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Getting ready for Fall 2014


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It's still weird for me to say it out loud that I'm going back to school..I'm still getting used to that

I won't be able to register for classes until the week before they begin, but I have a lot to do. I have "entrance exams" to see if I need to take some remedial classes,so I have to brush up on some topics I haven't studied in 4 years!

I'm also kind of freaking out about where to live....I'm familiar with the area ill be moving to as I did my undergrad there, but I want a completely different experience doing graduate work. I also have to make sure my two cats/my boyfriend are compatible with what I want!

I'm also thinking of getting a new laptop...I bout an iMac last year and love it, but think that having a laptop would be great for more mobile studying. I want a MacBook Air but have to figure out the money/if it would really be worth it.

Good luck to all as we prepare for this next big step! Only so many months to go....

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I just checked my status, and they finally received my transcripts with my bachelor degree posted, so I am officially a classified student.  So weird....  They have the fall schedule up, but I am not registering until June...  At least I know what days my classes will be.  I am a little nervous...  I'm nearly 40 years old, and I have been in school for a long time.  But I am worried that this will break me with the workload.  Hopefully it will not because I really want this. 


Luckily, it's just myself and my husband.  My son is grown and focused in his own career.  I am currently unemployed but I am working on that part.  I have been interning and I love it. 


Is anyone here in Northern California?

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Those of you buying books and planning on reading them, why would you do that? You have years ahead of you where that is all you will do. Enjoy this last bit of freedom.

I'm not buying books, but I am reading published papers so I can actually make the most of my first rotation. Besides, I'm a working adult, getting paid to study what I enjoy is freedom. School is not servitude, it is an opportunity to grow and I dislike the idea that you can't be "free" while in school.
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I'm not buying books, but I am reading published papers so I can actually make the most of my first rotation. Besides, I'm a working adult, getting paid to study what I enjoy is freedom. School is not servitude, it is an opportunity to grow and I dislike the idea that you can't be "free" while in school.


I worked for years before going back to school. It's not at all the same. People burn out very quickly in graduate school. I've had jobs where I spent 60 hours of week working. I worked 40 hours a week while taking 15 credit hours as an undergrad. None of that compares or has prepared me for the amount of work I've done since starting my PhD. It's exhausting. I'm not saying it's not doable, or that you're going to burn out, or that I would trade it for something else. I just don't personally recommend starting a bunch of academic reading this summer and its generally advised not to. People say that for a reason. We see often on here people complaining about how stressful application season is. Application season is nothing.

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I did buy a couple of books to prep for grad school.  I've been out of school for 5 years now and I think it's helpful to begin reading some scholarly material, at least leisurely, to get mentally prepared for becoming a student again.


I've also started my housing/roommate search, requested that my undergraduate health records be transferred to my new school (they require proof of vaccinations), and gathered some materials to review for taking the driver's license test in my new state (a requirement for establishing residency, which is a requirement for the program).  Lots of little things to take care of, so I figured I'd better start now!

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I can't register until June, but right now I am just trying to start planning for the move into my new apartment come August. Thankfully I'm not moving far, just to the other side of the city. I have been looking at furniture and figuring out what I need and don't need and starting to plan things.

I'm also trying to figure out what to do about orientation. It looks like my orientation week is the same time as both my final for EMT certification (Monday night) and an event I am running security for in another city (Thursday and Friday). I was originally under the impression that my orientation would be the next week (thus avoiding all of this) but life happens. So yeah, right now I'm just doing lots of planning for my first week.

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For those moving far, what are you doing about furniture? I got rid of everything with my last move so as far as big things all I will be taking is my TV. I plan to get new bedroom furniture and everything else when I'm there. I want it to be there as soon as possible after I move in though, so how does one go about that? I was originally planning to just pick out what I want from IKEA online and order it so that it gets there when I move in, but turns out their shipping rates are insanely expensive.. like, more than the actual items. I'd like to have a bed to sleep on when I get to my new place or at least within a few days. 


I'm moving from PA to KS and I'm planning on getting at least my bigger furniture items online and shipped to my new place. I wouldn't mind sleeping in a sleeping bag one or two nights but after that...

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 I actually received the TB vaccine as a baby because I was born in South America when it was still mandatory. I can't take the TB test because it will show up positive due to the antibodies. The medical form I have to submit has a section for entering in your TB test results, which have to be entered in the form of date and mm and it says NO EXCEPTIONS! I'm just going to attach my immunization record and hope that works....


There are new tests that accommodate people who have had the vaccination or have had a prior infection. This coming from my mom who had TB 20 years ago and still shows up positive on the old standard tests.

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I just got accepted a few days ago, so I'm still figuring things out class-wise. The one thing I'm prepping up for is the big move: from the northeast to southern Alabama. I'm not planning on taking any big items. I'll furnish my room while I'm there. I'm also planning on arriving a few weeks earlier to get settled in just right. 

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