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Fall 2015 Applicants

dr. t

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I don't think it's possible for a professor to know that this year's applicant pool is the worst "ever." Maybe I'm sensitive too. I don't want to think that I was accepted because I'm a little less shitty than the rest. And that's not the impression I got from my adviser, who told me her department has gotten more applicants than ever and is slowly decreasing the cohort size.

Honestly, when I read that a bunch of tenured profs were discussing how much better applicants were before, it reminded me of the nostalgic feelings people have when discussing the 1960s radicalism or WWII. I'm not saying that some programs might not have gotten a bunch of bad apples this year, but I find that attitude suspect when I look at sources in the archive or listen to oral histories, let alone when people today harken back to the "good ol' days" when people sucked less. There is no greatest generation y'all.

Edited by ashiepoo72
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Is it true that the application pool this year is smaller than usual? I didn't get that impression from the Professors who I chatted but haven't seen the statistics. They could just be saying that but I don't know or care in all honesty, I'm into a great program and that's what matters to me.

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much talk at the OAH this year about how for the first year, there was a big drop in the quality of graduate applications. Specifically said by Daniel Richter at Penn and agreed upon by others. I wonder why this is....just something I felt was worth sharing. Been a long time lurker.

Literally just when I thought I had my imposter syndrome under control...

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Is it true that the application pool this year is smaller than usual? I didn't get that impression from the Professors who I chatted but haven't seen the statistics. They could just be saying that but I don't know or care in all honesty, I'm into a great program and that's what matters to me.

I have no actual sense, hence heresay :P . Honestly it's probably the amount of credence that you could give the post that started this um... interesting conversation, so to speak.

If it makes anyone feel better, I've traditionally been the "lowest" or "weakest" applicant to get whatever was available: fellowships, schools, scholarships for undergrad, research positions and so on. In my years of experience, it's less about where or how you're perceived at the start of the game, and more about where you finish at the end of it. I have confidence in y'all to be ballers wherever you are or end up.

Edited by mvlchicago
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I'm not sure why people are taking the weak cohort comments so personally... I'm sure that, although the average quality of applicants stays the same over time, or changes very slowly, fluctuations between years happen and some cohorts are less competitive than others.


I understand that some people are interpreting these comments as an indirect slight on their own academic profiles, but, honestly... there are extremely few people whose applications are stellar all around. For the vast majority of us, grad school admission is a matter of balancing out the negatives, attractive packaging, and fulfilling a departmental need. I suppose I'm kind of surprised that, in light of that fact, people are so sensitive to the suggestion their applications may have had weaknesses.


Personally, I selfishly hope next year's cohort is even weaker.

Edited by L13
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That's exactly why I'm taking this a little personally, although I know that I was a damn strong applicant and I'm confident in my abilities. What good does it do for each new cohort to be perceived as lesser by the people who came before? That attitude is not conducive to a collegial department in my opinion. I hope each new cohort is strong so our discussions are high level and I can learn from them, as much as I hope I can contribute to their doctoral career in some way.

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I don't care about his comments. First, he doesn't know my field at all (Latin American History). Secondly, I got admitted to a top 5 program the last time I applied (in the midst of the financial crisis). So, I will return to my state of bliss.

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Historians have strong opinions...who would've thought?

On another note, I'm pretty excited to go look at apartments around Davis this Wednesday. After the nuts and bolts stuff, I'm planning on spending the day at the library, doing hw and generally geeking out.

How is everyone else's moving prep going?

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Historians have strong opinions...who would've thought?

On another note, I'm pretty excited to go look at apartments around Davis this Wednesday. After the nuts and bolts stuff, I'm planning on spending the day at the library, doing hw and generally geeking out.

How is everyone else's moving prep going?


Applying for my visa next month, haven't even looked at accommodation yet. Is that bad?

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Don't worry! I'm starting this early because I have to move earlier on account of my daughter starting school over a month before I do.


I mean, I'm looking for August 1, but all the listings are for June! Mildly frustrating.

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Telkanuru (quote not working) - Moving out of the Boston area is the worst. You get used to everyone signing a lease 3-4 months in advance, but the rest of the world moves much slower. When I moved to Miami, management companies kept saying things like "call me two weeks before" or "let me know when you're down here." It was super frustrating.

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Hey all,


I am sorry for disappearing for a while. I've been catching up on all the stuff I should have done while anxiously awaiting all of my application results.  Sounds like I missed some drama while I was gone.


I just signed a contract to teach a course on Environmental History and Justice in the fall, and will probably also pick up a couple of Introduction to Historical Studies courses as well.

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Hey all,


I am sorry for disappearing for a while. I've been catching up on all the stuff I should have done while anxiously awaiting all of my application results.  Sounds like I missed some drama while I was gone.


I just signed a contract to teach a course on Environmental History and Justice in the fall, and will probably also pick up a couple of Introduction to Historical Studies courses as well.


That's a great opportunity! Hopefully catch you in person at a conference sometime next year. 

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Historians have strong opinions...who would've thought?

On another note, I'm pretty excited to go look at apartments around Davis this Wednesday. After the nuts and bolts stuff, I'm planning on spending the day at the library, doing hw and generally geeking out.

How is everyone else's moving prep going?


We had a yard sale on Sunday to get some of the excess stuff under the control.  We are donating a lot of things this week and then we'll hopefully list our house. The selling of the house is what's stressing me out!

My husband had a very promising job interview today for a position in NYC, so fingers crossed!

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That's exciting Chiqui! I can't imagine how stressful selling your home is. I'm pretty lucky to be staying with family, so all I need to do is pick up and move. Fingers crossed your husband gets the job! Keep us posted :) and cross your fingers that I find an apartment tomorrow, too! Even if I don't, I'm looking forward to visiting campus. I haven't had much of a chance to check it out.

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Historians have strong opinions...who would've thought?

On another note, I'm pretty excited to go look at apartments around Davis this Wednesday. After the nuts and bolts stuff, I'm planning on spending the day at the library, doing hw and generally geeking out.

How is everyone else's moving prep going?


I'm moving in early September. Seems so far away but really it's right around the corner!

Edited by HistoryMystery
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