as it is about your application too, since they are recommending you to their peers. 


As for me, it looks like my recommenders will beat me to the punch... :P

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Hi everyone! Just a quick report from yours truly from the trenches...


So, 5 out of 7 submitted, but one of 2 not yet submitted is due later today. I ran into this snafu with U Chicago...I planned on applying to multiple programs there, so I created two applications, finished one, hit submit, and then when I logged on again it won't let me access the other one...if the worst case scenario happens and I cannot apply to this program, it's honestly no biggie---I'm applying to a national lit department and a comp lit department, but my focus is really more on the national side than comp (or so my heart says, for now) so it should be ok. 


Freak out no. 2: I realized that some of the schools (like Harvard!) still receive their GRE scores by mail. The first application I finished this morning was for Harvard, and I didn't upload an unofficial report because the application doesn't provide a specific space for it and I had assumed that the scores went in because some other schools had sent confirmation emails RE: scores...long story short, it looks like the mailed scores might get in today or sometime this week, and needless to say, I'm freaking out somewhat on this. Called the dept coordinator and was told that my application is not yet uploading on their end for them to check whether my GRE scores have been received...


It seems like the Harvard site has some major traffic issues, so for those with deadlines there today be aware! 


If anyone has thoughts to assuage this worry wort here about the GRE scores...I'd be forever grateful to you for sharing. 

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Freak out no. 2: I realized that some of the schools (like Harvard!) still receive their GRE scores by mail. The first application I finished this morning was for Harvard, and I didn't upload an unofficial report because the application doesn't provide a specific space for it and I had assumed that the scores went in because some other schools had sent confirmation emails RE: scores...long story short, it looks like the mailed scores might get in today or sometime this week, and needless to say, I'm freaking out somewhat on this. Called the dept coordinator and was told that my application is not yet uploading on their end for them to check whether my GRE scores have been received...


Hmm. I'm not exactly sure what you mean. You have to order the GRE score report for every program (which is annoying and expensive, but still...) In other words, all programs receive them by mail. From what I can recall, no programs allow you to upload an unofficial score report, though most want you to type in your unofficial scores regardless.


You'll have to officially submit your application before any admin personnel can check on it, I think, but so long as you've ordered all your score reports from ETS, you should be fine. Most programs will allow a bit of leeway with regard to when the official GRE reports come in.

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Emory is one example of a school that asks for an unofficial report. In any case, if Harvard didn't ask for it, then receiving the GRE scores on time (or "on time") isn't really the hugest deal to them. As Wyatt's Torch said, most schools with a Dec. 15th deadline don't actually assess any of the application materials until after winter break. The next week or so is going to be them slogging through and cataloging all of these mistakes, confusions, and lapses.


Harvard is going to be v. backlogged. Don't expect the dust to settle anytime today, and don't think it will at all hurt your chances.


Also, yeah, all of the schools receive the GRE by mail, so if other schools have got them, maybe Harvard has them as well?

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Thanks so much, WT and hypervodka!


So a bit on what I learned about GRE score reporting: There are now some schools that receive their applicants' scores electronically, Chicago being one of them. I received a verification email from them (saying they received my official report) almost a day or two after the scores were processed by ETS. But I guess this is an opt-in service and that others, like Harvard, take them by mail. 


Having all sorts of last-minute "issues"---like one of my recommenders forgetting the fact that some deadlines are today (luckily he had the recommendations to the schools I really cared about done and ready to go). Living on the edge, I tell you! 

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Also, bear in mind that Harvard's deadline isn't technically until January 2nd. Apparently some emails have gone out warning people that the admin offices are closed for the holidays, but from what I can tell, Jan. 2 is still the ultimate due date.

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Apparently, Rutgers has a two-part application. You submit the basic application, then wait twenty-four hours, then submit the supplementary materials (writing sample). I have no idea how I missed this... but... I guess I'll miss the deadline, too. Eep.

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Apparently, Rutgers has a two-part application. You submit the basic application, then wait twenty-four hours, then submit the supplementary materials (writing sample). I have no idea how I missed this... but... I guess I'll miss the deadline, too. Eep.


What?! That sounds totally crazy. EDIT: The school's policy, I mean...


Update on my end: Chicago application worked itself out, so I guess I do get to apply to their Comp Lit department! Except it is already 1:16AM here in Korea. I've been running on little to no sleep for the past two weeks. I just want to be done...

Edited by fancypants09
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Also, calculated that all in all, probably spent around $700 CAD on applications without including the price of the GRE tests/books/etc and transcripts. So that's a nice little Christmas gift on my Mastercard statement.



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I'm thinking of proposing a reciprocal agreement with Visa: I'll name my first-born child after them if they forgive the $3500 of grad-school-application-related expenses I've charged. The bonus is that "Visa" can be a boy's name or a girl's name!

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Yeah, Rutgers does not mention that AT ALL in the FAQ and other application info pages on their website. I don't think it matters, though to be honest, I submitted on the 15th last year, found out I had to wait 24 hours, then found out that my transcripts had to be in hard copy (or maybe that was with UC Irvine??) I'm not sure. Either way: they should put that online somewhere in a visible section because it is not fair to say Dec. 15th deadline, then force everyone finishing on that date to be late. 

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Shout-out to all you applicants who applied to +7 schools. I just submitted my last application today (6 in total) and I feel like my brain has been squelched by a truck.




Haha this was me last year. I did 6 as well. I almost did 7, but I got my first acceptance before the due date for that last one  :P

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Apparently, Rutgers has a two-part application. You submit the basic application, then wait twenty-four hours, then submit the supplementary materials (writing sample). I have no idea how I missed this... but... I guess I'll miss the deadline, too. Eep.

WHAT REALLY? Ugh this was one of my top choice schools AND I had a fee waiver. Shoot.

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Yeah, Rutgers does not mention that AT ALL in the FAQ and other application info pages on their website. I don't think it matters, though to be honest, I submitted on the 15th last year, found out I had to wait 24 hours, then found out that my transcripts had to be in hard copy (or maybe that was with UC Irvine??) I'm not sure. Either way: they should put that online somewhere in a visible section because it is not fair to say Dec. 15th deadline, then force everyone finishing on that date to be late. 


Meh, I guess I'll submit my app now and see what happens. But maybe I wasn't meant to go to Rutgers then? This is really discouraging.

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Meh, I guess I'll submit my app now and see what happens. But maybe I wasn't meant to go to Rutgers then? This is really discouraging.


Breathe! It should be fine. Trust me -- you won't be the only one who submits on the 15th, thinking that's the end of it. In fact, I'm willing to bet that the majority of applicants do the same thing. Rutgers isn't going to turn away a chunk of applicants because of this unusual "day-after" policy. :)

Edited by Wyatt's Torch
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