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When did you hear from UH? I saw your name on the list of the other applicants from that school. Also heard from another credible source who was accepted without funding, so I don't see why they would waitlist you. 

Are you sure they were accepted without funding? Is it possible funding hasn't been decided yet?

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Is it possible to get into a grad school without contacting a potential advisor? I got accepted by one and was assigned to a pretty accomplished advisor. Curious if that has happened to anyone else?  

Ummm I think you answered your own question.

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I wouldn't spend s dime on grad school my advisor said that it isn't worth it. Luckily I got a TA position at UNL but if that didn't happen I would've applied for jobs and differed my acceptance until funding became available. This was an option I had that my advisor presented to me.

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Are you sure they were accepted without funding? Is it possible funding hasn't been decided yet?

According to him, his POI said that he could receive funding potentially his second year, but not his first.

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Dealing with the 2 person problem, i can't really wait much longer for OkState to get their stuff together. I'm thinking at this point, it has to be a rejection. I emailed the grad coordinator, with no response. I guess I could call?

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My policy is: always call if you can. You are much more likely to receive a response by calling.

Totally agree! I would make sure you know WHO to call first as pestering the wrong person won't help your case.

Most grad coordinators or department secretaries I have contacted have been extremely helpful!

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Just got my official notice from UCLA that they have no funding for me.


Snippets from the email:


"Should funding become available, after April 15, 2013, we will contact you.


We understand that you may have received offers of admissions (and financial support) from other universities.  If you plan or have accepted their offers please let me know and we will no longer consider you.

...We would like the opportunity to assist you in your academic career and hope that you will become part of our department."


A few things: a) I was sent a generic email which has not been updated in two years (seriously?); b.) I officially declined the offer a couple weeks ago; c) they tell me they hope I will become a part of their department, but don't want me badly enough for funding. Haha, what? 


Further, I emailed them immediately after notice of acceptance regarding funding (so, late January, I think?), and heard nothing back until now. They could have at least said they were trying to work it out, or something, in the meantime. Instead, I get this. Weeks later. 


It's so clear how much they really did not want me. Why even bother accepting me, and putting me through that emotional roller coaster?


Anyways, it felt so good to email them back saying I already accepted an awesome offer from UC Davis! 


edit: changed B) to b.), stupid emoticon!

Edited by bethileptic
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Just got my official notice from UCLA that they have no funding for me.

Snippets from the email:

"Should funding become available, after April 15, 2013, we will contact you.

We understand that you may have received offers of admissions (and financial support) from other universities. If you plan or have accepted their offers please let me know and we will no longer consider you.

...We would like the opportunity to assist you in your academic career and hope that you will become part of our department."

A few things: a) I was sent a generic email which has not been updated in two years (seriously?); b.) I officially declined the offer a couple weeks ago; c) they tell me they hope I will become a part of their department, but don't want me badly enough for funding. Haha, what?

Further, I emailed them immediately after notice of acceptance regarding funding (so, late January, I think?), and heard nothing back until now. They could have at least said they were trying to work it out, or something, in the meantime. Instead, I get this. Weeks later.

It's so clear how much they really did not want me. Why even bother accepting me, and putting me through that emotional roller coaster?

Anyways, it felt so good to email them back saying I already accepted an awesome offer from UC Davis!

edit: changed B) to b.), stupid emoticon!

Truth is, most professors care very little about their graduate students. They are more interested in their own research.

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Truth is, most professors care very little about their graduate students. They are more interested in their own research.


This wasn't even a professor -- this was the department! My POI there was actually very kind and on top of keeping me in the loop as best he could.


Anyway, it's fine. I am way too excited about UCD to care about all this. I just had a good laugh getting that email today. 

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I've met professors who care about grad students only because it benefits them (i.e. they see graduate students as research machines so they care about us just enough to keep the machines going). But the majority of my experience has been professors that care about graduate students because they see themselves not just as a researcher but also as a mentor and they consider graduate student training to be just as important to their job as winning grants, writing papers etc.

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That hasn't been my experience, since graduate students ARE the ones carrying out their research. 


Great to hear :) All the professors in my prospective (New? Upcoming? Future?) department are very sweet people who really seem to care. One (not even my prospective advisor) has even offered to pass out my boyfriend's resume to try to help me with my two-body problem. So nice!

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I've met professors who care about grad students only because it benefits them (i.e. they see graduate students as research machines so they care about us just enough to keep the machines going). But the majority of my experience has been professors that care about graduate students because they see themselves not just as a researcher but also as a mentor and they consider graduate student training to be just as important to their job as winning grants, writing papers etc.


That's the sense I tend to get as well. I have gotten so much positivity and support from my new department at UCD, I can't help but think they really feel personally responsible for me. I know there is a factor of trying to get/retain me playing into my experience so far... but they have been so overwhelmingly kind and helpful. 

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My policy is: always call if you can. You are much more likely to receive a response by calling.


I just saw your signature.  Congrats on the NSF GRFP!!!

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I just spoke with my POI he told me ALL funding is being rescinded. He emphasized ALL. Does that mean all their school's funding? Or all funding for grad students in general? Also Stanford just called me they said they found my cover letter floating around online (thanks Monster.com!) and they said they would really like me to come to Palo Alto but they can only offer me 50k a year for 9month appointment plus my own office? Should I go? I don't know I m so confused...!...please help!


Also does anyone know if Stanford does geology stuff?

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they said they would really like me to come to Palo Alto but they can only offer me 50k a year for 9month appointment plus my own office? Should I go? I don't know I m so confused...!...please help!


Also does anyone know if Stanford does geology stuff?



What kind of appointment is this?


also: https://earth.stanford.edu/

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Hmmm so they do Earth Science stuff but not true geology hmm... a grad school appointment...i dont know guys I m SOOOO... confused is this a good offer??


Stanford is a bad choice for geology.  I'd reject that offer immediately and apply late to a 3rd tier school.

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Stanford is a bad choice for geology.  I'd reject that offer immediately and apply late to a 3rd tier school.

Thanks mkd17!

I was going to sit on it for a week or two but I will just email them back "no way Jose!" (the name isn't really Jose but you know what I mean)...Does anyone know if UC Boulder or Scripps accept late applications?


Also is it rude to send an email to people at a school you want to contact? I want to talk to a possible POI at UC Boulder but I m afraid emailing them will come off as "pushy" and "desperate" ...should I just assume they will know how great I am and come to me?

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