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UNC-Chapel Hill


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Hi everyone,


Does anyone know what the admittance situation at UNC-Chapel Hill is for the PhD? I saw on the Results board that someone was accepted almost a month ago, but no other acceptances or rejections! I'm in that "If I check my email 100 times a day, maybe I'll hear back sooner!" stage, which I'm pretty sure is bad for my sanity. Haha.

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Hi everyone,


Does anyone know what the admittance situation at UNC-Chapel Hill is for the PhD? I saw on the Results board that someone was accepted almost a month ago, but no other acceptances or rejections! I'm in that "If I check my email 100 times a day, maybe I'll hear back sooner!" stage, which I'm pretty sure is bad for my sanity. Haha.


I don't have any inside knowledge but my rejection from UNC-CH was a long time coming last year. I just checked my email archive and I see I got my notification on April 11. While I'm not sure, I don't believe I was waitlisted as I got no official notification.

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Thanks for the tip! Although now I feel like an idiot- after I searched "UNC Chapel Hill history" instead of "University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill history", many more results came up. Kind of depressing in a way- now I see that they sent out a batch of acceptances a few weeks back. Best case scenario: Maybe I've been wait listed. Sad day. 

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As I can in no way speak for anyone else's but my own experience, take the following accordingly. I received official notification of acceptance (details, funding offer, etc.) from the department on February 21 this year. That said, it was not until March 6 that I received a second notification informing me that the admissions decision was available through the online application log-in. In addition to this, I also received a letter via USPS which was identical to that e-mailed on February 21 (dated the same). Having been invited to the Prospective Graduate Student Weekend next week, I intend to attend. I have no data whatsoever as to the waitlisting process, whether or not rejections have been sent out, etc. Nor can I say with any degree of accuracy whether or not the process this year was anything similar to that of last or previous years. I know how trying the wait can be though, so I hope things are solidified on your end soon and wish you the best of luck!

Edited by hardtack&coffee
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I'm also waiting to hear back from them, so you're not alone, cantthinkofagoodusername. I emailed them about a week ago asking if there had been any update on my decision, and I haven't heard anything back. I hope you at least get a waitlist spot, and good luck!

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Thanks for starting this post, as I've been wondering the exact same thing about Chapel Hill - I haven't heard peep from them either way, and I was starting to think I was the only one! Maybe they just don't believe in wait list notifications ...

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For what it's worth, my advisor did a postdoc there and he said they were pretty hectic in getting back to him about it. I'm kind of disappointed considering the app fee was $85 and they can't even let us know, but oh well. I don't see it being a good thing for me, as I was right at the deadline turning my app in. Oh well, have an offer from another school and still waiting on three others. Good luck to everyone and I hope you get some good news!

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I am watching this thread with interest. I will be applying for the 2015 school year at UNC. They are going to fly me down to visit the graduate school this fall.

How did you manage that ? Just curious lol

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How did you manage that ? Just curious lol

I am part Choctaw, and from southern OK, and was working on a writing project about the Trail of Tears, when I ran across a book.  I was curious, so I googled the author's name and discovered that she, too, is Choctaw, from OK, and just happened to teach at UNC.  I found her email, sent her a message introducing myself and she ended up having Theda Perdue (UNC historian) help me with some research for the project.  We have been emailing for two years now, and she is the one who made it happen.

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I am part Choctaw, and from southern OK, and was working on a writing project about the Trail of Tears, when I ran across a book. I was curious, so I googled the author's name and discovered that she, too, is Choctaw, from OK, and just happened to teach at UNC. I found her email, sent her a message introducing myself and she ended up having Theda Perdue (UNC historian) help me with some research for the project. We have been emailing for two years now, and she is the one who made it happen.

Aww that's so good :) I hope things work well for you ! Well I will be here for fall 15 as well. Welcome !

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Finally, finally got my expected rejection from Chapel Hill today. I think it was rather thoughtless of them to wait so long to inform us about rejections, since they informed admits an entire month ago that they had been accepted. Maybe they had some sort of invisible wait list, but it still smacks of bad planning. Anybody else have a similar experience with them? I hope they've finally finished notifying everybody.

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You may want to revise your expectations a bit--it will make for a much less frustrating journey through this profession.


Spot on, Dr. Plum! UNC gets over 500 applications per year for fewer than 20 spots. Just chill, folks.  

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Hello all,

Im a current PhD student at UNC, so maybe I can offer a little insight to you all. From what I've heard, there is no formal waitlist this year, so if many have been rejected, but you've heard nothing, then you're definitely on a short list for your field but won't be notified (so I believe). We had prospective weekend a week or two ago, and are waiting for reaponses to the 20 or so offers that were made.

FYI, whenever a student within a particular field turns down an offer the funding associated with them goes back to a general pool and the faculty assesses who, from all fields, should get that returned offer. So, if they made 5 offers to Americanists, and they all said no, those five offers could, theoretically, end up all going to military historians if the next 5 best candidates happen to be military.

Good luck to all!

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Thanks for your input, everyone. You are right- sometimes it's easy to forget that colleges don't intend to string students along, and obviously a place like Chapel Hill would get applications from many, many qualified applicants. I'll try to breathe deep and think happy thoughts the next time I apply. I was rejected this time around, but I'm going to try, try again in a couple years. Good luck to everyone else! 

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@Veilside79, thanks fork your input into the process. I was not too upset to be rejected by Chapel Hill - I had been expecting it for a while and had plenty of time to come to terms with it - but it's nice to know some of the the reasoning behind their mysterious notification system. At the end of the day, efforts to get at the "why" of the admissions/rejections timeline are probably a waste of time anyway ;)

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Congratulations on Berkeley, maelia8! Having been a quiet skulker on the forums here throughout the process, I'll admit I was rooting for you and the others from the beginning, and am pleased to see that the outcome has been bright in almost all cases.

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@hardtack&coffee thanks so much! Every time that I see someone else has been admitted to their dream history program, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling all over ;) I'm so glad that so many of us are going to have our dreams fulfilled.

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