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MFA 2015 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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Just got an acceptance from SAIC! They said they would be sending a follow up email with financial aid and the like.

For performance or photography? Geez they're really making some moves today... Could you tell us if the follow-up email contains information about if you've been chosen for merit scholarships (whenever you find out)? I'm curious about when they put that information out!

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Performance, still waiting to hear from photo. And they said all of that information would be included in the email which is coming next week. :)

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Based on previous year's results:

Go to webadvisor.cca.edu

Username: "cca" + "ID number"

Password: mmddyy of your birthday

Go to Prospective Students >> Admission Status

Thanks so much! I was admitted!

Edited by mccathabee
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I was doing really well as far as curbing my nerves for saic up till tonight...Eeeek, tomorrow will probably be even worse!

dude are you kidding?? your portfolio (saw the website) is fucking killer.

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One of my interviewers was like "but you don't paint..ever" (obviously paraphrasing haha)

hahaha Jesus. one of mine asked me why I do such arcane techniques (woodblock) if we 'live in a digital age'. that question made me scowl.

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Yea it was posed more like a question, a question I had anticipated considering I'm applying to painting programs and don't paint, haha, but it still threw me and made me a lil nervous.

Wow at the "digital age" thing. I actually prepared for a question like that but I don't know how I would have responded to that in person, haha, seems kinda confrontational.

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broke down and called Rutgers. asked when I could expect a decision for MFA painting, she said 'some have gone out and the rest are rolling out so pretty soon. that's as much as i can tell you' 

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broke down and called Rutgers. asked when I could expect a decision for MFA painting, she said 'some have gone out and the rest are rolling out so pretty soon. that's as much as i can tell you' 

Well that's nerve racking! Did they tell you how we'll find out--seems like they're into snail mail? 

Edited by osheila
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Okay guys, here's some news: just called VCU sculpture and they're still putting out requests for sculpture interviews and they will continue putting them out until the end of next week.

:) I'm tentatively hopeful :)

Edited by Leahdog
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