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Communication/Media Studies Ph.D Fall 2015--Apps, Decisions, and Waiting...

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I just was offered admission to the University of Maryland's PhD program in communication with a full Assistantship. Pinch me, I'm dreaming. Waiting for all the others is much easier now knowing I'm going somewhere no matter what.


Congratulations! Ah! Must feel sooooo good!

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Congrats!  When is it?


We scheduled it for next Friday. It's a Skype interview, which I have never used before lol


YAY autumn!



Edited by autumn
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I got an official letter in the mail from one of my schools today... it was a confirmation they received my application. 


I appreciate the school being communicative but really not the time to be sending out letterhead for funsies. 

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I got an official letter in the mail from one of my schools today... it was a confirmation they received my application.

I appreciate the school being communicative but really not the time to be sending out letterhead for funsies.

Ha, maybe the admin has a dark sense of humor. Even worse if it begins "Dear X, we are delighted to accept your application..."

Congrats on your interview by the way!

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Ha, maybe the admin has a dark sense of humor. Even worse if it begins "Dear X, we are delighted to accept your application..."

Congrats on your interview by the way!

That's the only explanation haha

Thank you!

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I submitted my last application!!!! Yay! It feels so good!

I don't know how you people with 20 applications did it! Kudos to you!

Me too! I'm so glad that's over. The waiting has officially begun!

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How's everyone doing? The thread has died down a little this week.


Do any of you have teaching experience? If so, what have you taught? If not, what would you like to teach?

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I taught public speaking, argumentation & debate, and "business and professional communication" as part of my TA gig during my master's. Public speaking is usually pretty boring to teach, imo, but can be fun.


It's very reassuring to see that nobody else has gotten decisions back! :D

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I've TA'd for intro film classes (world cinema, documentary, film analysis [online TA]) and have created and taught three film electives -- two of which were online courses, one was taught during the semester in a traditional classroom setting. Safe to say I have a decent amount of experience -- learning how to construct a syllabus is pretty invaluable.

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Nice! I'd love to TA for a film class someday. I had some great film classes during my undergrad.


I TA'd for a Race, Gender, Class, and Media course and I've taught sections of technical writing (online and traditional). I've also been invited to guest lecture a few times (Class on TV, Infographics, etc.).

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I don't have official TA experience, but I worked with my PI to set up an online course, which included constructing the syllabus and writing/designing instructional course materials and content. Not sure how much that counts. I've conducted trainings in professional settings, but that's only a line on my CV.

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