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How do you feel about PBR?


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If you want something that will give you more bang for your buck, I'd go for an IPA.  Twice the ABV for the price, really.  But if you really hate IPA's (I don't hate them but they aren't my fave), think about the price for the quality.  A 6-er of crappy Bud isn't that much less (per bottle) than something decent like Sam Adams (lots of variety there and still pretty cheap) or Blue Moon (which I think is still overpriced but it is drinkable and probably enjoyable as a sweeter beer).  Leinie's (also owned by Miller) also has a summer Shandy you would probably like which is also rather affordable and they have a lot of reasonably priced and okay seasonals.


Also, if you really like sweet, why not try ciders?  My roommate swears off beer because she just doesn't like the taste (I don't get it AT ALL but she's also a Packers fan, le sigh, and I put up with her) and she goes for ciders.  You can get them at a variety of price points and they can be found everywhere right now.


ETA: Pears is spot on haha.  I didn't see his/her reply before I posted (I got distracted mid-post and came back to it).

Edited by overworkedta
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It's okay.  It's not a bad beer.  Not bad, not amazing.  Too honey-ish for my tastes but even a shandy is too "sweet" for my liking.  Everyone likes their own "type" of beer.


Even the "best" beer you could buy on the market is worthless if you don't like drinking it!


Case in point: Stone is supposed to be one of the best breweries on the market but I think their stuff is really hit or miss and is generally overpriced.  I say tihs as someone who regularly buys expensive beer.  Everyone likes different things.

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Guest Gnome Chomsky

I've been just doing my snake bites lately. Magner's Irish Cider topped with Guinness. Really, any cider topped with a stout or even a porter will do. I've been drinking a lot of Black Butte Porter here in Seattle. There's this little place where I'm staying that brews their own and has lots of local beers. Had the West Side IPA and the Hoppurtunity Knocks the other day. Pretty good stuff. But nothing beats a Bushmill's Honey on the rocks. I'm a liquor guy. Gimme scotch and water, rum and coke, gin and tonic, honey bourbon neat, or a nice Whiskey Sour. 

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I've been just doing my snake bites lately. Magner's Irish Cider topped with Guinness. Really, any cider topped with a stout or even a porter will do. I've been drinking a lot of Black Butte Porter here in Seattle. There's this little place where I'm staying that brews their own and has lots of local beers. Had the West Side IPA and the Hoppurtunity Knocks the other day. Pretty good stuff. But nothing beats a Bushmill's Honey on the rocks. I'm a liquor guy. Gimme scotch and water, rum and coke, gin and tonic, honey bourbon neat, or a nice Whiskey Sour. 


Mmm, bourbon & scotch. Also, it's funny that cider + Guinness = snakebite for you; I drank them regularly when I lived in Australia, & it was always cider with raspberry or some kind of current cordial/liqueur on top. I'd probably find them too sweet now, but that's how I came to love good, dry or dark ciders anyway.

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Guest Gnome Chomsky

Mmm, bourbon & scotch. Also, it's funny that cider + Guinness = snakebite for you; I drank them regularly when I lived in Australia, & it was always cider with raspberry or some kind of current cordial/liqueur on top. I'd probably find them too sweet now, but that's how I came to love good, dry or dark ciders anyway.

Well, I just started referring to them as snake bite because that's what they seem to call them since I got to Seattle a week ago. I used to just call them black velvets. I've ever heard them referred to as bruised apples.

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Have not.  We get Tallgrass here and they sponsor coed and women's cycling so I like to give them my money.  Buffalo Sweat is a good brew.  Will be on the lookout.  Thanks for the rec!


I have a couple four hands brews in STL that I'd never had before this weekend.  We are going back soon to a new Urban Chestnut that just opened near the BF's brother's place.  We also may be brewing with him soon.  So much beer.  So psyched!

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Oops, I forgot that the beer I had was Buffalo Sweat. I think it is an oatmeal cream stout, though.

I'm assuming you're a girl, and, if so, you've got to be the biggest chick beer lover I've ever come into contact with ha ha good for you. Most girls I know seem to only drink wine. I like them both, but beer was my first love ha

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I used 'chick' just to see if anyone would downvote it. You took the bait. Congratulations! It really amazes me that people find that word offensive. It's essentially the same as 'dude' (both are basically meaningless IMO). But I digress...

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I used 'chick' just to see if anyone would downvote it. You took the bait. Congratulations! It really amazes me that people find that word offensive. It's essentially the same as 'dude' (both are basically meaningless IMO). But I digress...


I have no problem with your word choice, & I'm sure I'm not alone in that. There's no need to mill around posting with an antagonistic "ooh, look, I'm doing the trolling!" attitude, either.


The issue, of course, is the assumption "[they]'ve got to be the biggest chick beer lover [you]'ve ever come into contact with." I find it very hard to believe that you have yet to encounter more than a few women who prefer to drink anything besides wine, &/or who have a strong working knowledge of all types of beer. Just like some dudes are all about wine or vodka, some chicks are all about beer or whiskey, & neither one is that unusual. Basically, gender doesn't articulate perfectly — or even very well at all, for that matter — with drinking choices.

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I have no problem with your word choice, & I'm sure I'm not alone in that. There's no need to mill around posting with an antagonistic "ooh, look, I'm doing the trolling!" attitude, either.

The issue, of course, is the assumption "[they]'ve got to be the biggest chick beer lover [you]'ve ever come into contact with." I find it very hard to believe that you have yet to encounter more than a few women who prefer to drink anything besides wine, &/or who have a strong working knowledge of all types of beer. Just like some dudes are all about wine or vodka, some chicks are all about beer or whiskey, & neither one is that unusual. Basically, gender doesn't articulate perfectly — or even very well at all, for that matter — with drinking choices.

Allow me to point out the striking irony of your post. You claim that I'm making 'assumptions' about MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, and then you proceed to make the opposing assumption about...MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

You also completely misread my post, twisted the meaning, and failed to account for the context of the other posts in this thread by OverworkedTA. I didn't say that no girls like beer. All I said was that most girls THAT I KNOW prefer wine to beer. I know several girls who prefer beer over wine, but they aren't nearly as obsessed with beer as OverworkedTA seems to be.

Although I mistakenly thought you disliked my post because of the use of chick, it turns out your reasoning was just as dumb. I think I can still make the point that maybe you should stop trying to find something offensive about everything.

Edited by FestivusMiracle
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Allow me to point out the striking irony of your post. You claim that I'm making 'assumptions' about MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, and then you proceed to make the opposing assumption about...MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

You also completely misread my post, twisted the meaning, and failed to account for the context of the other posts in this thread by OverworkedTA. I didn't say that no girls like beer. All I said was that most girls THAT I KNOW prefer wine to beer. I know several girls who prefer beer over wine, but they aren't nearly as obsessed with beer as OverworkedTA seems to be.

Although I mistakenly thought you disliked my post because of the use of chick, it turns out your reasoning was just as dumb. I think I can still make the point that maybe you should stop trying to find something offensive about everything.


As you are stating your own personal experience, I, too, am stating mine, as well as my interpretation (& apparently dstock's as well) of what you said. Regardless of whether my experiences or interpretations were correct, your follow-up post put me on the defensive, & I felt a need to explain my downvote. My apologies for the misinterpretation; as I'm sure you know, there is an extant, unfavorable stereotype of women who drink wine, as well as the assumption that all women are concerned with calories & carbohydrates to the degree it affects what they drink. I took your post to be an allusion to that, although you did not mention it explicitly, & that was my mistake. I see no need to fling around so many insulting words for that.

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As you are stating your own personal experience, I, too, am stating mine, as well as my interpretation (& apparently dstock's as well) of what you said. Regardless of whether my experiences or interpretations were correct, your follow-up post put me on the defensive, & I felt a need to explain my downvote. My apologies for the misinterpretation; as I'm sure you know, there is an extant, unfavorable stereotype of women who drink wine, as well as the assumption that all women are concerned with calories & carbohydrates to the degree it affects what they drink. I took your post to be an allusion to that, although you did not mention it explicitly, & that was my mistake. I see no need to fling around so many insulting words for that.

I fail to see how the stereotype that women tend to prefer wine is unfavorable. It's no different than the stereotype that men prefer beer over wine, usually. Obviously there are exceptions, and maybe the stereotypes aren't even that accurate, as you suggest (I think there is some truth to them, though). Regardless, there is nothing inherently negative about either stereotype, and the fact that you look down on people who barely hint at these stereotypes is pathetic IMO, and that's why I used harsh language to denounce your post. I'm not a fan of all the PC bullshit, if you couldn't tell.

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Buffalo Sweat is amazing. I have some friends that bring some back whenever they go home to Kansas. In fact, I should remind them to request some since they have friends coming to visit from Kansas in a week or so... Thanks for the reminder!

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Yup, that's Buffalo Sweat.  It's good stuff.  And yes I am a big beer lover and it doesn't offend me when people say "wow, you really like beer" - especially regarding stouts.  I do get offended when the BF orders a fruity shandy and I an imperial and they bring me the shandy, though.  Or, even worse when waitstaff at a very upscale place with craft brews galore determines I would much rather have a wheat beer and get offended when, no, I really did want the stout.  Blargh.  Stupid.


And wine IS my first love.  I made "my" first chardonnay when I was about 6 (with help from my Dad the vintner, of course) and there are still some impeccably stored bottles in the basement.  Brewing is a lot of the same and really fun.  When I think about my mom and I stomping grapes ourselves pre-crusher/stemmer for various batches and how we used to spend weekends upon weekends shopping for supplies and suppliers, though, I wax nostalgic.  It's fun to brew, though.  And easier, I think, just with the time and amount of equiptment needed for a start up.  Wine is way more time-consuming - especially with fresh grapes.

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Alright, reviving this topic due to March Madness and the weekend. Does anyone else hit up Trader Joe's and just buy random singles in the hopes that something will be affordable and good? I managed to buy some sort of dark double bock that only costs $1.17/bottle and had 9% alcohol. Strange tasting but the cost per ABV can't really be beat, can it? If I knew the name, I'd tell you all! Anyone else know of any weirdly good deals like that?

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Alright, reviving this topic due to March Madness and the weekend. Does anyone else hit up Trader Joe's and just buy random singles in the hopes that something will be affordable and good? I managed to buy some sort of dark double bock that only costs $1.17/bottle and had 9% alcohol. Strange tasting but the cost per ABV can't really be beat, can it? If I knew the name, I'd tell you all! Anyone else know of any weirdly good deals like that?


Ahh, I definitely used to buy by-the-bottle when I was living in CA/NV last summer! The one in Carson City was awesome. I tried the "Icky" Ichthyosaur IPA from Great Basin Brewing Co., which was semi-local & pretty tasty. Most of the names of the beers I tried there are escaping me now.. alas. At a TJ's at home in NYC, I also found Loose Cannon by Heavy Seas Brewing Co., a triple-hopped American IPA that's become one of my favorite beers.


Although it's not through TJ's, one of my favorite restaurants, Cascabel Taqueria, has a really solid beer menu. They're how I found out about Flower Power, an IPA from Ithaca Brewing Co., & Sweet Action, a cream ale from Six Point Brewing Co. Flower Power is another favorite of mine; not too hoppy, lots of subtle floral tastes going on without tasting like a hop nugget or a mouthful of deodorant.


Also, there are two other restaurants back home with amazing beer selections: Hospoda & B. Café, which are Czech & Belgian food places, respectively, that take serious pride in their beer lists (hyperlinked for your pleasure). Hospoda actually brews their own pilsners in 4 varieties: sweet, slice, creme, & neat. Not surprisingly, the Consulate General of the Czech Republic is a couple doors down.. fancy comfort food, I guess! Either way, the lists are pretty substantial, but they're a really great go-to guide for tasty beers.

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